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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Heh, that's how I feel since I don't konw that much about the comics myself.
  2. HEY, YOU lowercase characers
  3. Isn't that the very definition what games should strive to be? A game that you are addicted to no matter how many times or how hard it kicks your ass
  4. Heh, I keep getting killed by that damned sand worm. He just kills me before I even have a chance to escape.
  5. I've just about doubled my score in the past month since I've been using my HD3850 to fold.
  6. why would you even need to on a DS? I mean, seriously Very much so.
  7. You shouldn't have used the word, then.
  8. Column 4, third row from bottom I swear it says "Terror Brothel"
  9. I still advocate this as being cover art (albeit having to be finished)
  10. manwich sounds so damned gay
  11. Who needs Eddy when you have boobs?
  12. It'll only turn into a favorites thread if you make it one, so shut up about it. good bloody grief
  13. no more than the game itself bothers me also I enjoyed what I played of Rev Wings
  14. omg sooooooooooooooooooo funnnnyy ololololol xd
  15. Yes but even then, he's not *familiar* with Cloud. If you were a bad-ass, top-ranked soldier that wanted to become a god, would you care about the name of some half-assed cocky little shit that just tried to stab you? It doesn't add up.
  16. I still don't understand how Sephiroth could have known Cloud's name.
  17. Rhythm Tengoku 2? Oh heh, it's even the same name. I loved the first one on GBA.
  18. doesn't that just mean that the guy has a shitty mic or doesn't have a wind filter or something?
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