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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Hey man, the solo guitar are actually even earlier before now than last version. Push them so the first guitar note coincides with the first beat (kick) of the following measure. Here, here is my old version with the guitars lined up how it's supposed to sound: http://www.mediafire.com/?dwizgjnx5zn Hopefully that helps. Other than that, I think it sounds great.
  2. Apparently this expires July 31st. http://www.audiomidienews.com/audiomidienews/2010/6/4/ik-multimedia-virtual-instrument-blowout-buy-one-get-two-fre.html I saw this while looking at EWQL Silver. Ended up going with that because of the 50% off bringing it under $100, however, this is still tempting. Miroslav doesn't look half bad, but getting three of these for the price of one? I'm still intrigued. Anyone have opinions on the offer? PS. I realize I'm starting to become a VST whore. So sue me Edit: SO My idea is to get one of the IK products and eventually choose Miroslav as one of the freebies. Then, if it can compensate for EWQL, I'd just resell it and hopefully make half my initial cost of the IK stuff back. For anyone else who's interested in this deal, I'll post my experiences once I get it.
  3. Yup, you definitely deserve it. A fine way to celebrate being on top of the world: mix post + compliment from the composer would make ANY remixer happy! Nice job! Even if it isn't pristine production, not only does the arrangement shine enough to make that a non-issue, but nearly all the instruments being live recorded really adds passion and a full "human" element to the song. Vocals and performance are both outstanding. The language is stunning. kate the great indeed.
  4. It is with great pride that I dedicate this new school, sports arena, or attraction. -- Stevo "Diamond Beard" Quimby
  5. So there's a campaign out on the net to gather people's support for porting NiGHTS: Into Dreams onto one or more current consoles for the game's 15th Anniversary. Seeing as this project is going to be released then, I highly encourage anyone and everyone to just go to the site and click the "Fans" button and register your vote. It would be great if both OCR and Sega gave NiGHTS something for the big 15. http://www.nid15.com/
  6. I'm going to end up going to ScrewAttack, so unfortunately I can not be in two places at once (not even if I try to run really really fast in a circle). Sorry, I gotta say I won't be able to attend this. Eat meat (or imitation meat) and drink beer (or soda), and be merry!
  7. 1) have you updated the play engine to the latest version? 2) check your system resources utilization (task manager): how much ram is free, and what, if any, are other big processes that you can stop? 3) you may need to freeze tracks and painstakingly work them one at at time, freezing and unfreezing, if you're getting the issue. Try freezing all the tracks except for one of the play VST's, and check if it works then. 4) just for good measure, disable any active antivirus scanning and hard drive indexing while doing work on the project. Also, are all four sticks of ram installed but only three are showing up? You're on Windows 32-bit or 64-bit? Edit: oh, and before I forget, unless you're using the 64-bit version of Windows, the 64-bit version of Reaper, and the 64-bit version of Play, I believe Reaper and/or Play is limited to 2GB ram usage total.
  8. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=36539 http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=36544 Both these folks advertised for Jax Hardware in Florida. Show them we're the only ones in the "hardware" business on OCR! Edit: wtf, another one: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=36547
  9. ...who? Naw, in all seriousness, this is gonna be tight.
  10. Indeed. We need to keep a pin on these fellas, or else we will live in a world where gameboys evolved from men, and men are slaves to the gameboys. It's ProtoDome. It's a semi-spastic mesh of styles, synths, and smoothness. On top of that, it's a version of Zelda's most iconic tune. While I myself was never that into the Zelda games, I am definitely into the music. You just keep making awesome stuff, dude. Just don't run out of chip sounds!
  11. The most common complaint on the site, bar-none. But reaching that point where the complaint becomes invalid is a sensation all the sweeter. This track is fantastic, through and through. The style you did this in, which is also a style pervasive in nearly the entire album through all your songs, is simultaneously nostalgic and fresh. You pick your sounds very well. Perfect track to kick off a great album. I don't know how you did so many great tracks over those two years on top of this one, but my hat is off to you. I never played the original but I'm still diggin' this. Congratulations, you lemon-lime non-carbonated beverage.
  13. No, but if you have a question or two you want us to ask them, post it here.
  14. Mirby, I didn't know I was going until today. Very very lucky to be going, too. SORRY!
  15. So guess what... I'm coming to ScrewAttack. Be prepared/scared. I'm going shopping for a new speedo this week.
  16. Just letting everyone know that both versions are now DONE. One's on it's way to the OCR Inbox, and the other is going to find it's way into Halc's hands for the Milkyway Wishes project. It's been quite a road leading here! Thanks to everyone for their support and involvement.
  17. We're not even done the listening party but OCAD 28 - Immaculate Boobs is just now released! It features Star Salzman as he...*ehem* enlightens us. Episode 28 - Immaculate Boobs
  18. I have no idea what OCAM is. The listening party will last roughly 2 1/2 to 3 hours. The album itself is about 2:20, from what I hear. Will have a bathroom break in the middle of the listening party.
  19. I got roped into family dinner and then they made me move a table and whatnot. I did buy a ticket to support though, but I didn't plan on having someone with a Stevo-hat to fake you out, I swear! Hope the show kicked ass, dougie doug.
  20. OH MAN, AMY AND VINNIE ARE COMING?! This meetup just got 10x sexier. I know this is probably a HUGE hassle, but can we update the OP with how long some people are staying? It's probably impractical but at least then we know when to get really big stuff in.
  21. Alright folks, got some new info to throw at you: 1) In an effort to further encourage people to get their final tracks in as soon as possible, every remixer who gets their track in AND approved by me/project staff as final before the Final WIP date (December 1st, 2010) will get a free physical copy of the project when it's released. This doesn't mean you can turn it in at 11:59 PM on November 30th and just have it called final. I would recommend starting to submit "final" tracks around the beginning of November so that me and the rest of the staff have time to review and approve. It also gives time for revision if there are changes that need to be made. I really hope this encourages mixers to meet the deadlines for the final stretch. 2) Any submissions received after the final deadline will be deal with as they come. However, as soon as the final deadline has passed, the staff will focus on QUICKLY reassigning any unfinished tracks so that all the tracks are done by the point of no return (April 2011). 3) There will be a special something from this project being put out on July 5th of this year to commemorate NiGHTS's 14th birthday, and in anticipation for the full release next year. Keep up the good work, folks!
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maniac_Cop Guys. We need to Riff this. We can also Riff Mega Piranha if you want, but I'm not fronting the 18 bucks to buy it on DVD.

    Hope your day is awesome.

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