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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Starting to send out PM reminders to people. Final WAVs are due BY December 1st, which means you need to get them in and approved by me BEFORE that day. Remember: I'm going to be coming down hard on this final deadline. While the project release may not be until next July, the next essential steps for the project require all the music to be final. Those after-steps will also take a few months, so no slack time can be afforded.
  2. Okay, we must have a meeting at this point. When are you next not working after tonight
  3. We were, but then a number of issues made that seem impractical, at least at first: 1) Kyle's is phpbb3 based, which is what we would have based ours around, so this way we get a feeling for how phpbb3 works and, if/when we want to, we can use that knowledge for our own deployment later on 2) Those forums already have both a userbase and a very good anti-spam system. Something Deven's said he's struggled with using phpbb in his forums 3) already present admin staff means we don't have to be available 24/7 to monitor things and keep things under control. less full responsibility for us while we still get free reign within the subforums to do things as we wish. 4) you and deven still get to be mods for the subforums 5) I already made you a TF2 subject thread :3 I can list more reasons but, as you can see, the benefit outweighs our frustration with having to install and configure and upkeep things ourselves at the moment. One day, maybe we'll get SELF-HOSTED dedicated servers, but we need to take baby steps to get there. Edit: Oh, and a bonus number 6) This way, if the site OCAD site goes down FOR ANY REASON (not paid hosting, russian robot attackers, etc.), the forums stay up so we can give website status via things other than facebook and twitter.
  4. [Old link removed] OCAD has forums. Oh, the insanity that will come out of this. Edit: old forums have been retired, beta forums are now official: http://www.lemonsinseries.com/ocad/bbs/index.php
  5. I'm just helping facilitate track completion upon Willrock's request, nothing really more than that. Basically, drums and mastering. I want to see this project DONE AND OUT already.
  6. My track for this is done. And yes, this project still exists.
  7. You know, I hear all of these complaints about the little things wrong with the game, that seemingly add up to a whole lot. I'm going to get it for PSN whenever I get the chance to see for myself, but speaking in gross generalities, Sega fans and ESPECIALLY Sonic fans are nearly impossibly hard to please. There are so many, that like so many different particulars about the games, that there's no way they can win over everyone. I think many people would agree that, regardless of whether or not you liked the 3d Sonic games, at least Sonic 4 Ep1 is a step in the right direction for the franchise. Understandably, the original team that created the Sonic from "the good ol' days" is long gone so there's no way that the original magic can be captured again. Even if it was, it'd probably not be seen as fresh besides being functional. I'm betting half the team that made Sonic 4 (the Sonic Team half) are so used to making the other, less-well-liked Sonic games that getting into this new gaming mentality is a slow process. DIMPS has shown that it at least knows some of the things that make Sonic work, and Sonic Team has shown scattered glimpses of hope in previous games, which was usually overshadowed by the more glaring issues. I wouldn't have expected a perfect follow up to S3&K on the first time out TRYING to follow it up in, what, 15 years? Sega has at least shown lately that it is keeping an open ear for the fanbase, so I would bet that Sonic 4 Ep2 will show much improvement. If not, then it was a lucky fluke, and I would lose that bet. I would say more, but I'll save additional comments for after I play Ep1.
  8. You mean like Wolfchild, Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer, and TMNT: Tournament Fighters? Yeah, those are the ones that kinda won me over from the dark side. Gecko is doing massive justice to that soundchip.
  9. This just makes me realize my early dislike for the Genesis's FM Synthesis was absolutely misplaced. Good show, sir. I must now get all MP3 copies of these, if they exist.
  10. Do you have it for Steam or for 360? If you have it for Steam, go to Borderlands, right-click and pick "view game CD key". I just checked mine and, sure enough, I have the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club key! WOOHOO! We've all been burned before. I trust Gearbox now. Kept in 3D Realms' hands, it probably would never have come out even if the money didn't run dry. They just kept chasing perfection while the world around them continued to move on. Right now, it looks like early 2011 for release. Don't ever really trust EB Games for release dates.
  11. To answer your first question: A number of issues resulted in us moving forward without the OCR n00b segment. Scheduling conflicts, availability, and a general still-getting-our-bearings-together situation meant that many of the things we started off with ended up getting dropped for the sake of a more focused show. I use the word focused here in the sense of what we cover and what we spend our time discussing. While our format is quite random, we do schedule guests and discuss things relevant to specific subject (OCR, remixing, video games, music, internet culture in-general). It's kinda the same reason we separated the direct interviews out into separate releases, along with the fanfiction readings for the majority of them. Heck, in Episode 39, you'll be treated to an episode where we ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT CURRENT EVENTS IN THE GAMING WORLD most of the time. Lauren's still out and about, doing stuff in the real world. I haven't talked to her in ages, though. From what I know, she is doing well. To answer your second question: Oh, episode 5! We'll that will be released in *NINJASMOKEBOMB*
  12. Snooped around and saw a few sparse DNF threads, but none actually about the game itself. So here we go, a thread about the upcoming Duke Nukem Forever, currently being finished by Gearbox. Obligatory wikipedia link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_Nukem_Forever ------------------------------- Kicking this off with what I just read about: http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/duke-nukem-forever/news/early-access-to-duke-nukem-forever-for-all-pc-borderlands-owners-certainly-looks-like-it/a-20101013121813570008/g-20060612161922470018 It seems that any people who purchase the Borderlands GOTY edition get a voucher for early access to the Duke Nukem Forever demo, whenever it is done. Some people who already own Borderlands have snooped in their Steam accounts and found an early access code sitting there as well. I am excited to check my Steam account to see if I have one myself! ------------------------------ Edit: WE HAVE RELEASE DATE! http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/01/21/exclusive-duke-nukem-forever-has-a-release-date.aspx May 3rd for NA, May 6th for rest of the world. A fitting reveal considering how many of us just hung out with the voice of "The Duke" at MAGFest 9. This year really is off to a supremely kickass start.
  13. I think if the task is to be undertaken, at least for now, it should be done communally. How about a shared googledocs spreadsheet with pertinent categories? That way, everyone can contribute as long as they adhere to the entry format. Trying to keep something like that organized in the OP of a thread wouldn't be the best way to go about it at the moment. Categories: * Game Name * Song Name * Link to source tune/chiptune * Time signature (if multiple, include in order of occurrence within the song) * Other game info (if the game isn't in the OCR database yet): Release Date, Publisher, Game System (Include this regularly if the game has releases on multiple systems with differing soundtracks), Composer How does that sound?
  14. Nah, they're just finally getting their marketing department to take MKTG201 classes. It's true that having so many Sonic titles out at the same time is cannibalizing their product line. In my personal opinion, basically anyone who buys a Sonic game these days is going to buy all of them, since that's the only audience they really had left until Sonic 4 was announced. However, this is a bad idea to do in hindsight, simply because they should have thought ahead before overpopulating the Sonic series with these games in the first place. Removing them now just confirms all of those mistakes that people have been saying they've made for years. Or maybe they're just preparing for the Sonic not-so-classic Collection to release containing all those games, and make even more money
  15. I'll lower my dry/wet ratio to under 50% when we decide no one is coming to get us out of the well, and we decide who is the first to get eaten. Indeed! Thank YOU for taking the time to thank us! It's always good for the community to be reminded that the stuff people do is not taken for granted
  16. Episode 38 - Surprise Duckface We talk with Jamie Sanders, creater and coder for www.virtualnes.com and www.virtualgbx.com . It was fun. Surprise duckface.
  17. I will try to go back and insert imagelinks into previous podcasts on our website, and will do my best to include them from now on.
  18. I thought we had agreed on that whole idea of a marathon charity to help exploding kittens? You know, the one where we have a bear with a little hat riding a tricycle for four hours straight? No? Not going with that idea anymore?
  19. Dude. Your sig. Me rikey, vely much. "It's either you definitely shouldn't play with matches or you definitely...should."

  20. The project director shouldn't troll the fans....too much. Off the top of my head, here's what I can think of as wrapping soon or already wrapped: * Teen Agent * Mega Man X * Sonic 1 * Pokemon * Mega Man Grand Robat thingamajigger * Zelda: Link's Awakening * and possibly Super Mario 64 (but I have no idea of the status) So, while you may not necessarily get it next WEEK, you probably won't have to wait more than about six months, but don't quote me on that. People know that this project is highly anticipated, and it will be out as soon as site staff can manage it.
  21. I will withhold my comments before the sexy live sax is added. Oh, fine, maybe one comment: friggin' awesome.
  22. Yup, the arrangement PrototypeRaptor and myself ended up penning is pretty upbeat and unique for the track. The Overclocked Plaid Muffins brass crew is something fierce, and I'm fairly certain you'll like it as long as you don't hate vocals in remixes. I can't wait to hear DJP's version myself, actually.
  23. Welcome, outlanders, to our glorious hovel! Wipe your boots! I know you! You comment on, like, every OC ReMix on youtube. Good to see you finally made a proper account here!
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