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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. What, you didn't get the email? My apologies if it wasn't as timely as it should have been (was crazy busy all last week). We should try again soon! No hard feelings, I hope.
  2. I've seen that book before. Was gonna buy it for an old roommate. Then got lazy. I just wish those studies about fellatio being linked to preventing breast cancer were true...we would have had an ACE IN THE HOLE!
  3. Either way works. Seems like you already have good enough gear for mic recordings, so you could probably just do that. I personally use Pod XT direct-in and it's been my favorite tool for a long time. Either way, good luck!
  4. Hi! Welcome! Glad you dig the stuff here! If you're looking for help with recording and whatnot, check out the Workshop section of the forums, specifically the Music Composition & Production area. Despite being a little outdated, Sixto actually did a guide on getting good guitar tone for free, which you can check here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14222 Personally, it depends on the method you want or intend to record the guitars. You can do it with direct input from the guitar itself and do everything in post with the amp sims. You can use a direct effects box, like a multi-effects processor or a stompbox board, and then mess with the post processing effects as you see fit. Or you can record your amp'd setup through mic's and just do compression and reverb on the recording. I'm pretty sure that this will get moved to the workshop section anyway, but definitely read Sixto's guide before anything else.
  5. Is it your birthday? I GUESS IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY!

    Harpy Brothday!

  6. You best have remembered you're coming on OCAD this Saturday night, beatdroppah! (check your email later, jive turkey)
  7. I typed up two big posts. One got deleted, the other was kinda stupid, so I'll just say this (even though I never played the game in reference): Square - please innovate like you did in the days of suplexing the phantom train. Playing a remake is not the same as reading a good book a second time.
  8. O_O Wow. Just....umm, wow. That's all I gotta say. Blown away by this, actually. Can't help but dance. and that BASS! Sexy stuff.
  9. I hope your crazy hectic weeks are going well, dude! The muffins eagerly await your return to freedom.

  10. Alright! New OCAD! Episode 18 - Beef Screams. Episode 18 Edit: Okay, so a little about the episode (since Brushfire doesn't like my SHORT POSTS). We got an exclusive preview of a cover song that Starla/Nicole are working on with A_Rival. We played a lot of tracks, including all from the postflood of DKC2. We talked about detonating beef. We talked about hate for vocal remixes. And we discussed the ultimate question of what differentiates fruit snacks from candy. Intense.
  11. Ohshi, totally forgot about that. Yeah, stuff like THAT. Hopefully it won't just be an [insert popular game in that genre here] clone. Edit:
  12. I just got your voicemail from over the weekend. It was long, drawnout, and unoriginal. You followed the exact parameters let out for you, and didn't break out of the box at all. Your performance was pretty amateur. Blatant MIDIRIP.


  13. Anyone else rather see them invest in NEW franchises that BLOW OUR MINDS and DON'T RETREAD OLD GROUND? I like FF7 as much as the next person, but....ehhhhhhhhhhh
  14. Hey, you know, despite my love-hate with it, it was still kickass. A prime example of the love the remixers poured into the song still outshining technical issues. <3 <3 <3 Jose and the Pussy Cats, Halethorn-Boppe, and Tub-Taucer.
  15. Well, in addition to thanking Nicole Adams and Starla for coming on today, FINALLY had the chance to get Episode 17 out the door. A little shorter than usual, but still a grand ol' time. Episode 17 Updated iTunes whenever we can.
  16. LISTENING PARTY IS TONIGHT! Hope everyone's ready. We're stoked.
  17. Okay, so I just listened to the bonus track Bonus Bop and, I have to say, that's absolutely stellar work. Shame it isn't in the album proper, but it is most definitely on my playlist.
  18. Ah the wonders of multiple forum information. Happy birthday to Swann, the sexy trumpeter from The OverClocked Plaid Muffins. Happy birthday to M-H, who made a sexy Primrose WIP for the Maverick Rising project. Happy birthday to MattInc, who's making a sexy track for the NiGHTS project. SEXY! Have a great day, all of you.
  19. If I had the chance I'd take on a bunch of these myself, but I leave it up to those capable people who have more free time to take on THIS ridiculous soundtrack. Any song will do, really. Krang 2 is my favorite, but there's tons of great stuff to pick from. Listening to the chiptunes in my car really gives the speakers a workout, lots of full bass and really good synths. http://smd.hcs64.com/t/Teenage%20Mutant%20Ninja%20Turtles%20-%20Tournament%20Fighters%20(1993)(Konami).7z Here's the Krang 2 youtube for the lazy:
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