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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. This song is so unbelievably chill yet light it feels kind of like flying. I was very much reminded of the progression style that Dire Dire Docks uses to convey free-motion. The piano here is soft and spot-on, and the sax, while not the most convincing of samples, is mixed and written so well that it fits. Just the same way chiptunes have their appeal, so do these kinds of samples in they way they lack the humanized timing and breathing when written for properly. My only real critique is the drums, which are adequate but could have had a little more done with them. Regardless, this is a great song on anyone's studying or chill playlist.
  2. less posting, moar getting-me-the-tracks-for-the-Zelda-mix!
  3. Super Mario RPG, NiGHTS: Into Dreams, any game from the Katamari series, Final Fantasy Tactics, Max Payne, Portal, Mega Man X.
  4. Projected release date: April 1st, or the second Tuesday of next week. Questions? Concerns? Geoffrey Taucer can be reached at 555-5555 ext. 55. This is a great example of how, even with very well-run projects, things can be delayed past a projected release. There's really nothing that can be done to prevent these kinds of things short of kicking off members or releasing with less of what you wanted, but neither of those really benefit the project trading off for releasing early/on time. This will most definitely be kickass when it comes out, and the people who might have caused the delay are definitely worth the wait: they have busy lives and lots of talent. Go, Jake! Go, Dave! Serious Monkey Business is getting super-serious now.
  5. Patience, patience. These things ebb and flow like the tide. Sometimes you'll get 10 WIPs in a week. Sometimes whole months will go dry. Lots of people stepped up their game already, and I'm quite surprised with how much has already been done. This thing is definitely on track.
  6. Oh, damnit, Val. I didn't need any more water coming out my nose, but you just added a few more tablespoons to the count. We really abused this phrase over the weekend, didn't we? Behold, the next meme! Will hopefully have the editing done by Wednesday at this rate.
  7. I love how suspiciously absent I am from the comics...and the surveys...and the world. Have I been replaced since I was gone? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Cool comic, btw. And the podcast needs more bumpers. And less technical failure. That is all.
  8. Question: did you post on VGMix 2.0 way back in the day? I can't remember if the person I'm recalling was Azar or Anar...

  9. Preventing a double-post right now. We now have two tracks open for claiming, though one might not be open for long: If you want to jump on The Mantle, now's your chance. This one might be gone in a little while! It has sexy saxophone...so take a listen! Escariot had to, unfortunately, drop his claim for E-LE-KI Sparkle due to some collaboration compliations. The track is now open for claiming. We're pushing slowly, and starting to see some of the final art take form. We have a good pace right now, and I expect some tracks to be finished by WIP2's deadline (mostly my own), as well as most of the WIPs to be completely in. *trudge trudge trudge* 2-24: Update! Cyril the Wolf has made a tentative claim on E-LE-KI Sparkle. He says he's going to do "something weird" with it. I half-love that, and am half-scared by it. The Mantle is still publicly open but something special is currently being internally arranged as a possibility. GO, NiGHTS, GO!
  10. Hey Jade, just wondering how and what the art is going to be like, and if you planning for a physical distribution of this when it's complete. Also, are you considering preparing album art similar to how iTunes would display it?
  11. It goes without saying that this is relevant to my interests. Let's pimp this shit, I want in on it, too!
  12. I was kind of thinking of one with a big monster truck on the front and then Jack Thompson's head on the back with two host's heads for eyeballs and one host's head for the mouth. I take it back, that sounds WAY creepier than I intended. Editing in progress.
  13. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU CHANGED YOUR NAME!!!! My whole world...it is crashing down upon itself in a fiery storm of flames and mephisto-bits...
  14. Lol it's fine, I don't even fully remember what you said. I need to go bug Jay again about BC.

  15. Your shredding shredder of a sig shred kicks some serious shred. I was going to be a technical jerky and transcribe the convo from OCAD showing only the slightest allegation that you were a shredder, but...nah. All that art is badass, project-related or not. It makes me want to listen to dragonforce, and go watch dragonheart, during the chinese year of the dragon while playing...Lunar: Dragon Song.
  16. wait a minute, y'all thought i was serious? Wow, that made my night! Y'all are friggin' amazing.
  17. Yes? We do have private forums now. Away from the prying eyes where we can bat ideas around and ditch the ones that aren't good. I think just about everyone who needed to signed up for them now. Anyone want to make a logo? Anyone? Kirby eating the band? Helloooooooo?
  18. Aww. I can feel the love. No, wait, that's me feeling the feedback from all the guitar going on now. Sweet.
  19. Try Comodo Internet Security (Antivirus + Firewall). Just make sure to disable the ask bar or whatever they try to install during installation and you're good to go. I've never had a problem otherwise and the thing is pretty friggin' tight. It's also free.
  20. Please welcome sixto sounds onto the project!
  21. I'd be busier getting you a WIP if you got me something to start with!
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