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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. It's a misuse of the word "tempo" and that's all I'm going to say on the matter. use "frequency" all you please, though
  2. that's just your brain making some wishful thinking
  3. arrrggghh no no no no no no A440 is the tone made by an object vibrating at the frequency of 440 HERTZ, four hundred and forty vibrations per second, not a frickin tempo of 440 beats per minute. Tempo has absolutely NOTHING to do with pitch. Y'all don't know what the fuck you're talkin about The only way "tempo" would have an effect on "pitch" is if you were artificially stretching or shrinking a recording of a sound to match a new tempo different from the old one, thus stretching or shrinking the frequency of the sound, thus lowering or raising the pitch of the sound. ====== Now as for your perception of tempo change, I'd say it sounds entirely possible
  4. This was my main gripe with the Halo novelization. Direct conversion of any gameplay (except for maybe tabletop RPG's) to a novel just does not translate very well at all. "oh, shot some guys here, strangled a couple there"
  5. Oh, effing sweet. I've been wanting to play some more space fighting for a while.
  6. thank you for spoiling it in the NON-MGS4 THREAD YOU JERK
  7. doesn't help us dark skin users much, since it's not a true spoiler tag, but at least it's a different color for us
  8. I still think that he dodged it. He didn't get hit in the original cinema.
  9. sheesh, took long enough LT: LOL
  10. I agree, but the MGS3 encounter is pretty damn close.
  11. well how many other electronics is he going to be bringing?
  12. http://www.amazon.com/International-Nintendo-DS-Lite-DSLite/dp/B000XGS6EI/ http://www.amazon.com/UK-Travel-Charger-Nintendo-Lite/dp/B000RSOEMU how soon do you need it
  13. you just answered your own question
  14. a fan wanting to novelize a game is a somewhat different thing from a company wanting to novelize a game
  15. Would you frickin' learn how to spell T-H-E-I-R? It's bugging the shit out of me.
  16. probably that it is one of the few megaman series that doesn't have 9.5 sequels As much as I love the legends series, I probably wouldn't be clamoring as much for a sequel if there were 8 of them already published.
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