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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. wtf no Look again at the position of 4 on a clockface and tell me it makes sense. I'm pretty sure it's 4 as on a keypad. So that would be Back-B.
  2. Ugh I hate the layout I hate multiple (equal attention) columns in websites I just tried it and it literally gave me a headache just looking at it. The idea behind it is neat, I guess, but right now it's completely unusable to me as it is.
  3. I recently observed someone making a resentful remark. As for the feminists, so what? They complain about everything.
  4. That's what I was trying to say, but I guess I'm pretty bad at communicating!
  5. hmm All of my latin teachers had me pronounce "que" as "kway" not "kay". This is Latin, not Spanish, afterall. but you know, whatever
  6. well there you go In the original that shit runs fast and and is smoother than a baby's ass.
  7. so spanish sucks because you suck at the whole "school" thing yeah, no
  8. I'll say that I enjoyed WotL for what it was, but if I just want to mess around, the original does exactly what I want it to do: run fast and silky smooth.
  9. Right then, you're all set. Do you need help turning it into an EBOOT or do you have that covered?
  10. No, you will not. FFT PS1 runs perfectly on the PSP. If your PSP is hacked, that is. (I prefer FFT PS1, myself)
  11. listen to this man he knows what he is talking about
  12. I'm also a lower end baritone with plenty of choir experience. I kinda need a pre-amp for my brother's mic, though >.>
  13. Many happy returns I think that's what the phrase is You are yet another step closer to internet domination
  14. Why is the info so damned scarce in english, anyway? >.|
  15. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3DASH%E3%82%B7%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA According to this, they both came out end of '06. (if google translate is to be trusted)
  16. Precisely the remix I thought of first when I saw this thread. (HMMM I WONDER WHY)
  17. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN It was scrapped the last time I looked. >.|
  18. Thanks for the links, Jabber. I'll watch it later today.
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