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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. *ehem* Acque Luccicanti is a remix of Dire Dire Docks from Super Mario 64
  2. Pidgin is a fantastic freeware multi-client Instant Messaging program. Definitely recommended, get that installed and pick a day/time other than Saturday during the morning or afternoon.

  3. ;_; How will I ever show off my horribly platforming skills as Bad Box Art Mega Man now?!
  4. Edit: Well, today is the LAST day donations are open for the project! What a long, strange trip it has been.
  5. Sorry I had to miss your senior recital. I hope it went spanktacularly. Let us talk soon, yes?

  6. Sup sup sup sup slurpie

  7. I think this counts as my first Mod Review! LUCKY YOU > The opening reminds me what would happen a John Carpenter bass synth had sex with the Terminator 2 opening. I'm actually surprised, Red Zone has some quite complex and unique sounding music, especially for the Genesis. And fuckin' 'ell, the source tunes are LONG. Okay, breaking this down: for the style that you're doing, most of this works. The mix is a tad flat and lifeless, and on my Senny HD280 Pros, I'm not hearing enough bass. Then again, these headphones don't pump bass as much as they should, so I will test it in the car during lunch. I will probably suggest raising the low-mids on the bass so it becomes a bit more audible. This will likely help how flat it sounds right now. The lead guitar's performance is good, but gets spotty at times. I am an absolute stickler for tightly-timed guitars, so what I would personally want is for you to go back and fix up timing on the lead, and potentially boosting the high end of that tone juuuuust slightly, so it raises above the rhythms. The volume between the rhythms and the lead is fine, but that little extra shimmer should make the lead more prominent and audible, thus addressing some fo the lack of high-end in the mix. Your guitar tone is crunchy and gritty, which works for this song. Maybe turn down the gain slightly since there's a bit of excess fuzz during parts that muddies up the mids. There's an issue that happens from 2:33-2:45 where the combination of the kick and the guitars causes db clipping. This also happens momentarily at 3:43. Arrangement-wise I believe this passes. I can clearly hear both Title and Night Mission in there, with some clever improvisation throughout. Nice work! One last recommendation would be to variate the drums a bit more during some of the fills. You really take the super-fast kick and snare rolls for their money's worth, and near the end I started to notice how static it made some of the fills feel. There's no specific part I could say absolutely needs changing, but look throughout and see what can be done to change up some of these fills that aren't necessary to be syncopated to the guitars. Overall, I definitely enjoyed this, and it is getting super-close to being ready to sub IMHO.
  8. It is with uh, great pride that I dedicate this new school, sports arena, or attraction. (Cuts the ribbon and drives off.) (But no seriously, this makes me hot. Awesome work, Ben.)
  9. "I need you baaaby, something somethign something baby, something something purple pants"

  10. Yeah, seriously, don't skimp on Esuna. Just because it has less remixers and more people you don't know doesn't mean it sucks. Actually, Esuna was worth it just for Bustatunez track, everything else is icing on the cake.
  11. I donated to this, why haven't YOU *points directly at you. you know who you are*
  12. I will give it one thing: if it had to get licensed music, I'm glad they got Rob Zombie and Pitchshifter. Too bad it was basically the same 4 or 5 tracks repeated over and over! And yes, everything else about it was absolute shyte. TW2 was gritty, raw, goofy, and completely immersive. TW3 just took it all and said "fuck it". Strategy for any level involved getting as many ricochets as you could, finding a safe corner and firing away. They almost redeemed themselves with Twisted Metal Black, but nothing can really make up for TW3. If TW2 and TWB had a baby, the series would be back on its feet. UGHHHHHHHHHHH!
  13. Episode 53 - Brian Fortress and the Castle of Bambi features the return of Sivak, creator of Battle Kid and the Fortress of Peril. We grill him on what Battle Kid 2 will contain, amongst other things, including Bambis pooping Bambis. Episode 54 - Rock on Jimmy, SHIT features Grant Kirkhope, the composer of Goldeneye 007, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, and more! We chat with him about working for Rare, making music as VG composer, and what it is like to speak the Queen's English.
  14. MOMMY! DADDY! STOP FIGHTING! You're tearing us apart!
  15. I thought I was the only person who enjoyed Jericho! I know it got slammed for many reasons, a lot of them valid, but I'm a huge Clive Barker fan and the action was pretty damn good. Story wasn't super-horrendous either, and the monsters for quite horrific. HATEYOUHATEYOUHATEYOUHATEYOUHATEYOUHATEYOUHATEYOUHATEYOU Majestic fuckbeans, the Fatal Frame series is scary. Take everything errie about Silent Hill (a series which I also love), add in Japanese folklore and ghost stories, remove weapons from the game, and make the battle mechanic as follows: your only method of attack is a camera, the only way you do damage is taking a picture, and you only do the most damage if you let the ghost get UNSPEAKABLE CLOSE UP AND PERSONAL. This is, by far, the greatest implementation of risk-and-reward in a battle system I've ever seen. If you can, start with the first game, but even if you can't find it, do not skip out on FF2: Crimson Butterfly. There are some unspeakable things in that game. I'm echoing Fatal Frame, Penumbra, Condemned, Dead Space, Silent Hill, and Eternal Darkness. Also throwing Doom 3 into the ring, along with: * Call of Cthulhu (if just for the chase scene, the whole game is quite good though) * I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (even if you don't play it, watch a playthrough: seriously disturbing and fucked up) * Cryostasis I'm sure I've got more, but I can't think of them right now.
  16. I'm interested in the following: 1) How it is going to tie in with the Half-Life storyline (especially consideirng the cliffhanger at the end of HL2:E2, and the fact that Gabe Newell has seemingly forgotten that he has another Episode in the series to make for the last...what, four years?) 2) The co-op mode 3) If they're going to try to top "Still Alive". I don't think any song can do better than that, so any attempt will probably be done in vain. I could be wrong, though. 4) If this is the game where Chell gets nekkid.
  17. Suddenly, this thread just became increasingly relevant to my interests. I didn't like the sequel though, covering yourself in bacon and working the local kennel. About the TF2 dislike: I played TFC a lot when I was younger, and it was a good, fast-paced, easy-to-pick-up game. Now, whenever I go into a TF2 server, I get yelled at for not doing my role. I'm all for teamwork, but it is incredibly discouraging to people who don't know the intricacies about each and every move, what every friggin' hat does, how to do weapons upgrades, etc. Yes, TFC had its fair share of abusers (the whole grenade jumping thing really pissed me off), and one thing I will give TF2 is that it has loads of personality, but I liken the experience of playing TF2 as a n00b to what I hear playing HoN as a n00b is like: it just isn't fun whatsoever. And whoever mentioned Soul Calibur 3 reminded me of how much of a disappointment that game was! For me, it all came down to one thing: Chronicles of the Sword. Ho-ly-shit, did that game mode PISS ME OFF. At first I was all "oh, cool! It's like half board game, half tactics game, where the outcome of it is also based on SC fights!" But then the shit truly hit the fan when I spent five hours trying to beat the first boss. That game was rage-inducing. a few more: Earthworm Jim 3d ExtremeG 3 Twisted Metal 3 Final Fight: Streetwise
  18. Emu got his computer back. All unfinished artists, beware his vengeful typing wrath of super-kindness!
  19. I think after this project I'll never want to touch the MMX series again. So. Many. Tracks. Well, all besides a rousing broadway-style musical about the lost love interest between Mega Man and Zero, as well as the story about what Zero is fighting foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor.
  20. Ah, well, I misunderstood. I had assumed you mentioned April as the release date, my bad. I'm sure he'll do just fine at bootcamp. (Sorry, I must've been on cruise control for talking about release dates in the other thread. )
  21. Deus ex: Invisible War Sonic 4 Killer instinct gold Any mortal kombat after mk4 Final fantasy tactics advance Team fortress 2 Also, I count sonic spinball as a spinoff (lololol) instead of being part of the series proper. Edit: sorry Robbie, it just was so pale, dull, and broken compared to the original. I felt no connection to the characters, nor had any interest in the story. Also, character models and animations were totally lulz
  22. "It comes out when it comes out." Keep your pants on, we are working on it.
  23. I am the mastermind behind this OCAD minecraft menace, and it looks as though my plan to start forum drama in an attempt to artificially inflate forum post counts and waste everyone's precious time reading emotion-filled angst has succeeded beyond my wildest dreams! HUZZAH! But no, seriously, I feel like I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading rampant paranoia and pointless hate against people who have any association, tenuous or strong, with OverClocked After Dark. The OCAD folks who were regulars on the OCAD server (which was objected against by some because this one already existed) moved over to OCR in the mean-time as the OCAD machine fizzled and broke. I've been waiting for the new parts since Sunday: I spent considerable funds out of my OWN POCKET to get that other server up and running again. In that time, I find out that my brethren have been put up on a witch trial for one person's n00bish mistake. Anyone who knows Deven knows he can be without a brain sometimes, but it's not rocket science: it is a game. No one's lives are at stake in this. And that never faults his integrity or his character, merely his grasp of game rules at times. And internets do cut out at times, even during the show, where words get lost. You can always give more fucking materials. It's not like anyone was spawn-killing. The OCAD Minecraft Server is back up and running, so I'm sure they'll migrate back there at some point. This has been, at the very least, and interesting exposure as to the administration of the OCR Minecraft Server.
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