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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Two words: Fucking. Awesome. It's not perfect, but it is fucking awesome. More later.
  2. PAX was a blast, really happy I went and met/saw so many awesome people. Of course, rooming with the staff was really fun, and finally got to meet Nutritious in-person. He reminded me of a taller, bulkier, more mediteranian version of Shariq (only minisculy less sarcastic ). Manhug'd Sephfire and chatted about games and music and fanfic, got to meet his amazingly cool wife who was rocking the light-up Kanye glasses. I daresay she rocks them better than Rama. Beardhug'd Danny B, who was a riot at the VGM in the Mainstream Panel. I really could just list all the people I saw and had a blast with, but I'd be writing a novel (A_Rival, OverCoat, the MAGFest JamSpace crew, Danimal and co., MegaRan, Jeff ball, Rainwave's host, Kaxxon, TrueStar, etc. etc. ad infinum) Panel went fantastically, and we will be uploading the trailer that was debuted there shortly. Thanks to everyone for showing up and being part of an awesome convention.
  3. Due to the weather possibly interfering with my flight back from PAX Prime, OCAD will NOT be airing this week on 8bitx. It will resume normal schedule time next Sunday at 8 PM EST. Sorry, folks!
  4. Yes, I will be listening to this today to give you my opinion on it. I got your message, sorry about the delay.
  6. I was at work. I was one of the few people awake for the 5 AM MD earthquake last year (very minor, but it got me used to the feeling of an Earthquake). At first, I thought a very fat person was walking by my cube. After 5 seconds, I knew something was up. Grabbed my bag and nearly bolted for the corridor. Everyone else was playing gopher and just looking over their cubes to see what was going on. It lasted about 20 seconds for the duration of shaking, we got it pretty nasty cause I was on the 4th floor. Everyone dawdled out of the building eventually and we were let go to go home. It was an interesting day.
  7. Nah, all staff on OCR take off for Christmas (except Dave, he never takes off. Ever,)
  8. Album evaluation varies depending on the size of the album, the quality of the album, and the amount of other albums in evaluation at the moment. Currently, SDB is waiting for a fix from an artist so they are on hold until the fix is in, at which point they then resume top priority if another album isn't already in the process of being prepped for release. BadAss is the next one in line for eval but the staff have been bogged down, especially the project eval squad. MMX and DKC3 aren't in eval yet, and the size of both of those albums is going to cause evaluation to take longer than normal (MMX looks to be 4-5 discs while DKC3 is looking like it will be 3 discs, just an assumption based on the song roster on their OPs). My goal has been to make the album release requirements as clear and concise for directors as possible as of late. We've made great strides in smoothing out the release steps but there's no way to pin down exact dates, or even estimates. This is why the majority of albums have not and will not have a specific date for release made public. It is better to not assume anything. Edit: I stand corrected - DKC3 looks to be 4 discs.
  9. Episode 67 - Impressive Faux-Hitler Stevo, David, Deven, and Val fill the timegaps between songs and the massively awesome interview with Jamie and Ruben of Emulation Collective, the folks behind virtualnes and virtualsupernes AND virtualgbx. Check out the show and listen to figure out how to win a Nintendo 3DS from Emulation Collective!
  10. I am so sorry I missed it. Next time, if its also on a Sunday night, it might be possible to coordinate it with OCAD's live show. I will watch them soon!
  11. Thank you, everyone. I love you all. In that way of loving Captain Crunch with Crunchberries: I can't imagine my life without it, nor can I imagine it without any of you!
  12. This deserves a bumpity bump Absolutely adored this back when you made it for PRC, and still love it now.
  13. The 50 Greatest Pieces of Classical Music by various composers. Once in a while I need to cleanse my palate of chiptunes and remixes with something timeless just to get my perspective back on what I normally listen to. Perspective is a good thing. Mmmm....tasty.
  14. Episode 66 - Insert Disc into Slot Sephfire was on our first live episode. Hear about whats going on with Extra Credits right now and how hard he resists telling us the size of his penis!
  15. For those who think we are resting on our laurels, THINK AGAIN! Here's a taste of the next non-project Plaid Muffins track: a ska version of Still Alive from the original Portal! Right now its temp-brass but at the end it will be live, with final mixing tweaking and some revamped other parts. Credit where credit is due: PrototypeRaptor: Arrangement, Brass Arrangement, Trombone, Vocals, Mixing, Mastering Level 99: Arrangement, Guitars, Vocals, Drums AMT: Bass Xenon Odyssey: Tenor Sax OA: Alto Sax Swann: Trumpet Source: ReMix: The OverClocked Plaid Muffins - Delicious and Moist (WIP4) Enjoy!
  17. Okay, that is very weird. All of the NiGHTS songs were encoded in the same format, from the same format, with identical specifications. All have ID3v1 & ID3v2 tags, CBR192 at high quality using LAMEdrop, all encoded from WAVs that were 16-bit, 44.1khz. Absolutely no idea as to why some would work and some wouldn't.
  18. Definitely an improvement, for sure. What I mean by loose guitar timing is that it isn't tightly on-beat, as many of the other instruments are, and makes the song sound a bit disjointed and confused. What I'm hearing is possibly a recording delay, so maybe move the guitars closer to the beginning of the song ever so slightly (I'm talking 10-15ms tops). Example: the strums at the beginning of the song SHOULD begin a few ms before the exact beat, climax when the beat hits, and resolve a few ms afterwards. This is getting there but I can't critique further until I hear how it all sits properly in time (the guitar is throwing me off from focusing any more at the other components, lol). I'll also try giving it more of a listen this week to see if I can't "hear past it".
  19. Please don't take this as me being harsh or stubborn, but I have yet to be convinced that, with any certain amount of time, someone running a pentium 3 computer with the most generic soundfonts is unable of making something stupendous. While it may be considerably easier to get better samples or a better computer, I think there are still improvements you can make here. On the other hand, I can also understand being mentally "finished" with a piece, and that may be what you're at here. Out of curiosity what specs are you running again?
  20. For some reason, the piano isn't winning me over. It either feels stiff, or lo-quality bright, or both. Could be that I'm not a fan of the aesthetic choice but I guess it doesn't matter in the end. You've got some nice arrangement ideas, and while I can basically only comment that the song feels a bit bland at times (possibly from a lack of layering), its quite solid. I say this sounds sub-ready. Edit: for the last "chorus" possibly add some more instruments to give that feeling of impending conclusion? Other than that, good to go.
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