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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Red Faction 2 had awesome multiplayer that might have been even better had it been online. even though the main game was major balls
  2. Hmm... I'll "rent" computer games off of torrent sites to try them out, but for console games, I haven't rented anything since... oh hell, I think Legend of Mana was the last game we rented. Nowadays I'll go over to a friend's who has a game I want to check out.
  3. uh Liontamer then? Or is SnappleMan secretly a mod?
  4. Ha, I see what you did there bahamut. uh... being someone with less-than-extensive knowledge of that stuff, I'll leave that to you.
  5. If that's actual art for the thing, holy damn, that's awesome.
  6. k it's just another 14 year old that wants to impress his friends If we just show him up, I'm sure it'll clear up easy enough.
  7. Because Violincellos are hella sexy stringed instruments.
  8. The original SNES ROM of CT was no more than 3 MB in total and you frequently see DS ROMs 50 MB or bigger, so that better be some big-ass dungeon.
  9. You know what, now that I finally have my own PS3 I've come to the realization that I really don't care what the fuck games go cross-platform as long as I can play them on my PS3. 'course I wasn't all that excited about XIII anyway, too much animu.
  10. I kinda hope they let you play as Roll like in Powered Up.
  11. How would that work if there aren't even any reploids yet? The Maverick Virus affected reploids, not mechaniloids IIRC.
  12. holy awesome, great stuff You have saved yourself in my eyes.
  13. I'd gladly post some stuff in GenDisc but it'd get locked for being pointless :\ I'll pimp this shit on other sites once we launch though.
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