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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Sorry to hear about your troubles, Xerol. Maybe next year, and again, happy birthday. The BBQ was awesome. Thank you to everyone who came out and had fun with us. It was an honor and a pleasure to have so many cool-ass peoples in my place all at one time. I will DEFINITELY be planning on doing the exact same thing next year, so count on coming back!
  2. I just have to say that the panel was beyond any expectations I had. Considering our bum time, the panels we were sandwiched in, and how tired most of us were, I didn't really think a large amount of people would be there. Our crowd took up probably half the panel room we were given, which was actually quite large. We went on, we did our thing, everybody laughed, some people walked away with prizes, shirts were taken off, trainers were "molested" by Flareons, jerseys were misidentified, and overall everyone left far more ashamed than they came in. The amount of laughter was awesome, and in-general everyone made that a fantastic night. Hopefully the video and audio turned out okay! We just wanted to thank everyone who came out for it.
  3. I'm still in. I will bring my speedo for the waterpark. It will be...."fun".
  4. Check out Episode 33. http://lemonsinseries.com/ocrab/?p=29 I'm going to bed now.
  5. You can contribute phat rhymes and chop sucky!
  6. Big awesome congratulations to Abadoss for this achievement. While the soundtrack is short, it contains a deceptive amount of complexity. Definitely give it your attention, it's worth it!
  7. I hope everyone is having a fantastic, relaxing, and productive Summer. Best of luck to everyone, especially the mixers and the artists, as we fly into August and then back into Autumn. Keep that nose to the grindstone!
  8. Favorite kind of cake would either be vanilla ice cream cake with mounds of that tasty frosting the usually use on it, or funfetti. Of course, the funfetti would be served also with a scoop of ice cream. and CHOCOLATE TOP COOKIES!
  9. We very quickly became small and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. New episode will HOPEFULLY be out tonight. I planned on doing it last night, but a little voice in my head demanded that I unwind a bit.
  10. SHAMBRAIN! It's shampoo...for your brain!

  11. Tell your Dad that he can come too. We'd like to meet DadUltima if it means you get to swing by at all!
  12. My beard is eternally being stroked in your sig, isn't that cu--- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO DAVID?! That is SERIOUSLY creepy, man. It's like a possessed teddy bear!

  13. I imagine Jimmy celebrated his birthday by walking down the stairs, into the kitchen, and immediately doing the "Can the judges BGC" dance for about half an hour. May all your circles be big and giant for this year and many more!
  14. Congrats, dude, and can't wait to see how quickly this takes off on Escapist. Now I get my intelligent gaming lectures on the same site as I do my fast-talking foreign dude rants about gaming!
  15. How can I make Kebabs without Mushrooms?!? and Co- Oh, I see what you did there. Clever, Waldo.
  16. Awesome list so far, I just went shopping today and got a boatload of stuff. See updated list for more info!
  17. The way you two talk at each other makes me feel like this could go very BDSM at any moment Maybe people are checking it out but they have nothing to say? Or they're all mutes? Or maybe they're busy checking out all the other awesome WIPs around here, which is quite likely. Lots of awesome songs to hear! I can hear what you're saying about it sounding a bit...messy. I planned on adding more instruments but first I have to balance out the guitar dominance in this mix. My biggest issue is that the guitars are definitely the highlight so I don't want them taking a backseat (and I've been told before whenever I did push them down below other things that it sort-of ruined the mix) so I have to make lots of small changes in order to get it to sound right. I realize the other stuff is drowned out at the moment and I will try my best to change it so that there is a better balance. I agree that the mids are too powerful on the distorted guitars, I need to change that as WIP 1 had none of the accompaniment that WIP2 has (it was just guitars) so the mids helped the distorted guitars punch through the acoustics which are very low/high. I'll scoop the mids and see about exciting the highs just a tad on the distorted guitars. Worst comes to worst I'll try re-recording with different tones. You nailed the idea on the head: acoustic/electric ballad with building support instruments that combines conventional soft-ish rock with orchestra (and I couldn't resist a plethora of choirs in there). May be longer than a week to update it though, Mr. Gario! As always, thanks for the feedback and criticism. Guitar balance: do you mean have it pushed down a bit the whole time or lower it progressively as other instruments come in? I think the second one would be easier for smoothing out overall volume levels. I'll see what some volume automation on the acoustic guitar bus yields next time I work on this. Drums: Hmm, I'm leaning against drums in the intro but maybe an orchestral crash before verse 1 and add some hand percussion to it, up until and through the snare rolls and flams, ending as the standard kit comes in. Depends on what kind of hand percussion I can get my hands on! @2:14: yes, I think what you're hearing is there, but it's the same part that plays through other parts of the song and also at the ending outro. I'll bump it up just a tad. @2:54 hmmm, I liked the hecticness of the hats here but I'll tweak it a bit. I like your idea about the bells, but not in the way you think: I'll switch up the final chorus rides to use the bells @3:07 there's no real harmony guitar here but there's a guitar playing a compliment that was pushed down considerably due to the cluttering. Will see if changing levels makes any difference A lot of the levels issues might be resolved once I get the mix and EQ of the other instruments proper, but definitely a lot of good advice. Thanks for listening and giving some tips!
  18. Here's your cane, old man (read: have a happy freakin' birthday. This year has been very awesome for you so you live it up the rest of it, ya? I RAISE MY BEER TO YOU!)
  19. Yeah, that means plates, cups, and utensils. If you don't want to cover all of it just let me know what you're going to cover.
  20. Which chuckle heads and are they staying at my place? I have a small amount of plasticware but it's definitely not enough, so feel free to bring that and the hot dog buns!
  21. Well, now that the Otakon scheduling has been released for the year's events, I guess we should plan on wrapping up the weekend the right way considering all the cool people's that will be in town. This year's Otakon OCR-BQ (Yes, it's an OCR-focused BBQ) will be hosted by myself, the other OCAD hosts, and any of the folks who mooched their stay at my place for the weekend. It'll be at 1 PM on Sunday, August 1st, at my house. There will be burgers and grill stuff, snacks, beer and spirits, Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix amongst other games, and of course, rocking tunes. If you're coming, please feel free to bring anything to contribute to the Q. If you're interested in coming, send me a PM so I can give you the address, directions, and parking info. We can also figure out what, if anything, you'd be bringing to share. Take a look at what everyone else is already bringing and see if you can bring something different. Also, monetary or booze donations are welcome. Here's the list of attendees: ----------------------------------- Level 99 - Ground Chuck, Hot Dogs, Red Yellow and Orange Peppers, Mushrooms, Coke, Coke Zero, Pita Chips, Tortilla Chips, Chip chips, salsa, dipping sauces, assorted fruit, SNACK PACKS!, potatoes, tofu, some of the booze Brushfire - Peach Dumpcake, Ice cream, and wuss alcoholic drinks. Epicenter - pickle in a bag OA - Watermelon DragonAvenger - kitty ears Bahamut - bulgogi or ice cream djpretzel - his appetite Zircon and Pixietrix - Hot dog buns and plasticware Vimk (might need ride) Arrow - A CAR FULL OF CHIPS! Palpable and diotrans - veggie burgers and probably some kind of pie/cookies/dessrty sweet thing Kizyr and Jenner - Corn on the cob GeoffreyTaucer Velocifero - Burger buns and some beer Kulaman - non-alky beverages Jose the Bronx Rican
  22. You know how they say it's usually a minority of people that have the loudest voices? Yeah, this time that minority got it's protesting ass handed to them in the form of the best people in the world: Nerds. I am so happy that this happened you have no idea.
  23. Velcome, everybody! *unfurls his cape* I am...Dracula... If you picked your name from the Action 52 game, you're both awesome and awful.
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