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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. I'm still down for this. Unless this whole house-thing makes me 100% broke. Then I'll be only 99% down for this, money-pending.
  2. Bumpity bump! We got confirmation of approval for an OCReMix panel at Anime Detour. Should be Saturday, April 24th, at 3 PM. Check here for a full schedule: http://schedule.animedetour.com/ Despite what the info says, Brushfire will be joining in on the panel (I still need to email them to let them know a third person is coming). Now I just need to get the presentation from DJP, steal some merchandise, make every slide about OCAD, and we'll be in business
  3. There was a BOOMTISS and she GUITAR WANKERY in teh APPLE JUICE and YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH "Imma hav a SEX MACHINE" and thn the APPLE JUICE broke and thn her FAX MACHINE left her and thn she had a 4ONDAFLOOR and thn she MIA FEY'D

    if u dnt DRUNK IN THE HOTEL ROOM this to all of THE SHTYJDGFGTS (or OA, because there is nothing he won't suck) thn....whatever. whatever. whatever.

    I'm glad you're feeling better, but there's got to be some infectious stupidity going on round here lately. Go shave your head, white-vin-diesel.

  4. This is one of the songs that I'm not only extremely proud of, but was a pleasure to work on through the entire creation process. Just some small stories about the song if anyone's interested. This was not the song we first decided to work on for DoD. There was another one that we worked on for about a week and then decided to ditch for the time-being. We really had to haul our asses to get this done in time for the deadline. Andrew isn't kidding when he says there were multiple nights that he worked on this until 3 AM. Definitely a near-constant back and forth with updates, feedback, and revisions. Andrew was the one who worked with Moonlapse, and he did a perfect job with the vocals. Hopefully, he does a whole lot more in the future (he's got this and numerous FF4 choir stuff already under his belt). Andrew and I, along with our cohorts at MAGFest, were quite trashed through the DoD listening party. I didn't think we stood a chance against that 10 minute long video entry. So much competition, so many good entries. On the night of the DoD results announcement, Andrew and I were watching the costume contest. We were waiting for our friend, dressed like Mia Fey, to go up when Brad storms through the room and yell/whispers "DUDE, YOU FUCKING WON!" We missed our own win. The crowd was chanting "Holy shit!" and we were nowhere to be found. I ninja'd my way into a few shizzies photos, though. That was worth it. TL;DR: We're still n00bs.
  5. Here's my review: There's some poop, but it's mostly not poop. (no, for reals, I'll have some full stuff later on) Everyone wish Taucer a quick recovery from his medical stuffers. He organized bringing you this music and look where it got him!
  6. I'll be the judge of THAT! I have to hear him bone a trom! SD3 is gonna be wicked, mon.
  7. Ironic that this is on the "proposed" list for us plaid muffins to consider doing. I also find it funny that this thread has so far only consisted of posts by plaid muffin members. I also find it funny that this is my 1300th post. How epic. That being said, this is an interesting take. Must listen more.
  8. Okay, I really want to know what I just listened to. It felt like a religious experience. I am a changed man. And your grammar and spelling are pristine. How can such a man as you exist on this finite plane of being? seriously wtf was was that. I was laughing but really, wtf
  9. Alice is still one of the fonder memories of my childhood PC gaming days. Cheshire Cat's voice is still incredible. You're right about the game: though I must say the visuals haven't aged as well as others, the concept, execution, and gameplay is still great. Good to know they will be pursuing a follow-up! I was kinda disappointed with the Grim Tales series he did on GameTap...
  10. Yup, encompassing the rough hours around the states where people might be eating dinner. My suggestion for dinner on Saturday: fried plantains with a side of banana bread. Post was updated.
  11. Heh I've heard great things about that game. If any release info changes (I'm being given the info from people involved in the project, since I myself was not part of it), the original post will be updated accordingly. From what I've heard, though, it seems likely this will be the actual release date and whatnot. [covering my own ass and the asses of the project people]
  12. Alright, time for a bump. A most-frustrated bump. I recently decided to get back into Windows 7 64-bit to take advantage of the higher memory cap and increased performance in Sonar. This actually stemmed from a project bundle I got from Luiza for a song we're working on. It wouldn't open because I have two drum VSTs: the one I use, and the one that she also uses (I recently got the one she uses so the projects can be shared easier, amongst other things). Long story short: the project wouldn't open and kept crashing because of the memory usage exceeding the 2 gb limit. That's when I discovered the horrendous 64-bit support from Lexicon for their Alpha/Lambda/Omega line. Horrendous = there is no driver support for 64-bit. Well, at least none outside of the generic usb driver provided by microsoft, which is buggy at best and doesn't support ASIO at all. While searching for a new interface, I stumbled upon this site: http://rainrecording.com/windows-watch/ An incredible list of compatibility for audio interfaces with Windows Vista and 7, both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors. Definitely should be of use to people searching for compatible interfaces or seeing if theirs is compatible with an upgrade before they go through with the upgrade. In other news, does anyone want to buy a like-new Lexicon Lambda? Has everything except the box! Edit: also something interesting on the site. Look at how those expensive Waves plugins are not 64-bit compatible! Imagine being a professional musician or producer, buying Waves Mercury, and having it not work with your 64-bit DAW. Unbelievable.
  13. Okay, folks. The album is out. Here it is! http://dkc2.ocremix.org/ And to celebrate this momentous achievement, the OCAD boys have decided to host the listening party in IRC on the Saturday following the release. Information as follows: When: Saturday, March 20th, around 7 PM EST to start (apparently, DST switches on March 14th, so it will be 11 PM GMT according to Mr. Kizyr) What: DKC2 Listening Party (make sure you have the album downloaded before then!) Where: irc.enterthegame.com - room #ocad Who: Level 99, Brushfire, Epicenter, and the DKC2 project staff probably. Oh, and of course, you. Why: Because we can and it will be awesome. Hopefully that time works out for people located in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Any suggestions on if the time should be moved should be said as soon as possible.
  14. Don't encourage Larry, guys. We're not his lackeys! We don't take on every track that is pitched to us! FIGHT THE POWER! *listens to is* Interesting...even if one of you does take this on, I'd be interested in knowing what style. Also, I'm a bit confused by that youtube comment. Is it implying that we only take on songs that are not perfect? I was always under the impression that it was reinterpreting or revamping with some original twists, not just "improving the nonperfect".
  15. I'm really interested to see what products they will offer on both platforms, and furthermore, how all this will actually end up functioning. Great to see Valve taking note of the whole 5.02% of people in the world using Macs No really, I'm actually glad they're doing this. The more people gaming, the better.
  16. This is sexy! I'll have to listen this week and give my feedback (read: tear it apart limb from limb until you're left in a cold, crying mess of tears and shame)
  17. So many game companies are going belly-up now. Everybody wants to save money, get paid, but lots of people don't want to pay for games. It's a shame, too. I never played Hotel Dusk but it's been on my list for a while as it looks very interesting.
  18. This week will be me doing two very important things: getting back into making music again, and generating as many shownotes as I possibly can. Also going to update our links list to other cool folks. Hope everyone's enjoying the podcasts!
  19. Alright, for the two people I might have missed spamming the IRC room, here's the dealio: 1) Go get the latest episode of OCAD here (Episode 16: Serious Primeapes) 2) Listen through the show, or alternatively, skip to around 1 hour and 14 minutes. 3) LISTEN TO GET THE DKC2 RELEASE DATE AND LISTENING PARTY INFORMATION. It's a good episode even if you just get it for the DKC2 info, as we have preview tracks from The Sound of Speed, Maverick Rising, and The Missingno Tracks. Also we talk with Halc and Willrock. Yeah, a very cool episode indeed.
  20. TA-DA! you're getting an OCAD flood today. Posted our first set of interviews: one with AeroZ and audio fidelity, and one with Mazedude. AeroZ and audio fidelity interview Mazedude interview Also, Episode 16 is here: Episode 16
  21. You seriously need to stop doing so many remixes. You make me feel...inefficient.
  22. I still have your sweater!

  23. Hey folks! Due to unfortunate circumstances, we now have one definitive track open on the NiGHTS: Into Dreams ReMixing project - NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming. The track of D'Force Master (the final boss theme) is open for claiming. Claims are tentative until given a WIP, and WIPs should be given as soon as possible. If you're interested, reply here or send me a private message about it. Check the thread for rough guidelines about songs and the project. Also, if anyone's interested in doing a spot of art, send me some samples and I'll look them over. We currently have some artists on-staff but are open for some more since, ideally, every track would have a piece of art made for it.
  24. Unfortunate announcement: bLiNd has needed to drop his claim on D'Force Master. So that track is now open to any claims, and I will be aggressively seeking people to fill it if it isn't claimed in about a week. Still, we push on. Good luck, Jordan, in all your endeavors! Speaking of, y'all should be on the lookout as I have been collaborating with him on an original track that will soon be completed. It's pretty boss, no pun intended! Keep dreaming until the next WIP deadline, folks. Unless you're a mixer, in which case, you are allowed to dream after you get your updated version in
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