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Everything posted by Ayres

  1. Rock'n'Roll Everything else.
  2. Don't feel bad. I did it too once ;p I've done it twice. I was the one who mentioned the "greeness" of his name as well. I'm partly to blame for this thread, too.
  3. ....why did you end your post with "testicles"?
  4. I would like to re-iterate my eagerness for this project to reach completion. I both support and wish for all good things in regards to this project.
  5. Can we add in some Calvin and Hobbes? Here's a cheapo that I made, certainly ready for someone else to make better of a Transmogrified Calvin. LT: Well, it's a start. If someone else wants to run with the idea, be my guest.
  6. I would just like to continue to say that I support this idea and look forward to it's completion. I hope things are still progressing. Maybe even faster since people might have more free time over the long Christmas break.
  7. I tried one. I blurred out the original so as to retain some anonynimity.
  8. Alright guys. Your Zodiac Spear is gonna be in that chest already mentioned. If you didn't find it, you screwed up somewhere and opened a chest you shouldn't have. Now, the only place you'll find it is in the Henne Mines in a secret location that takes a minute and a half to get to and has only a 1/100 chance of being there. This equals roughly 5 hours of nonstop searching to get the spear. I do not recommend. Getting good things in the Muthru Bazaar (I assume the "clan" bazaar) is achieved through completing mark hunting. For every new title you recieve, new things are available to purchase at the Clan Provider. Bravery, Faith, and other strong magic only become available after you progress the game to a certain point. However, there are a few instances that only one merchant will sell a strong Magic (i.e. "Telekenisis" from the Benkamy merchant inside the Necrohol of Nabudis or "Ardor" from the bangaa merchant in the furthest north section of the Barheim Passage). If you can't find the magic you're looking for, it's probably not available to you yet. To buy things from the airships, you have to have progressed far enough in the game that you use the Aerodome. Choose any flight other than "private" and pick the first option. There are 2 "bars" where you can buy simple items from. There's nothing of value on the airships unless you're completing the hunt associated with it. As for Hunts, there are a ton them. 40 I believe, so if you have a question on one of them I can help you out. You gotta be specific.
  9. It's done that to me a half-dozen times or so. In my case, even if new posts are made, it doesn't show. It's like pressing the subfolder is just like pushing "back". The only time I can get it right is by logging out and logging back in. Anyway, you're not alone.
  10. Nuts. I guess if we've lived for 9 months without, I can still live. Still, I'd like to continue to show interest in its completion.
  11. Zircon, I'm hoping this means we're real close on the FF7 project and that you're only missing a few songs. Four weeks? The we can expect the project in 8 or so, right?
  12. I'm not a fan of Megaman... but damn if this isn't an awesome video game remix. Quite a few of the recent uploads just aren't to my liking, but I listened to this one, I knew I had a keeper. I really enjoy it, very catchy, very upbeat, just great.
  13. ^ Seconded. I'd like to hear this project. I know you say soon, but it's what you said last month. Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I Just wanna emphasize interest, that's all.
  14. Fairfax Screen Printing. Wow, I go to them to make shirts for various D.C. radio channels. They do good work. Very nice office. Tucked away real good. Nice choice.
  15. How about a better way to select pages in the forums? Useful, really for the big ones (i.e. ones that post over 100 pages). Something like a drop down, rather than only being able to progress 6 at a time like now.
  16. Double emphasized. I want mine before they're gone, this time.
  17. Thank you Doulifee for the great sig!
  18. I don't know how often anyone checks this, but I'd like to make a request. I'm tired of not having a sig and I've seen some really great stuff done here. I have no real idea of what I want, but I have provided some pictures I wouldn't mind people using. Choose to use them or not, I'll most likely be happy with what someone can come up with, since I can't. Any of these, or combination (or none I suppose) will make me happy. Something real modern ( I especially like my green glass background) that includes my name "Ayres" would be great! Thank you very much! http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a302/logan-the-firefighter/DSC06851.jpg This is a picture of my eye for a photo workshop I did a while ago. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a302/logan-the-firefighter/summon-bahamut.jpg FF7 Bahamut http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a302/logan-the-firefighter/bff707.jpg FF7 Bahamut 2 http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a302/logan-the-firefighter/bahamuto.jpg FF8 Bahamut Negative (kick ass) http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a302/logan-the-firefighter/techno2.jpg Optional background http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a302/logan-the-firefighter/3e.jpg Current background
  19. While listening to this, I thought it might pick up as it progressed. It did, but not as much I had anticipated; to great response. This is a great song to keep as background rather than overtake your senses. Very nice funk to it. I always love Orihalcon's work.
  20. I'm surprised no one's asked yet but, there will be availability for all colors and designs, right? Shirt's gotta be black but the color of a hoodie doesn't matter. Are there even different colored hoodies? Can there be?
  21. At over 6 foot but skinny at 165 lbs, I'll take a large. Please, God, let the armlength but long enough. LARGE, with good armlength (for the hoodie, doesn't matter for the shirt). EDIT: I'm a dumbass. This is the forum for shirts, not hoodies. Change my order to medium, I likes 'em taught against my hard body.
  22. Fantastic! I played Lemmings all the time and you have done it more than justice, you've glorified it! An absolutely stunning piece. The "let's go!" at :55 is a perfect transition into the broken trance synth. Really, You did an awesome job on this. I only post for the ones I absloutley love, and you got it! Keep it up, I want more!
  23. Wow! This is a fantastic remix! I completely agree with djpretzel in that this is certainly in my top ten, if not 5, favorite songs on this site! Really great! Fanatastic! Superflous! (you get the idea...)
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