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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. No one's made a thread yet because they haven't cracked the copy-protection yet.
  2. wait what I had not heard of this
  3. I know but that wasn't the point. anyway, I tried it today and I'm fairly impressed I may buy it in the near future
  4. in what KH game has there not been an hour long tutorial at the beginning
  5. because 358/2 days is a different game from Birth by Sleep maybe?
  6. The "Guides and Tutorials" forum: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=29 and The Fruity Loops forum: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=28 are two excellent places to start obviously, if someone who actually frequents workshop were to post more specifically where to go, I'll bow to his superior authority
  7. flcl is straight up fucking weird
  8. There might be an option to force stuff with fewer channels to play out of all speakers, though. My GIGABYTE P35 board does, I know. Look in your audio properties for something like that.
  9. I have no idea what you're talking about, but that reminds me of Sumomomo Momomo
  10. maybe the original DS (the lite's too damn flimsy), but the latest nintendo that I'm sure would do well is the original GBA
  11. oshi- 07-Ghost got an anime? I loved the crap out of the manga (even if you couldn't tell what was going on half the damned time) I think anime is probably the better medium for it
  12. hahaha whatever I thuoght non-musician's birthday threads were relegated to offtop though
  13. Screw it, I've got nothing else to waste my ten thousandth post on. hbl
  14. which is why the only game that I have ever bought "new" from gamestop was Spiderman 1 in '03 their used section ain't too bad though I troll there pretty often for old games. For example, I recently picked up Jak 3, Jak and Daxter, Dark Cloud, Xenosaga I and II and some others for $5 a pop, all in pretty decent condition and complete with the manuals $36 ain't bad for a new PS3 game though, I'll probably do that then considering that the used version of VC was $40 some
  15. used because I CAN'T FIND A NEW COPY AROUND HERE THEY DON'T EXIST I'VE LOOKED gfg follow the conversation better
  16. the Granado Espada OST there are so many good tracks in this it's not even funny
  17. so who'd you send it to cause if you haven't chosen anyone yet, I'd like to add my name to the pot
  18. Don't worry, BlueMage, we'll always be here for you.

  19. hey I can base an opinion on a game on someone else's perception of the game and what I've heard the game is about too
  20. the atari jaguar is "the atari" isn't a console okay time for you to look at all of the atari consoles http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Atari_hardware take a look at "Video game consoles"
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