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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Besides intonation, you might also want to check the strings you're using, how hard you're pressing the strings, and if you're accidentally bending the strings while pressing. I've found that, a number of times, I might be pressing too hard or pressing in a way that causes the string to go a little out of tune through bending. It does happen with guitars, and intonation is an issue that becomes more prevalent over time and through guitar usage, but check the other possible culprits first before you take it to get repaired. You might not need it. The lighter the string, the more likely a hard press will bend it further out of tune. What gauge string are you using? Also, is it getting out of tune only when playing on the frets, or does playing make it out of tune completely? Example: you tune it, you play a note, that note is out of tune. does the open string stay in tune or also go out of tune? Edit: WHOA! DBS! Did you change your remixer name?!
  2. Even if she can't avenge her bad microphone for it's partial-failure during the podcast, she can indeed avenge many songs that have yet to be judged. Congrats, Deia. I know you've definitely earned this. Now don't start slacking just because you became a judge, as tempting as that may be. And may all your dagrons be NO OVERRIDE.
  3. LET THIS BE AN EXAMPLE TO HOLD FOR ALL TIME! Some people do not like a more focused podcast. We have considered your response and are now outsourcing the podcast to a team of aardvarks in the Andes mountains. Do us a favor and please don't die while listening to the podcast. Not only will we feel terrible for causing the laughter that kills you, but it wouldn't send good messages about us. Actually, just do us a favor: never die. Ever.
  4. Edit:I am editing this post because our old website is down and gone forever. Hencely, this is the direct link to Episode 14 Episode 14
  5. When the next Podcast is released, the important information is at 23 minutes and 55 seconds. REMEMBER THAT TIME! Should be released around 7:30 tonight. Stay tuned.
  6. We actually can't put this out until the announcement is made by OCR itself, but rest assured that this will 99% probably be edited and ready to upload when it does. We appreciate your business.
  7. My friend Jamie, who created www.virtualnes.com, has recently unleashed the beta of his java-based Gameboy emulator website! You can play the games directly in your browser (from the selection of donated and site-acquired games, you can only play games they have in their game warehouse due to legality reasons INSERT OBLIGATORY DONATION PLUG). It's pretty sweet from the small selection they have already, though a few games are a bit buggy and whatnot, but it's starting strong and has a lot of growth ahead. Check it out here: http://www.virtualgbx.com/
  8. Well, we already have our own private project forums that we use. I was hoping to use the social group as a way to gather speed and enthusiasm, but if they're not working out as planned, no worries. Good to know things are getting geared for internal project forums hosting!

  9. Tropomode! HOW ARE YOU!

  10. Hey, man. Just a quick question: did we ever figure out how to make me an admin of the NiGHTS project Social group? Last I recall, it wasn't possible since I didn't have elevated privileges on the forums. I kinda want to mobilize some activity in there. :)

  11. Yeah, and I requested more crimps in the muffin paper as well. It's also huge and was the first prototype (which is actually one of the most comfortable pillows I've ever had).
  12. First and only piece of work: the plaid muffin. The next ones she makes in this style will have a smaller base and possibly a different shape, and she's making smaller, 2-dimensional style mini-muffins. When she has more examples, they'll be posted.
  13. It all started with a plaid muffin plushie, and now it's spiraling out of control! She's starting to get into making crafts of many varieties, including tote bags, hats, plushies, and more. However, the materials to do this are a bit expensive, so here's the deal: * If you want to pitch an idea or request a commission, please send Vilecat a PM. We're still working out prices and whatnot, so it might take a little while to get back to all the requests. * If you have old clothes, gloves, other fabric materials, jewelry, or anything like that, please send me a PM as I will be the one collecting donations and transporting them up to her. In the best of situations, you can request a commission and supply the materials by donating them. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  14. ...hello...Mirby...

  15. I have to kinda agree with OA about the samples. If this had been done with live instruments, even seven years ago, it would have aged a lot better. I like the arrangement, but it's held back by the method that you brought it to life. That being said, I'm still rocking to this. The arrangement is catchy and upbeat, and I can feel what you wanted to get out of it, even with the songs faults. I actually really like how you have the brass backing things.
  16. *melts in the piano* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... I'm lumping this with 600 AD in Piano and Silent Progression in my relaxation playlist. Can't say much more than this is awesome and emotive playing, with a great piano mixed very well. Almost brings a tear to my eye.
  17. Ah yes...now THIS is a winner. Very chill, and just the right mixture of cheesy samples with good ones. I can feel the source through most of the whole thing but it actually feels like a completely new song to me. I'm especially digging the generic-keyboard drum percussion samples. Someone once made a review of a song a long time ago stating a very important fact: it is possible to take a cheap keyboard and turn the sounds into something that's enjoyable and interesting (or something like that). Definitely getting that vibe from here for some of the instrument choices. Got me groovin' in my chair!
  18. Ehhhh I wasn't feeling this as much. I could see where the song wanted to go, but in my mind, it just didn't reach it. The piano didn't sound right to me, but that might be me being very picky with how it was mixed. This really reminded me of the FF4 album's bonus track "I Love This Radio", but wasn't cheesy enough. On the plus side, I did enjoy the use of the ring-chime and other SFX from the game. It's still very chill and alright to listen to, but it didn't stand out and deliver the goods like it could have. Production was still good for the most-part though.
  19. Echoing this 110%. Considering all that's already been said about this, I just gotta chime in that if there's ever a Sonic the Hedgehog movie in the style of The Mask of Zorro, this would be the cheesy theme-song. Cool beans.
  20. Style = very yes. Considering it's age, I'm willing to forgive some of the lackluster samples used. This is all about arrangement here, and it's got emotion out the wazoo in that regard. I'm particularly enjoying the hand-drum segment with the acoustic guitar-ish sample. Inspiring!
  21. o_o I love those drums. While not the most refined mix I've ever heard, this is really fun and moving. It does feel a little long with the song's length, but this is a great take on the source with a good amount of production quality and rhythms that really make me want to go running in a late 80's montage-style. Guitars were a nice choice, but that section where you introduced them sounded just a tad awkward with the way you had the drums going. Overall, still quite good. Edit: there's a section in the middle that really reminds me of a Real McCoy song. Can't place my finger on it, though. Just a funny imagining, because their songs are a guilty pleasure of mine.
  22. My main drawback are the drums, which really could have been a little better implemented. Besides that, I'm all over this. Relaxing, a wide variety of different instruments used and enough changes of sound that I'm never not interested in listening, and the freestyle synth parts go very well with how you put the source tune in here. The gated swells in the middle are euphoric, as is most of this song. A great take on the source and cool how you took the word Mushroom and applied it to all areas, even if the listener isn't on the stuff. Just have to point out that your use of portamento here was great, and that's something that I have a big soft-spot for.
  23. I wasn't really captured from the first minute or so of the song, not that it was really bad. It just seemed very bland, and does seem bland until some of the drums, FX, and speed change at 1:20. Even then, there's really nothing that sticks out and grabs me. It's adequate, but just overall, I guess I was anticipating some more. I did like the echoes of some of the snare hits and the way it switched up and back and then up again at the end, but overall, this wasn't my bag.
  24. Catchy and moving dance music, as is pretty much expected from the man named Beatdrop. Everything you'd expect from his take on this mix, and I'm especially a big fan of the dirtier synth usage and the kickass drums with their awesome stereo usage. Dirty bass rules my world. There's also a great meshing of noticeable source material with original avenues of melody and progression. This is now on my workout playlist.
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