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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. "Ripping" playstation music into PSF format involves manually editing the data on the disc.
  2. oh, I should get into this again since I now have an awesome computer my folding@home profile is still Archaeapyric btw
  3. no idea I'm hardly a nazi, but there are limit's to my "grammar jewishness"
  4. ERRED on the side of caution. As in ERROR This is one literary mistake that I simply will not stand for.
  5. That would be quite amusing oh wait I thought you were going to shut down the entire forum for everyone
  6. I honestly don't understand how you couldn't see it it, but that's just me.
  7. I'm in this now. How are you supposed to edit existing games that you've, say, recently completed but hadn't before? NEVERMIND I JUST FOUND IT I refuse to put the list-sig in my sig on principle though. Anyone wanting to see my profile gets half a guess as to what my username is. I used to be an utter completionist but that's dropped of somewhat in recent years.
  8. for god's sake, shut up man
  9. Nor was I. The "screenshot" is old, yes. The news is that there's actual ground work being accomplished here.
  10. this thread got derailed harder than if the ghost of unmod itself had done it Moogle, the primary reason people aren't offering help to the project is that this is merely a discussion thread. There was nothing requesting help or anything and I doubt that people would normally volunteer to help and post as such on a board that has no direct relation to the project. BUT, seeing as there is now at least one project leader reading and posting in the thread (I didn't count) I don't see why someone couldn't volunteer now. As for enthusiastic people, the first page or so has plenty of gushing people that you might have missed.
  11. Shit, we got the project leaders in here defending their work? OCR really is getting to be more high-profile than I thought.
  12. It's under Windows Explorer, named "Start Navigation"
  13. She is playable in both, and her new Symphony iteration is much like her Rondo iteration. Raptor, Symphony is in Drac X Chronicles.
  14. Maria is actually playable in this, but she's a new version that's based more off of her Rondo of Blood version and not a copy of her Saturn version.
  15. bitches can't hustle me (I was going to say something close to what Dhsu said) also the "gh" in my name is voiced
  16. Eva much? also rofl at the knocked over gundam
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