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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. *update* I now have a functioning DS.
  2. Haha. I'm 20 and I think of anyone under 23ish as a kid.
  3. Yeah, um, messaging new members is kinda creepy. Still, well met and well come to OverClocked land.
  4. AT LEAST IT WASN'T "SADNESS" Holy crap, if anything killed the tourney, it was that.
  5. Learn to format better. We don't need a preamble to a simple question like that. Googling "metroid sheet music" brought this up: http://kareshi.good-evil.net/sheetmusic.htm I haven't read sheet music intensively for a year and a half, so I'm not sure how accurate it is, but there you go anyway. Also, use the Help forum next time: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=18
  6. *sigh* Look kid, did you read the forum rules? http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2 Not to mention that it's only been a few days since you posted this.
  7. Good god, simmer the fuck down, kid. After looking through the stuff myself, I still stand by the argument. It could work, but having a cohesive art style (where stuff is generally in the same size scale, at the very least) goes a long way into making a game that stands on its own. You can pit Sonic and Joanna Dark wielding light sabers and riding giant mechas against Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus for all I care, but if you're expecting me to treat this as a serious game, rather than as just a Sonic hack, I don't want to see a sprite rip from Sonic 1 and digitized screencaps of Dark and the Colossi in the same screen. Mario fighting a Cacodemon? Cool! But it's still a DIRECT SRPITE RIP from Doom. What is this cohesiveness that everyone's talking about? I'm not sure that you quite understand what we're getting at. This is an excellent video for showing you what I'm talking about: This is a fan game (MUGEN based, admittedly), but you can really see the effort this team has put into making sure the characters fit into a certain style. This is really my gripe with the art. As per the gameplay, eh it looks alright, but it's hardly anything I'd write home about. (Congrats on trolling me btw)
  8. How? Pretty much everyone else in the community has a pre-existing avatar. (I ripped my current avatar myself and got it approved, btw)
  9. See, that's the problem, it's trying to mash together waaaaaaaaaaaay too many styles for it to work completely effectively. It needs more cohesiveness, like people said. Ten thousand styles a game do not make.
  10. Only zircon would come from behind and steal the win with a sub not 20 minutes before the deadline. He's too good at this shit.
  11. Yeah seriously, : < is a frowny face is totally a :V face
  12. Yeah, sorry about that. I'm trying to catch as many eyes as I can before it does get put there.
  13. sdrawkcab tsop nac I ,kool yeh ofom ,sonelpmuc zilef
  14. Welcome to FLMC9!(Link to website) Yes, that's right folks, it's time for another fabulous round of the Fruity Loops Music Competition! This month's source is Yes, that's right, the entire series is open for remixing in this edition of FLMC! Here are the soundtracks to the games: The Legend of Zelda Zelda II: The Adventure of Link The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mark The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening The soundtracks for Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were released commercially, so I can't link them directly, but if you go to a certain Hotel of Galbadia on your own, I can claim no responsibility for your actions *wink wink* If your music player does not yet play chiptune files, OCR's own ChipAmp'll get you up and running. If you're lazy and just wanna make a MIDI rip, the MIDI's are in here somewhere. (HOWEVER, if you actually submit a MIDI rip, I will personally hunt you down and eviscerate your reproductive organs. Not to mention it will be immediately disqualified.) A quick recap of the rules for FLMC: Music entries for this competition are arranged in FL Studio, using only default synths and samples. No external VSTs or samples (except for the sample pack) are allowed. This is a competition open to mixers from all walks of life, be you the goddamn DarkeSword or someone with ABSOLUTELY no experience in doing this kind of thing WHATSOEVER. [* No Sytrus, DX10, Wasp, Soundfont Player, etc.] (I can't remember if we were changing this so it stays for now) * You are allowed to use the FLMC9 Pack (provided by DDRKirby). or here (Sendspace) to download it. * You may enter as many songs as you want. * You may collaborate with other entrants. * You must provide a FLP file (preferably in the form of a zipped project file). The only exception for this is demo participants (who cannot save FLP's). * Demo version submissions are definitely allowed and fully encouraged. * NO MIDI RIPS OR YOUR BALLS ARE FORFEIT You may either post your submissions in the thread, or email them to OCR.FLMC@gmail.com For anyone that does not yet have any form of Fruity Loops installed but has any inclination to remix some badass Zelda tunes should head over to http://demo.flstudio.com/ to get the demo edition of FL Studio. And last, the submission deadline is MARCH 15th, 2008, 11:59PM EST. Good luck
  15. Okay guys, I need a reminder. What rules were we gonna change again?
  16. I was gonna try to use some small video game sprites as bullet points, hardly any bigger than smilies.
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