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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Happy Birthday, you three awesome musicians! inb4darkeswordcaaaaaaaaaaake
  2. That's just awful. The person who sued Andy, whether it was upon action of the photographer or people who he worked for that get a cut, is a heartless money-grubbing bastard. A Kickstarter for this is pretty much without question.
  3. There was a little spanish flea.

  4. Can you please reupload this? Pretty please?
  5. "140,000 Yen for the unit, 10,000 Yen for a game" So, lets check that out: 140,000.00 JPY = 1,745.82 USD 10,000.00 JPY = 124.698 USD I have to say, that's expensive for both a toilet AND a game system. However, I know of many internet denizens who might pay $125 for a game called "Bukkake Battle"...
  6. Any updates since the last one? I've got a mind full of MM9 sources and am ready to hear your updates!
  7. Besides the voice clips thing which you said you're going to address, I think this is sub-worthy. If they no it, I think it will be purely on production grounds, in which case it might be a completely overhaul. However, fix them voice things, and then go press your luck with the judges. Nice work, man.
  8. You're a saint for being so patient. And yes, I'll make it worth your wait! One thing you need to quickly fix is the guitars. All of them seem just sliiiiiiiiiiiightly delayed. Like, not even 2ms delayed. Just a slight nudge forward would fix it (it is mostly apparent in the rhythm guitars. The over compression is gone, but the drums are now sitting a little too far back in the mix (I realize I'm being a perfectionist with this, but hey, whatever increases your chances of making it into OCR, right?). Increase .5 or 1 db for the drums, and I think this is set. Voices are sounding better to me in this mix, before because of the mixing they sounded a bit overpowering. They're sitting better now, definitely. As for the ending, why not just end with the voice? Either that or a couple of hard syncopated guitar/drum hits. Besides that, this is sounding ready to sub. Because of the interesting way you built it, I'm not completely sure of its chances of passing, but it is damn fun to listen to.
  9. Getting it louder using a master compressor shouldn't be terribly difficult. The problem here is the same thing I ran into when trying to work with my buddy Emunator's pianos for my Pokemon TCG remix. Just like then, the pianos are rich and full, very mid heavy with just a bit of borderline high shine and drenched in emotive reverb. What you need to do to get more clarity in this mix is tone down the reverb a little by increasing the dry mix 5-10%, and better yet, narrow and control the frequency range of that reverb. The arrangement is pretty stellar, and it is a shame that this is being held back somewhat by slight muddiness. Once you have that reverb under control, now comes the painstaking task of modifying the frequencies of the additional accompaniment instruments. In a mix like this, you want to draw them away from the middle frequencies. Example: those strings should have a mid range scoop so that they dance above the piano's high range peak and then have warm bass below the left hand notes, focusing more on the low end than the high. You want the high to be reserved a bit more for the oboe and flute, where you should again try a small scoop and boost the high end slightly for those two. After that, post a new version, and if it is ready, you can probably add a master compressor like Kjerhaus for -3 db, giving it an even volume. Also consider a master EQ that can pick and enhance frequencies and harmonies that cater to this style. None of that will work until the main mix is scrubbed to a mirror shine though. That being said, I adore this. It is relaxing, and emotive. I'm not feeling any of the aforementioned rigid piano, I think it is pretty smooth. You're definitely close to being sub-ready!
  10. Two episodes to be edited. They're coming seriously as soon as possible. Thanks for being patient!
  11. First off, you have no idea how happy I am that more PC stuff is getting some arrangement love around here. I nearly got a nerdboner from the fact that your source links say AWE32 in the title. I still remember the days when I really wanted to save up money to buy a gravis card just to get better audio than my crappy onboard. Totally missed the pre-SBLIVE soundcard boat. LOL@twilight zone ripoff for the credits. Also, next time, please edit the OP with the most recent version of the track so that us Mods don't have to go searching for the most recent one. So, Descent tunes, eh? Aight, let's see what we got: Great atmospheric opening. And then BAM, awesome, crispity crunchity candy bars of guitars. Nice lead synth too. Awesome glitching. This thing has had a lot of attention paid to it, it is pretty obvious. Dunno about the vocoded voices, I'm neither a fan nor a hater. It works here well enough. Drums are really really good, both in sound and sequencing. Nice chill bridge. Production and performance wise, I have zero qualms with this track. I'm impressed. As far as source tune goes, I'm going to need to give it a few more listens to make sure it is kosher. Hold tight a day or two more, boys.
  12. This is gorgeous. It starts off almost as an orchestral cover but then it really comes into its own. This should have no problem passing. THIS IS DELICIOUS! Edit: check your mailbox.
  13. I have to agree with Emunator that, while this sounds great, this is still a bit short on overt source usage. Using the basic chords is fine for some of the song, but if it is just an excuse for wankery and improvisation, it doesn't fly for as much as you have it. It isn't as bad as all that though, because you could include another 20-30 seconds of melody usage and I think you'd be good to go!
  14. Wow, superb quality here. Takes a while to get rolling, but once it does, I'm totally going with it. From a production perspective, this thing is sub-ready. However, just to be sure it would pass muster, I might put the melody in the intro somewhere just to guarantee this gets over the 50% source rule. I'm impressed, I can't really pick out anything I'd change besides maybe just an eeeeentsy bit more source in the intro area.
  15. That's F-ing ridiculous. So: 1) 18 hour drive 2) nasty smelling con (face it: its an anime con in summer in FLORIDA) 3) PG-13 panel 4) No PA system, thus 5) No ability for me to Skype in, and 6) NO RECORDING. Do me a favor and write a nasty letter to the arrangers of this convention.
  16. Thanks, everyone! So friggin' stoked. Started packing the shipments yesterday. I've planned on it. No, you didn't, but I'd looooove that version. Email it, please! Nationwide Disc is where I got them printed. These are replications (stamped discs, the silver-backed kind) instead of duplications (regular cd-rs). I got the 4-panel digipak, 2 disc/2 tray with a 24-panel artbook and full color on disc. There is an issue with their website where you sometimes can order a package that isn't physically possible: in my case, you can't get a 4-panel digipak with 2 discs and trays AND have any room for an insert to put a booklet, so be careful if you order from them and confirm at the time of your order that your configuration is feasible. The total price of my order went up because of what steps had to be taken to rectify that glitch from their system. Because of that, I can't really give the total price but I think it was around 2k monies including shipping to me (double the original price that I was raising donations for).
  17. QQ moar. Variety is the spice of life. If that's the case, can you do people a big favor and ZIP the wav's to save as much space in the torrent as possible?
  18. Good thing I'm planning on doing a marathon of cleaning out my backlog'd workshop eval stuff. SOMETIME THIS WEEK!
  19. I'm sorry to say but I'm with Emu: I can't give any more feedback until after some steps are taken to fix things up. Resequence and focus on cleaning up the mix.
  20. I'll snoop around and see what happened.
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