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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. zerochan is terrible stop using it
  2. IA is that Vocaloid's name, Lia is the source voice actress. Kind of like how you wouldn't really call Miku "Saki" after her VA.
  3. http://www.mikufan.com/full-length-weekender-girl-project-diva-f-pv-released/ This looks like a remixable Vocaloid song to me y'know, if you wanted a challenge or anything
  4. like, before a good portion of us here were born this one included autoerotic asphyxiation
  5. Is anyone here actually saying that it won't succeed? (don't answer for other people thanks)
  6. Gollgagh.6109 on Fort Aspenwood, just in case anyone wants to do some guesting with me later or something.
  7. I am sad for this because The deal is that very few people will buy the iOS version, so Squenix gets to go "Oop, guess no one's interested in a TWEWY sequel." And then funnel the budget into FFXII-4: Frocobo's Adventure.
  8. all world transfers shortly after launch will be free which I'm counting on myself since a lot of my beta stuff was on Dragonbrand and most of my dudes are on Fort Aspenwood
  9. I will fucking fight you I'll give you Advent Children, but Crisis Core was a legitimate game
  10. pm me your steam ID (preferably your profile page) and it's yours
  11. while we're giving crap away, does anyone want a Disciples III: Resurrection key (or steam gift or whate'er) I got it during the coal thing during christmas and have no interest in it whatsoever
  12. you wouldn't want me for a mod, much less anything actually back end so yeah I can make sigs though!
  13. like I've said before, I really like your stuff even if I think you're a silly person so this is pretty great any possibility of a downloadable version (even if you end up asking for money)?
  14. he's (probably) japanese, given his name and location edit: good lord guys, could you at least try to give him a fair shake before making fun of his english He's obviously trying to promote his free software that he developed; although he could do with a working link to it.
  15. (I have the feeling Darke will shoot me later, but) do it
  16. which is not to say that the original voicing was bad
  17. Infinite Stratos is the vanilla-iest, harem-iest anime ever conceived by man the only anime that is even more-so off that I can think of off the top of my head is Dog Days only watch either if you somehow don't get other recommendations and are absolutely bored out of your skull
  18. chth did you invite me on fb personally or something or was it like a mass invitation to bandcamp subscribers

    just, y'know, curious

  19. fair enough, I'll accept that as a reasonable substitute :]
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