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Everything posted by MaliceX

  1. This is perhaps one of the longest remixes on the site as far as I know, but the good thing is, it NEVER gets boring and given the style of the arrangement, the length is appropriate. We need more remixes like this. Production is pretty clean, although the fake guitars sort of bugged me a little, it didn't really matter with the execution of the arrangement. The original tune sort of had an implication that it was written with Jazz Fusion in mind, without the improv. I'd say this arrangement is like a perfect "arrange version" for this song, considering it was written about 2 decades ago. Lots of syncopation, the improv, I can't really say much about the execution, it's just done so well. Perhaps you should get a lead sheet done for this and get an actual band to perform this arrangement. Splendid stuff, faithful to the original, and VERY nice arrangement.
  2. MISINFORMATION ASIDE.... the track sounds nice. A tad loud, a tad repetitive, but you've got something happening here. I did like the use of the spike hit sound. around the end of the first quarter. That's all I can say really.
  3. URL fixed. Seems editing the link still retains the old link, so repasted. (Remove /public_html)
  4. Dissidia: Yeah I know what you mean, though I didn't take longevity into consideration but then again I have seen some rather long opening sequences in general. Also, completed the final version here. (Note: it's mixed differently from the test version) http://djtbmx.stdrand.com/muzik/mein/djtBMX_-_Haika_shiri_no_densetsu_tvsize.mp3
  5. I'm interested in knwoing what keyboard you used to play back. Heh. Thanks for the kind words. I haven't played BoF3 myself, but good to know haha. The song was actually intended to be a pastiche of the stereotypical anime OP song. I think it sounds a bit of a mix of other things though. When I have time I might pump the track in REAPER for the "official" version..
  6. Title: Legend of Ass Destruction (translated) Intended genre: JFusion/Funk/Pop, anime OP pastiche FINAL AUDIO VERSION: http://djtbmx.stdrand.com/muzik/mein/djtBMX_-_Haika_shiri_no_densetsu_tvsize.mp3 MIDI Renders: http://djtbmx.stdrand.com/muzik/mein/djtBMX_HakaiShiriNoDensetsu_syxg2006le.mp3 http://djtbmx.stdrand.com/muzik/mein/djtBMX_HakaiShiriNoDensetsu_sw1000xg.mp3 Hey everyone, started this yesterday and just finished it a few minutes ago, after a ray of inspiration suddenly striking me (and in effect taking time away from doing my SPC6 votes hurr hurr). This was spurred from a thought of looking back at my old compositions, and new inspirations since my last PROPER composition (which was 4 years ago now, my song for VGMA I think) Anyway, it feels fulfilling to finally finish a composition in record time, and actually love it. (I hope you guys/gals do too.) MIDI: http://djtbmx.stdrand.com/muzik/mein/djtBMX_HakaiShiriNoDensetsu.mid EDIT: Audio test (just testing instruments)- http://djtbmx.stdrand.com/junkpile/djtBMX_HakaiShiriNoDensetsu_audiotest.mp3
  7. Shoot, I forgot about the audition during the christmas break. Well, regarding that, is it too late to change what song to audition for?
  8. After being introduced to more music and artists from the Jazz Fusion circuit, I have to say it's a treat to finally hear something of that nature from here. This arrangement definitely conveys the funky syncopation present in much of the music of its type, particularly those from the 80's. (I daresay, the good 80's music?) Granted, it doesn't stray too far from the original but that could be a good thing, with the lack of a "wanky lead solo section." I do know some japanese game music tend to go through the fusion route (Mario Kart, anyone?) and the instrument lineup certainly fits the character. Some very nice drum sequencing here given it's a demonstration of that so-called drum library, funny how this plays as a plug for it as well. More...MORE...MOOOORE!!!!!!!! PS: Great stuff, hope to hear more stuff like this.
  9. Thanks. Yeah, the clicking is caused by Aquestone it seems, darn. More beat, certainly. I'll just have to concoct a suitable transition that doesn't detract entirely from the pacing of this arrangement.
  10. Vote for espernet. I go to freenode and several others, but I'm more active in Espernet. ETG has always decided to go "hurr hurr i haet ur hostname, K/G/Z-LIEN" from time to time, and that's impractical considering all I did was boot up mIRC and let the auto-join do its magic. It's just weird cause ETG is the only IRC server I've ever had a problem with.
  11. http://djtbmx.stdrand.com/junkpile/djtbmx_bessessenheitredux_ideawip.mp3 This was pulled together in 1-2 hours one midnight, during a session of idea overflow, I decided to throw the sketch down into REAPER before I lose the idea in my head again. At the moment, I'm unsure what direction to take this arrangement, given most of the battle/boss themes in the game tend to have motifs of the melody recurring all over. Thoughts, suggestions, please come forth,
  12. When it first came out yeah it was one of the more better games of the Tales series, too bad He-Man and the Masters of the Universe/Mattel got in the way of the name "Eternia" on US release, hence the incorrect renaming to Destiny II. (PS2 Destiny 2 is the real sequel.) Personally I found the music in ToE much better than Destiny overall, though Phantasia was still more memorable, the music in Eternia really did fit the setting of the game moreso than Phantasia at times. Wonder which song people would like remixed from this particular game.
  13. While I can't play guitar (particullarly chords) for peanuts, I can play Piano/Keyboard+Synth+Pedal effects, Drums+Percussion and a little bit of Bass Guitar. ...the last two I don't exactly have at my disposal at all times., but most certainly can play something out of them. I do have a good ear for pitch and experience in producing a tune together using a computer and specialised plugins and meticulous chopping of samples where necessary. Some interesting samples of your attempts, though somewhat a bit over-compressed to the point there's too much low's kicking it down.
  14. Venus Lighthouse eh.... ?
  15. Heh. This sounds interesting. Might take a stab at it, though just for the fun of it.
  16. What bugs me though is, no one seems to really care for the other (mostly non-english) Tales games' soundtracks like Eternia or Rebirth. (didn't really like Symphonia's much, but to each his own. There are some good tunes there but the battle tunes sound about as bad as most of Destiny/2's.) In other words, hopefully the Summoning of Spirits project blows the originals to Kingdom Come.
  17. Dunno if anyone other than myself, is going to attempt to finish resequencing the MIDI's of Tyrian relative to the ones heard on the FM synth. (so far, definitely better than the rips) http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_AsteroidDance1.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_AsteroidDance2.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_BuySellMusic_v11.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_ComeBackToMeSavara_v103.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_DeliShopQuartetNo2.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_Ending1.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_EndofLevel.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_MusicMan.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_SarahsSong.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_SomebodyPickUpTheGryphonev103.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_SpaceJourney1.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_Start5.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_TheSong.mid (this was made BEFORE Borg No. One uploaded the rips.) http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_Transon_v103.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_Zanac3.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/TYRIAN_Zanac5_v103.mid
  18. While the titles aren't at all correct (no official OST songnames other than stage numberings), I did some MIDI's of Gunstar Heroes last year/two years ago...they should be up at vgmusic, otherwise you can get them here: (it's not everything...haven't worked with teh incomplete ones. Maybe next one should be Orange and Orange's stage (again nutcase music) http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_AncientRuins.mid (GeckoYamori had the string chords in, finished most of the rest myself. And yes, this is the first level tune) http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_BravoMan.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_G9UnderAttack.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_GoldenSilver_v101.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_Intro.mid (SwordBolt also did a MIDI of this as well) http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_StageClear.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_SubterraneanCaves.mid (better than that ONE sequence...) http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_ThemeofBlack.mid http://djtbmx.soulbreakers.com/muzik/sequence/GunstarHeroes_ThemeofGreen.mid Green, and Golden Silver was nuts to do. The Save Yellow mission is G9UnderAttack (i can't remember why I named it as such....) Feel free to use them as a reference for your remix(es), just please credit me somewhere for getting the blasted tunes to MIDI. Interesting remixes on your profile, though I think there could be more done with the first level remix. But that "golden silver's demise" (epilogue?) variation sounds nice.
  19. Actually, the songs on Tyrian's sound test after the ZANACS track, were written by Andras Molnar. Alexander Brandon confirmed this himself, I believe. Being an early player of Tyrian (v1.0 days, before this level got added to episode 1, and episode 4 didn't exist yet) If there was any story, it all came in the form of data cubes or intermissions between certain levels. In this case, Planet Tyrian was under attack again, this time with an even more intense fleet of ships. I think Vykromod or General Nob was behind the attack, not sure. Either way, it was basically clashing with the enemies from the first level again, only this time in a much intense situation and pretty much, all you see is cannons and explosions going off, in addition to the need of a spotlight. Then that first boss ship you thought you destroyed, has returned with even deadlier weapons. (cannons and lasers that can kill you within a second.) Nothing much, really. Hope to hear of this remix!
  20. Ooh, if that's the case, I want to do 20,November!
  21. Just wondering, but did anyone manage to extract the vocal of Sanctuary? The instrumental versions I've heard don't match with the original instrumentation.
  22. *A rompin' from da behind fer 2008!* Just thought I'd pop by. How's the project coming along?
  23. For those that care, version 2 was updated to v0.5.1 today. I suppose this means he's still doing some work on it in his free time. Harmony: That's true for the case of multivelocity samples. However it does help a little if one is in multi-view and physically select them. (Though sc2 has a better way of sample selection...) It's understandable if it's a hassle. Trash Man: Version 2 is more CPU-optimized (though it does have the occasional jump/spike) than version 1 though both work for me. I should at least make a tune with either of them before the end of the year, after one finishes the hassles of school exams.) zircon: Thanks for clarifying that. Again, this thread is mainly for those who are interested.
  24. Yeah, version 2 (v0.50) has got issues in terms of stability in certain hosts. To get files to appear in SC2, you have to make folder shortcuts via explorer, in the patches AND samples folders in the SC2 directory. Ignore the batch file in there too. Otherwise you should be at least able to load WAV files via drag-n-drop in either version. As for soundfonts, they must be loaded through the browser unfortunately (under the PATCH tab) and even so, what's going to appear is individual patches rather than the entire bank. (Can be a good thing...but can be a band thing too.) version 2's advantage; on saving a project, it saves the samples in it too so no need for relocation! (SC2's part/multi format it appears.) Select the assigned WAV files you want to 'mute' (for example high hat samples mapped) on the list on the left (HOLD CTRL to select all three), then where it says choke groups, make it 1 or anything. That's how to do it. Same method with both versions. (I know, it's a bit annoying to do it manually.) Never opened the v1 help file mind you. (A user at KVR is creating a guide for v2 however) Well, not many people pointed out issues like this when it was still payware so...maybe it's a good time to say something. (Though I dunno if claes is still updating either version since he's started to involve himself with Ableton, from what I hear) As for the panning hard-left and right...uhm...to tell you the truth I've never encountered that problem, however I've noticed that when opening soundfonts in version 1, it tends to split the sounds to L and R. Nope, it can't export SF2's. It'd be nice if it exported SFZ at least, like HighLife. (cause there's a converter available for that.) I do agree this can suit as a soundfont editor in general, function-wise. No problems. Only the user can determine what one can work with properly..
  25. That's actually one of its advantages. Being able to load a single patch from a huge soundfont like Fluid or SGM-v2 beta (~150-250MB) without clogging up that much memory in that instance. It's also a multisample player, beatslicer, glitch sample/loop mangler, and can work like a wavetable synthesizer in one (not just the internal 'oscillators', using sample fragments as loopable waves.) Of course, as zircon tried to say, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but if there's (not necessarily better) alternatives you're already got, it's likely payware or comes with your DAW such as Ableton Live or FL's sampler functions. (in short. there's no better free alternative. Done my research kthx. ) For the record, reading a manual isn't necessary if one knows how soundfonts/multisamples are constructed. I think you're exaggerating the "ugliness" factor with "difficulty." But again, you've probably already got what you need (and paid for) to pull off the task quickly and efficiently. If one is familliar with synthesizers or soundfont creation, this is really handy. Supports drag-n-dropping to keymap as well. (Though version 2 handles it better, but that's still got issues with databasing, odd loading sample-type habits, and effects routing.) Thanks for sharing your experience. I should add that unlike with FL's standard sampler/beatslicer, with SC, you DON'T need to save new waveforms when 'cutting them up' or shortening them to use for loopable waveforms. And because it supports multi-outs, depending on your host it's pretty much easy to route whatever effects you want on it without loading too many instances.. Just make sure before saving a project, you save a 'multi+samples' in shortcircuit; it's got a recall issue. version 2 doesn't, however.
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