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Level 99

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Status Updates posted by Level 99


    Teach me the ways of OHC, Mr. OCRE. Teach me how to make catchy less-than-a-minute tracks!

  2. Happy Nice Birthday!

  3. Oh yes...we will rock out some mixes. ROCK!

  4. Oh! Hello there! I seem to remember you from somewhere but I can't remember where...do you, perchance, play guitar? :-P

  5. pixie! I was just talking to LuiZa today! We were reminiscing about our jamming at M4, when you, me her, Darangen, and Taucer were all just rocking out. Good times, good times.

  6. Ooooooooooooooooo.....a.

    I have some questions about Logic, Compression, "dampening", frequency modulation, and that firewire reocrding thing you mentioned when we talk tonight. Just writing that here in case I forget because you know my memory glitches when we talk: I always call having something important to say but the moment you pick up I forget it.

  7. Okay, so you are at the breaking point where, according to my count, if you take on one more project, you wont be able to count the projects on just one of your hands. Think you got enough on your plate, Mr. Bahamut? Also, please enjoy one crappy beer for me this weekend at the BBQ. I'll be there in spirit.

  8. Hai. You're a busy man. Hope you enjoyed the summer sun a little and got some color on that glinting head of yours.

  9. Thanks for the bday visitor message. And ironically, I guess kinda do look like the doom guy a little in real life. I know my eyebrows do that thing he does.

  10. You should remind me to do TF2 one of these days, so that I have even less free time. :-)

  11. Yes, indeed. When you get older, all you are is exhausted and working, sleeping, or cleaning. It's a cold-hard fact they don't teach you in school because if they did the child-suicide rate would skyrocket.

    More work on pokemans this week, I'm hoping!

  12. YOU!!! I am the one that keeps touching your eggs.

  13. Dj Mokram, he's our man, if he can't do it, no one...will.

  14. Yeah, that inbox present made my morning AND my day! Thanks to both of you many many times, cause seriously don't know how happy it made me.

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUDDY! Enjoy this day, and I hope it's epic.

  16. you scare me in IRC sometimes, just saying. It's a good scare though, keeps me expecting the unexpected.

  17. My pleasure, it was really fun.

  18. Oh, and I should have some updates on the Pokemon stuff this week, both tracks. I'm finally able to play competently again, and I may do some nifty experimentation with the rhythms of the title track. Have you made any progress with that one?

  19. Honestly I don't know why I don't visit, but someone told me your country smells funny.

    Before you throw that accent at me, realize I was kidding and will appologize to the Queen immediately.

  20. GET A JOB!

    ....so you can get money and come to the states and hang out with all of us. You too, Willrock!

    Crazy brits.

  21. You = The Man. The Coop. The coop des gras...I'm on to you, frenchie.

    Thanks for the sig gif, I owe you a six-pack of new pepsi.

  22. I thought that I saw something incorrect. In your event post for the FF4 live radio show, you have the dates wrong: this friday is July 31st, and Saturday is August 1st. You should probably clear up whether you meant Friday and Saturday, or Saturday and sunday :)

  23. Dude...stop...stealing my birthday. srsly. This means I'm seven years older than you, and that's kind of freaking me out. FREAK OUT!

  24. Bahaha sorry Meteo Xavier, but this is an iconic example of how funny the internet can be. Good luck in your quest to discover the true nature of the trifo-I mean, of Slut.

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