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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. does anyone even have a bluray burner
  2. that's because he didn't line them up perfectly this one's lined up a bit better http://www.mediafire.com/?gntktzt2yij
  3. well, as someone who never looks at upcoming games, I've been pretty damned happy with it
  4. this is ancient news and doesn't apply to anything anymore
  5. pfff descent wasn't that bad as long as your keyboard could handle all the inputs good enough for trichording
  6. also why oh why did square change the confirm button on all of their games to X for all of their US games since FFVIII? for every game previous that, it was always the right face button (A on SNES, circle on PS1) this has bothered the fuck out of me since then and I have taken every opportunity to remap the confirm button to circle that has presented itself to me. (this of course made me extremely angry when I found out that you can't remap buttons in FFXII) this is exactly how I feel about multiple disc games
  7. don't worry I wanted to tell him as well
  8. I loved iggy when I watched it I need to watch it again
  9. G-T's PA007 his mixing is superb as usual, but not many tracks are jumping up at me as straight up awesome as some of his older sets
  10. good grief D-Fend is a gigantic steaming pos these days I tried the latest version and I couldn't get it to work properly I find it odd that the GUI initially designed to make DOSbox easy to use has become far more convoluted than using DOSbox by itself
  11. I'd say tyrian, but I think I've shoved that down everyone's throats enough here for the past 4 years that some people know it
  12. can't stand doing fighters with a keyboard that only supports 4 simultaneous inputs including directions I need the bare necessities at least (wtf, $54? I bought 4 of them for $5 a piece several years ago)
  13. I think this is because once you get the bottom of the stage established, there's less stuff to distract you
  14. I'm the kinda guy that likes to assign human traits to inanimate objects so I think it's cute as hell also hahaha these tachikomatic days
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