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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Bah, insignificant. I will not argue with it, however.
  2. Correction: 4 years. Cloud was 20 in FF7 and 16 in Crisis Core. Aeris was 21 in FF7. Cloud also stated during the Mideel flashback in the original game that he was 16 during the Nibelheim incident. I don't see the problem here.
  3. There were two OCR Adventures. I know this because I have both.
  4. I beat it the next day. I really should have played it on hard first.
  5. .sdrawkcab gnitsop tiuQ .gniyonna gnitteg ylsuoires s'tI Anyway, a good day to you, sir.
  6. completely screwing up on an audition for the CUA music school although, I think it was a good thing, because I do not at all have the willpower to fight my way into the music industry being a mere violinist. It's too damned cutthroat for my tastes.
  7. oh haha, I thought that was funny looking
  8. They like to think they're evil little bastards. Sodomy is a logical place to end up, no?
  9. I didn't mean the remix is bad, I am merely surprised that this title finally got a remix.
  10. except no because there are no moving parts involved in reading off of the stick, whereas reading off the UMD involves spinning the motor and powering the laser and all that fun stuff in addition to actually reading the data reading off the stick saves a great amount of power, and not only that, reads it cosiderably faster Why do you think people want to go to solid-state hard drives?
  11. man, I need to get my PSP set up so I can capture vids I want to blow some noobs away with my mad 8 button skillz
  12. I'd watch it, if only to see the tremendous amounts of cheese.
  13. weaking The End was brilliant (this is coming from someone that finished extreme mode with no kills)
  14. I said nothing about huge sigs, besides, my sigspace will get much smaller once I get votes from you guys
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