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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Heh, I was just about to start making a sig out of the scribbley version.
  2. oshit so THAT'S what that hole's for I've been wondering what the hell it was for a good five years now.
  3. you gotta specify team 48303 inside the client, fyi I'm also folding with my HD3850.
  4. no put them all in a office cubicle :darkesword:
  5. I tend to discount people's opinions if they can't even be bothered to spell properly. Evidence:
  6. Epic. I hope you can get them on a background too.
  7. I think you forgot something somewhat important
  8. uhhhh you're prolly right as I haven't touched the game in a week (FFT addiction) it helps a fuckton past week 1 week 1 can be played on extreme with no upgrades at all with little fear of death iirc
  9. I am going to draw Ruby Weapon lolololololol or maybe atma weapon
  10. Shiki Also, even better than New Game+, you can skip to any day that you want once you finish, making ever so much easier to CATCH EM ALL (pins I mean) Also, I have over 3000 HP for my level 1 and nearly 200 base attack and defense for both Neku and Shiki. Extreme mode is a snap for everything but the end of the game. <3 the hollow leg sticker
  11. oh my god, I would cum all over the place if they released a 3 player SD3 on DS here.
  12. have I mentioned that I'm secretly in love with 3-tan also <3 the ponytail
  13. yay yay yay more OCR-tan~
  14. Well fuck me silly, so it does. I changed my time to five hours ahead and the "countdown" followed suit.
  15. Okay, but we don't really do shock images or that kind of stuff. We're a pretty chill group, I'd say. I'm no great recruiter, but check it out at your leisure if you're interested. The link is in my sig, as always.
  16. I dunno, it sounds more inspired by Tchaikovski than being a direct rip from him.
  17. Hahaha holy fuck. A Chrono Trigger remix came up just as I pulled up the page.
  18. (I called Sephiroth a pussy btw)
  19. I'm wondering if they decided to let competitions run in GenDisc and then put them in compos after they run their course. They did the same thing with FLMC X (even though I completely forgot about it, whoops!)
  20. Wait what who when where? Oh, that. Listen to teh wangless's video right above my post and you'll get it.
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