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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. you sly creep I might say 15 if you still have the manual
  2. Played through the first couple stages. I'm really liking the music the guy put to it. Also, the graphics reminded me of Jill of the Jungle for some reason.
  3. I'll probably pick up those tracks too since I'm getting paid tomorrow.
  4. how creative also, you'd have to get it posted before anyone else that wanted that name not that anyone else with a shred of internet dignity would
  5. I'm doing other things at the same time that require more attention than explaining functions to some dude over the internet.
  6. If you mean sin(x) (what's the h for?) then it is just steady constant tone, no change in pitch. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_trigonometric_function yeah, I'm pretty sure a hyperbolic function wouldn't even sound like anything
  7. Oh ho, I was wondering when you were going to post about it.
  8. oh god, that would be hilarious
  9. tan(x) would blow out your speakers actually probably not it'd probably sound like "woop woop woop woop"
  10. My DS L button stopped working ∴ I cannot play KUSD also, stop stealin mah avatar
  11. Are you guys baiting me or what
  12. If it was Disgaea 2, I might have been, but I have Afternoon of Darkness already, which is basically the same game but on PSP.
  13. That's what I did, but I pretty much ran out of food, being a strict carnivore.
  14. It's already in the phonebook, what the hell do I care?
  15. false I know a bunch of people that want it but could never find a copy locally
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