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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Oh boy, this is opening a can-o-worms, ain't it? You're right that it probably deserves its own thread. Unfortunately, yes, there is a sentiment like this that floats around, and I'd be lying if it never crossed my mind in some way. However, I will also say that I do my best to ignore it and base responses on context and content, rather than the reputation (and, thereby, merits of actions and abilities) of said person. Of course, if someone is looking for advice on becoming a posted mixer, no better a response than one coming from people who are one. But in terms of arguing feedback in-general, musical theory, and other things of that natures, I think the "playing field is much more level". Also, the whole "make remix, get posted, stop being picked on" thing, while I'm sure you're using it in jest, also can be interpreted as a truth. It DOES happen, sometimes. There are some individuals, whom I shall not name, that use their posted status as a crutch to excuse themselves for sometimes unwarranted negative responses against those who are not posted. I would say 99% of posted mixers do NOT do this, and I honestly haven't seen any of it lately so it isn't an issue that is fresh, but to say it never happens would be a bold-faced lie. Believe me, Rozo, I know you werent being serious with most of the stuff you were saying, but you did bring up some great, and important, points. Though I personally wouldn't use the word "Elite"
  2. I must speak with you soon, sire.

  3. Look, I know you're disappointed that I can't program parallel 5ths into a sig gif. If I could, I would. I know JUST HOW MUCH YOU LOVE THOSE PARALLEL 5THS GARIO. Oh, other telling things about people are if they put supposedly factual information in their descriptive fields or not. Example: I see The Damned as a tortured soul forever stuck in a low-bit game where you trap strange creatures in balls. He's been stuck on that mountain forever, I think. I also see Schwaltvald as the kind of person I may eventually run into, since I am also in Maryland. I will forever be on the search for that laugh that makes me want to go hide the children. And, it goes without saying, that Vilecat is a freaky eternally dancing anime catfaced abomination from some Disney girl's province-regions. Oh, and Protodome ate an English power pellet that lasted a really long time. Edit: and if taucer were here, I know he'd post saying how he thinks of me as this fruity jester who's invisible flute playing reminds him of other actions involving long things and mouths.
  4. There is definitely some subtle association, probably on the subconscious level, for me between person and avatar/sig. I'll agree that writing style does tend to tell a lot more about the person, however the connection between their writing and their choices for avatar/sig protrayal are pretty informative. At the very least, filing out avatar and sig show the person has enough personality to make that kind of choice. I definitely feel a connection to my avatar and sig. It's the skin-tight purple pants. I now know that I'm getting you a brick with a face on it for Christmas. Also, there is a space in my name, thank you very much. May I play you to the desk? You ride the shortest bus of short buses.
  5. Happla Birthy, Starday! Oh, I mean, Happy Birthday, Marzipan! Oh, I mean...ah #$&% it, you know what I mean.
  6. Direct comparison of Bangkok Haunted to Aeris Theme. So blatant.
  7. I'm very much enjoying music lately that is in different time signature than 3/4 or 4/4. So, list the music you've found in odd timesigs from video games. Here's a starter: (5/4)Magical Quest staring Mickey Mouse - Snowy Valley (switches between 3/4 and 7/8, I believe, not 100% on this one) Mystical Ninja staring Goemon - Warriors (7/8, then 3/4, and then 5/4)
  8. Got a bunch of track updates, including another finished one. Three finished tracks so far! THINGS ARE REALLY ROLLING NOW! Keep up the momentum, folks!
  9. Somewhat related to this: I have a Thai movie called "Bangkok Haunted". In the movie, Aeris's theme is very clearly ripped off, and I highly doubt Square gave their consent to use it. I will find a clip at some point, but it should be no surprised that Uematsu's work has been ripped off outside of the VG world and, because of the disconnect, people have been none the wiser.
  10. Episode 37 - Extra Boob Credits What's this?! Daniel Floyd from Extra Credits comes on OCAD?! How will our caped podcasters get out of the plight of ACTUAL CONVERSATION? Tune in to find out! This one was absolutely awesome, and a great return to proper form after the Epic Drunkcast. We talked music, video games, and inflatable penises.
  11. I like how the random requests are making me go back and listen to all that awesomeness...
  12. This is as entertaining as the non-sequitir championship!
  13. Darkesword: Can we keep an updated OP with confirmed information about the 3DS? Specs, confirmed games, release dates, prices? Or would that be asking for too much info-digging? Also, new Bust-a-Move game for 3DS, and Tales of the Abyss 3DS port.
  14. "Bugging" only works in special situations. Leave the project organization to the project staff, Mirby. No offense, but regardless of how bad you want them to do it, that's the appropriate thing to do. Edit: oh, and something relevant! I'm still waiting on Zircon to get some free time for our collab. We will consult privately further about it.
  15. Well, here it is. The final episode of our month-long September durnken crossover with Nerdy Show. Please to enjoy: Episode 36.4 - Nerdy Show After Dark (Part 4) You win.
  16. Understood, sirs. Thank you for the clarifications. It was what I had assumed but, in the end, it is always best to double-check.
  17. Can we all come in for one big, massive, Megaman Legends hug right now? I think we need a moment... I haven't had a chance to see the video of Inafune talking about it, but I wonder two things: 1) control scheme (honestly it would be awesome if there was a Phantasy Star Zero-style method, that ended up working perfectly fine with me after getting used to it. Please, for the love of Servbot, don't implement a touch control scheme...) 2) Multiplayer? How in the world did the 3DS get to garner such loving adoration from 3rd party developers, ESPECIALLY in the realm of nostalgic franchises?
  18. Question about outside sources and sampling. What is the current policy on inclusion of samples from things other than the game? I know of numerous examples where it is allowed (explicit example being "31 Seconds" by John Revoredo). However, I also have seen a few examples where it was not allowed (OCR00223 - Super Mario 64 'Haunted Hell (IncuCujoKondoD.Bros. Mix)', removed citing that as part of the reason). I'm assuming that it is allowed as long as it is not a majority composition element in the mix, correct? If this question has already been answered, my apologies.
  19. The 3DS was a must-buy for me before, but now...I mean, I can't even conceive the scenario where I would not buy it. I never thought I'd see the day the MML series was continued. I'm either dreaming, or this is a sign of the apocalypse.
  20. Heh, awesome, glad you like the song! Thanks for the comments and feedback, it was exactly what I was looking to get out of it. I've had the issue for a while where something will sound good to me, and good on my recording headphones, but not sound good anywhere else. I will be shooting to have the same improved quality on all my songs henceforth (or at least all the ones where I do the final mixdown on). It's also good to know that people are silently keeping a hawk's eye on things I, erm, *ehem* haven't finished yet, hahaha. I will add that track back onto my to-do list, but that also may take a while due to my project obligations at the moment. No doubt I intend to finish almost every track; it's just a matter of when. Thanks for listening! Well, that depends on what you're asking, but I'll answer the two questions you're most likely asking: 1) are the guitars real or programmed: they are real. 2) what did I use to get them to sound like they do: I used a Pod XT, with some after effects with sonitusfx plugins.
  21. Today, JH doesn't need any Time to Change. Today, We All Fall in line to wish a Happy Birthday to this awesome man, whether he be Rolling Down the Motorway or doing a Space Medley. May your day be full of Ass, Ass, and Boobass.
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