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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Hmm might have been the griefer coming back. I'll have to check this evening. We can check the latest backup as well and see what we can get back if it HAS changed since then.
  2. I have an updated version of splash hop for you. Luiza went back and redid a bunch of stuff.
  3. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2010-12-08-condom-campaign-parodies-mario-mega-man
  4. Not THAT bad. It's a negative move with a lot of negative fan response because of how many people were involved in it in some capacity, plus some fairweather nostalgia-folks like bitching about these things too. It's not the end of the world and Capcom, as a game publisher, is still pretty good. Inticreates is still around, which makes me happy :3
  5. Lol your lead guitar is slightly out of tune. Sorry, language barrier sucks.
  6. The piano sample you currently have is, albeit a bit plain, definitely adequate and the processing you have on it is quite appropriate. It fits for sure. If you're interested in trying out one of the piano's I've been keeping an eye on lately and am hoping to try out myself shortly, check out the linux sampler's free Maestro Concert Grand 2 http://www.linuxsampler.org/instruments.html I guess the drawback is it isn't SF2 and requires its own program to run, but hey, I figured I'd mention it anyway. The second half of the song definitely is where the great stuff is. It is mixed very well and has superb production values, and I'm really digging the arrangement. I have to give it a few more listens to check source usage (unless you're able to post a source breakdown), but from what I'm hearing it sounds like it is definitely up to OCR's standards. This is basically sub-ready, or very nearly sub-ready. Nice stuff!
  7. If you're planning on making any other revisions, go for it and I'll be happy to listen to the update. Based on your breakdown, it looks like it would be okay to fly. Long original sections only have issues if the other source usage is fairly obscure, but as you've indicated, most of yours is quite overt.
  8. I would also say that you should tighten up the leads a bit more to give this the most solid chance of passing you can - for the lead, the strings sound slightly out of tune and offtimed at timed. Glad Emunator was able to help, and I don't think he was being too harsh: he was just giving his frank perspective.
  9. As it is this is definitely pretty solid. Punchy guitars, and a great layering of synths and whatnot. Two things would seal the deal and make this ready for subbing: 1) go tighten those lead guitars so they are TIMED AS TIGHTLY AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. When you mix electronic genres with live instruments, they pretty much need to be as close to perfect as possible, otherwise the performance feels doubly clunky and sloppy in comparison to the super tight quantized instruments. 2) work on the transitions between and within sections a bit. Add some subtlety and motion to them so that they feel fluid and natural. A rising pad here, a backing arp there, some drum fills here, etc. etc. Really that is what is going to put the final flavor on what is already something quite solid. Get back with some revisions and we'll see if it is ready to sub.
  10. This is about as slick as this as this arrangement can get. No guarantees since you did some unconventional things in your mix style and there's some parts that sound kinda coverish, but you've got a fair shot at the panel with this thing. I say go for it.
  11. I'm now watching that MML LP in honor of the fallen series. There might be a tear in my eye. There also might not be. "I remember those days. Those were good days." *sniff* "Good days."
  12. This didn't have anything to do with the fact that the man who created Mega Man left the company. Nope. Nothing at all. Yeah, I don't buy that either. Well, at least they have the again-declining Resident Evil series, and the constant mechanic-improved versions of Street Fighter 4. I'll be honest, I'm feeling kind-of spiteful here because getting a 3DS to share for me and the lady was also under the impression that, someday, I'd get to play MML3. I have 1 and 2 and I have replayed 1 numerous times. That final battle with Mega Man Juno always freaked me out with the crazy music.
  13. GOOD have your people talk to my people Also, NEW POST: Sonic in the Search for Love (Part 5) We return to what may be the grandest endeavor we’ve ever undertaken as a fanfic reading hobbyist podcast about video game music.
  14. thanks, dude. I'm going to crosscheck those with what we have.
  15. OCAD regular server back up and running, pregriefer by about 12 hours (sorry for any lost work). Also all plugins have been made up to date besides iconomy which was bitching at CB ver 1000. When I have the time to go through the logs to see WHICH person was the griefer, I will. Until then, please be vigilant and lock your shit.
  16. ...not really the best response to the situation. I have to agree that this doesn't help negating the appearance of a double standard, if one so exists (because if it does, I'm unaware of it, and I'm fucking site staff too) I'm unaware of this project getting any special treatment. I was also unaware of any other threads getting locked for trying to organize things from here. Seriously, the ONLY OTHER lock I can find in this area of the forums for the last year is the Legend of Dragoon project and I have absolutely no idea why that was locked. This is also the first I've heard about someone having to beg to have their lock reopened (in Dj Mokram's case, because if that it is true then that is quite a shame). There should be absolutely no preconceptions on using this area as a method of recruitment. It is primarily FOR recruitment and doing very simple organization here I don't think infringed on recruiting and managing OCR-official projects. Obviously hosting and posting WIPS in a single thread here is not good because of the amount of stuff one would have to cull through, but we offer this area for people to get their shit in gear. Unless site mod staff has something otherwise to say about it, I'm in favor of keeping all these recruiting threads open even if they are halfway run out of the damn thread here. What is the harm? There is no double standard. This isn't a case of "this thread was left open but others were locked because we are playing favorites" here. And whatever interaction OCR Staff has with the project, or the possibility of it becoming official despite naysaying to the site by anyone anywhere possibly involved, is nobody' business but the sites. Some of y'all got your panties in a sheep shank knot. Loosen up. Its fucking music. Kyle, you made your point and can let it go now. Darren, there's no reason to pull a "go tell teacher" or to pull mob majority threats into it.
  17. Dude, it was an absolute pleasure.

  18. Do it, we had awesome jam sessions then which would probably be killer now.
  19. A gingerly goad because I REALLY want you to actually come one of these times because, I mean...jamspace. Last time we jammed was at Taucer's in '09! I'm crossing my fingers that you can coerce your friends this time.
  20. Shut up we know you're not coming to MAGFest ever, Luke.
  21. Myself, Valéerie, and my facial hair will be there. OCAD panel, OCR panel, the works! TOTALLY!
  22. At some point we'd love to get both you AND Tweex on the same show, so you can be goofy together. Tell us all about your early experiences as friends. Possibly expose some kind of homosexual scandal, iunno. Whatever you think works. It is a terrible idea and you know it. ... Also, I propose that we make a smiley for the face of "Mystery of the Druids". That would help a lot in many situations.
  23. I'm sorry I was unable to get back to you about getting anything done. It has been one hell of a Summer for me and I was just unable to free myself to contribute. That being said, this is shaping up to be something very special. Can't wait to hear all what people have contributed!
  24. I got your PM, I'll get to these ASAP. Been a little preoccupied with some other staff stuff but mod reviews are getting back on track.
  25. Episode 63 - Maelstrom of Shit In this episode, we ruin the good reputation of Tweex. No seriously, that's it.
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