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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Talked with you about this last night over AIM, but yes, this version is much improved. Those little changes can make a big difference, and the EQ scoops + slight reduction in reverb have cleared up a majority of the mud that was present in the mix. The piano sounds brighter and less drowned out while still being dreamy, and the winds dance above that melody while the strings support from below. It all sounds a lot crisper. This, IMHO, is the definitive version of the mix you've made thus far. Only problem is tindeck isn't giving me an option to download the mix. I have, however, passed the link to latest mix version on to Larry.
  2. I sent my notes via PM but I'll also say it here: this thing is fucking awesome. Definitely ready for subbing.
  3. Organ is definitely a little too hardpanned to the left at the beginning, I would definitely place it only 20-25% leftpanned. Maybe give it a little less chorus effect as it sounds almost waivery, borderline out of tune sometimes. Guitar also sounds a little too loose around the drums, either that or the delay is really throwing me for a loop being off-time. Fix the timing because this is pretty relaxing and a really nice take on the SF64 menu theme.
  4. Very much looking forward to this & torchlight 2.
  5. Nah, not THAT long. There's definitely no specific release date but I know emunator & crew are pushing hard to get it out as soon as possible. You all know emu likes to post and tease and update very often, so you will definitely not be left in the dark.
  6. Yes yes, I know we've been dead over here at OCAD-HQ. I have not forgotten you folks. Things are happening. Oh, the things that are happening. You WISH you knew. A combination of scheduling woes has pushed back podcast production for a bit. In other news, I've come down with a terminal case of "making excuses". Doctors say I may not have long left.
  7. If you're aware of the absolutely godawful I Love Katamari on the iOS, then you'll hopefully agree with me that anything like that is going to 99% be absolutely shitty, .5% be satisfactory, or .5% be phenomenal. I Love Katamari uses the accelerometer built into ipod touch/iphone for movement, which is a lot less complicated than using an AR camera and/or pedometer input. And I still can't beat the second level in I Love Katamari because the controls are absolute shyte. I'd rather leave Katamari where it is, since the games that all came out after the creator left have been lackluster improvements (bar the final Katamari Forever, which was a pretty neat concept and gave the game the visual boost it needed while still retaining the art style). I don't trust Namco to do anything good with Katamari at this point, let alone a gimicky game. However, on the topic of gimicks, I'm kind of stunned that the 3DS didn't have a Warioware game launched tied in with the 3D and AR capabilities. Usually, Warioware is a game that's used to show off and benchmark a new Nintendo system's capabilities (Twisted = accelerometer controls for GBA, Touched = DS touch screen, Smooth Moves = motion controls and party modes, Snapped = DSI-ware debut and camera controlled games, DIY = DSI features showcase, sharing games, user-created games). Why they haven't done one for the 3DS is beyond me, as that would seem like a goldmine of hardware to make games for. I may have slammed Namco's use of the gimicks in the previous paragraph, but I'm completely confident in Intelligent Systems using any and all Nintendo hardware to the fullest potential within the confines of games that last 4 seconds or less. THAT would be a game that would help me feel better about being a 3DS purchaser. Going back a few pages, I'm still surprised at how much the dynamic has shifted from pre-2000 console launches. Before the PS2, nearly all systems launched with at least one killer app either bundled with the system or available on/shortly after release. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_console_launch_games. Between the end of the 90's and the early years of the 2000's, there suddenly becomes a lack of powerful launch titles. Maybe this is due to the extended development cycle of making a current gen quality game. Games cost more and take longer to make now on-average. Maybe its due to the console developers making consoles that are more difficult to program for. Maybe its due to console makers not giving the game developers adequate time to work with the system before launch. No idea, but definitely food for though.
  8. [iNITIATING CORNY SENTIMENT PROTOCOL] Besides leaving behind a copious amount of recycling, some earbuds, a capo, and a random sweatshirt, the people who shared my homestead for Otakon 2011 left some of the most fantastic memories. BBQ was absolutely off the hook, Distant Worlds was awesome, the Nobuo interview was pretty unreal, the panel absolutely rocked (despite some sound issues), I had $44 dollars shoved down my shirt by the audience, hibachi was hilarious, and just playing games and hanging out in-general made the weekend a complete success. Looking forward to having the same experience next year. Only better. Times 10. And to those who were at the panel, thanks for being an amazing audience!
  9. Its coming. As soon as its done. And then evaluated (and has to pass, which it should). And then prepped for release. And then all the albums in front of it need to be released. So...yeah.
  10. Try putting in less than a dollar (for kicks, I put in a penny). It is both hilarious and heartbreaking. And in all honesty, the bundle is worth VVVVVV alone. And Yet It Moves is also really neat.
  11. I will try to fix but this week is beyond busy with Otakon coming up. I WILL try, if not then early next week. The shop might have been broken with a jar update. Also, just the fact that there's something vaguely resembling Slender Man is making me want to get back into the game. Love that stuff.
  12. Dude, I heard you like DKC3 and Mega Man music! That's AWESOME! There's some projects you should check out: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27078 & http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28222 hope you like!

  13. This thread is now about the awful animal robots that were Mega Man's friends in Mega Man 8.
  14. Oh crap, it IS his birthday. A frosty Han's Stout to you on this commemoration of your escape from the womb, headphones in tow.
  15. I've talked with Joker, made some mastering and volume changes to the album (not every song, Joker has the full list though), and have pushed the album into eval. Any changes I made were minimal and just enough to keep a somewhat consistent feel for the album. There were a few tracks already compressed and EQ'd that I couldn't do anything with, though. Overall, this is looking pretty good though!
  16. The real question is: does that matter in regards to this album coming out? The answer is no. Each album gets a small amount of "floodposts", left up to the discretion of both the OCR Staff (mostly djp) and the album director. There's no set number of songs for the flood, nor a set percentage of tracks that will be flooded. It depends mostly on album size combined with track quality. It is rare to have over six or seven flood mixes unless the album is unequivocally huge. Beyond floodposts, it merely depends on who subbed their tracks and got them passed by the judges panel. I would be looking at this album based on its own merrit, rather than comparing it to Kong in Concert or Serious Monkey Business.
  17. I think it is time for us to make our own games. With blackjack. And hookers. Edit: Whoops, also almost forgot to include the upcoming Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition as part of the upcoming slew of capcom stuff)
  18. The point here is all music is almost pretty much awesome, unless it is not. Agreed? Agreed. My ability to find an answer that pleases everyone still goes unchallenged. Harumph. (guys, lets get the ready for when Bahamut gets back from boot camp!)
  19. Where do I put this "Project Cancelled" sticky? Do I put it here? Naw, but seriously, nice work. I'm excited for this to be tackled by the project eval staff. I can already hear the cries for mercy because the "project is too fucking long".
  20. Well, my first thought is that the percussion sounds a bit too simple. My second thought is that the lead you have picked out works okay, but sticks out because of a lack of layering in parts of the song. The production values are pretty good considering what the song itself consists of, and the source tunes are easily found here. I would focus on including more original stuff of your own to intersperse with the source material, take some time to focus on some of the layering aspects so the mix doesn't come off as "simple", and beef up those drums with arrangement and detail! What you have thus far is pretty nice, just need to step it up and give it some TLC in the specifics. Cool stuff thus far. Let me know when you get an update out, or if you need more information.
  21. I would message them before touching their stuff if I were you. Flik just recently logged on and his stuff was ransacked. People come in and out of Minecraft at times, and just because they aren't here now doesn't mean they won't be here ever again.
  22. Game companies go with what is safe, and right now that's three things: reboots (alternatively swapped with either annual iterations or identical sequels), ports, and DLC. Capcom might be taking a page out of the current Sega playbook of business where one focuses on a few properties that have easy re-release factors, such as Street Fighter 4 and Marvel vs Capcom 3. There's still a few gems on the horizon, like Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright (which I forgot is also going to be on the 3DS so I am less disappointed in my purchase of that system now), but it is definitely not much in terms of sunshine and roses. I've done my best to compile a list of upcoming Capcom published games: Resident Evil Revelations (over-the-shoulder style RE game set between RE4 and RE5 for 3DS, basically an in-line sequel with little-to-no gameplay changes anticipated) Asura's Wrath (says its a Beat Em' Up for PS3 and 360, looks halfway interesting) Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright (mentioned previously) Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (A "reinterpretation" of the events of DR2, which means an almost straight port with minor differences most-likely, for PS360 and PC. Price point is $40, reminds me a lot of the UMVC3 announcement) Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (12 new charachters, some new levels, gameplay modes, fighting tweaks, etc. being released and sold for $40. So for the diehard fighter fans thats a total of $100 plus whatever the DLC characters cost) DmC (reboot of Devil May Cry) Dragon's Dogma (open world fantasy adventure game, looks interesting) Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City (says set between RE2 and RE3, PS360 and PC Street Fighter X Tekken (one kickass idea for a crossover fighter that makes me happy to still hold a copy of Fighters Megamix) I'm too lazy to research what kind of DLC is being offered for these, but I'm assuming there will be some for each. There's two re-releases (DR2, UMVC3), one reboot (DmC), two sequels (RER, REORC), two crossovers (SFXT, PLVSPW), and two new properties (AW, DD). I wouldn't even go so far as to lop MML3 in the sequel bin, since the last game made for it was made some 11 years ago. It's about as risky as a new property, so if you factor it that way, you have: Existing material: 2 re-releases 1 reboot 2 crossovers 2 sequels New material: 2 new properties (potentially 3 if MML3 were to come out, considering age makes it as risky as a new IP) Also taking into account that Inafune left, that the world economy sucks horribly right now (Japanese game companies are taking fairly large hits, IIRC), and the approach to this game's development was quite unconventional. Capcom needs to stay afloat, of course, and it needs to release proportionally more material that is guaranteed to make it money than it invests in new properties. With two new IPs in the cards, I'm now not surprised that the one sequel of a 11 year old franchise was given the axe. It sucks, but at least there's still SOME good coming out of the company. Capcom is not heartless, and I wouldn't even say its management is heartless, they just have to keep priorities. Taking that to an extreme: would you rather have MML3 come out and then have Capcom close up shop and never make any games again? An exaggeration, to be sure, but it could happen.
  23. I don't know the game. I don't know the source tune. I don't know what the story is behind it. I don't know anything except this is superb quality, amazingly catchy, and great all around. Can't get it out of my head, and the vocoding is just...SO DAMN GOOD. ARGH! Akumajo, have my music babies. And never stop making these vocal mixes.
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