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Everything posted by halc

  1. The deadline for refined wip's has been set to MARCH 31st. Please have something ready by or before this date Artists/web designers - contact me to get involved uh other than that NICE WORK, GUYS :nicework:
  2. fastest project ever? and who's mr. secret guy
  3. 500 views i am winnar


  5. omg dave wise

  6. loved your recent kirby mix the production on this is tight. slap bass is a little unrealistic, but it sounds amazing in context. really solid stuff
  7. well, nothing in this track stands out, but it's certainly not terrible. what's there is balanced fairly well, and there are some cool effects going on at times. without going into heavy detail, some of my main concerns: -too much repetition, very little variation -there's no bass (or low frequencies whatsoever) -drums could be mixed a little louder (also see: too much repetition) -instrumentation is bland and unexpressive -interpretation of source melody is too similar imo is it worth pursuing? from an ocr standpoint, this has a lonnnng way to go. my honest recommendation would be to start something new, maybe try a couple of different source tunes. trying to force more inspiration into this will probably end up being more trouble than it's worth. try some new things and keep practicing - you will only improve. hope this is of help to you
  8. i will keep that in mind :)

  9. not a lot of variation in the arrangement, and quite a bit of direct repetition. don't be afraid to include some more original writing in your remixes. drum patterns sound mechanical and have some odd rhythms that take the waltzy feel away from the tune. sequencing is a bit stiff and the samples could still use quite a bit of work in the realism department. not a bad effort, keep practicing and your craft will improve
  10. my only compaint is that this wip is only 40 seconds long i think it sounds great. felt like i was waiting for a drum set to fall in and create some groove the whole time, so it'll be interesting so see how the pans out since you plan on doing it sans-percussion. i actually think it'd be cool to hear it break out into an ensemble with the piano lead you mentioned as well as bass and drum tracks, and maybe some nice strings. anyway, i think the way i picture this track turning out is quite different than what you might be going for, and it'll be cool to hear what direction you take it in.
  11. the crowd sample sounds are goofy and don't sound natural at all, don't really think those are necessary could use some more variation in instrumentation and groove, especially by time the overworld theme kicks in. I agree that there should be a build up into the first clapping section, and maybe break into a climax, instead of breaking it down and losing the energy you just built up. i enjoyed the trippy nuances in the ending. can't really comment on production as i'm on questionable speakers at the moment, but everything sounded pretty nice. that main hi-hat that plays on each beat might be a tad on the loud side. cool arrangment and style, and i love the source tune. this one could definitely make the front page, but it's not quite there yet. keep it up!
  12. This is probably my favorite of zircon's remixes. Love the bitcrushed drums and the 'assembly line' feel at 1:55. The melodic interpretations are freakin' awesome. I think the fade-out ending is WEAK, but that's easy to overlook considering how amazing the other 99% of this mix is. Awesome track, and a late congratulations on the whole contest thing
  13. Great job blending these two sources - this was one of my old favorites back in the day. A lot of the samples haven't aged too well (that slap bass is killin' me), but this is still a well-sequenced mashup of two great source tunes.
  14. A song of epic proportions. Not a whole lot to say - every mixer's contribution here is ace. I especially love the chiptune intro <3
  15. This one seems to come up fairly often when I listen to OCR's on shuffle. Plenty of signature BGC synths and drum processing - always an enjoyable listen
  16. This is good stuff - I enjoyed your 'Basilisk Run' mix, so I was definitely inclined to check this out. Very organic sound, despite being sequenced. Submit this!
  17. Yeah, this one is gimmicky... I can appreciate the use of homemade and self-recorded samples (I would sooo use those beer bottle samples, if I could get 'em ), and the production quality is high, but the arrangment falls way short of the standards imo. When this was first posted I was expecting an orchestra of blown bottle sounds, but was left with but a single moving line and a few interesting percussive ideas throughout. Underwhelming, but a fun listen regardless.
  18. Adhesive_Boy, where did you go? The world needs more amazing remixes from you. This song is nostalgia overload - one of the most well-realized DKC mixes on the site imo. I think the hi-passed strings at 2:40 might be mixed slightly too high, but in no way does it hurt the track. Superb production and arrangment ideas make for a moody, nostalgic, and oh-so-subtly haunting listen.
  19. Great percussive ideas - gives a little drive and variation to an otherwise chilled-out and fairly minimalistic mix. Beautiful soundscape; this is a track I could simply float away to. Nice work
  20. I don't know what all the random monologues and television samples have to do with the source tune, but they're used tastefully and effectively. Fantastic drum programming. Very moody arrangement; especially enjoyable on a rainy day
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