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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Can't we increase the image limit to 10 or so pleeeeeeeeeease? This 4-limit is really crampin' my style. :\
  2. ugh, you've got to be kidding I like remixes, but 24/7?
  3. As if they wouldn't if you hadn't said that.
  4. As a side note, if anyone wants to get started on their mix for FLMC9, be my guest. And RocketSniper, you're always welcome to make a guest remix for the compo.
  5. What in the hell do you think you're trying to say here?
  6. I'll start the next iteration as soon as I can after you get me the pack.
  7. It's still on the site: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00309/
  8. um, I wouldn't be able to assemble a sample pack worth crap, so if you want to have one, I'd suggest PMing DDRKirby or Smenelian. I'll ready a new thread for the new competition.
  9. I still want an OCR3-tan plushie.
  10. Ladies and gents, we have a winner and his name is: RocketSniper! Voting tallies: Rocketsniper: 15 Smenelian: 13 DDRkirby: 9 Bundeslang: 8 Voatse:
  11. Ladies and gents, we have a winner and his name is: RocketSniper! Voting tallies: Rocketsniper: 15 Smenelian: 13 DDRkirby: 9 Bundeslang: 8 Voatse:
  12. KING DEDEDE'S THEME for the motherfucking WIN
  13. ugh, stop putting your foot in your mouth and let the man do his work
  14. Guys please, I need votes. If I have any new votes in my box by tomorrow morning, I'm going to start PM'ing people.
  15. Vote vote vote niggas, there's only half a day left. Even if you only think you have half an hour to listen to these, please try to vote on them. I beg of you.
  16. man, change it back it's too generic now
  17. Guys, the compo is ending pretty soon. I need to start getting the votes from you guys. As of now, I have none/
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