Oh man, I have a raging gameboner for FFT to be released now. Please come out before Christmas, oh please oh please oh please.
Well, as of right now, I'm still playing Trenches, which is a really nifty strategy game that is not completely unlike Worms but also not like it at all. Very fun, featuring music by Abadoss as well.
I still can't break myself away from Plants vs. Zombies or Peggle, they're just too addictive. Highly recommended as they can waste hours, days, and weeks of your time. Most fun to play on 3GS or above/iPad, because there's massive slowdown on the 3G version now.
The two Secret of Monkey Island games for iOS aren't bad, but the touchscreen on the phones is just a little too small for it to not be frustrating. On the plus side, revamped visuals and musical score are enough to warrant a purchase.
I just got Rage HD and, which the visuals and sound are absolutely stunning, the control is a little awkward. However, I did get used to it, and it's one of the most impressive apps on the iPad/iPhone3GS+ to date. At $2 it should be an absolutely no brainer.
I'll have more later but I'll leave on this not-exactly-a-game-but-game-related app: Modizer. Pointed out to us by one intrepid forumer, this is the single best chiptunes app for the iOS platform. There are some others, like Mod Player, Sid Player, Pokey Player, and the Keygen Music app, but Modizer beats them all. Direct access for MODLAND's database, supports direct download from web, able to unzip, and even including an FTP server so you can transfer stuff from your computer over, this has been the most used app on my devices since I bought it.