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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Now remember that I am hardly staff when I say this, but I think what happened is that they vastly underestimated the draw-power of having a physical album. Perhaps they saw $50 as a pricepoint that would allow them to recoup costs without being too outrageous. Obviously six hundred some odd people didn't think it was too outrageous. Perhaps though, in hindsight, the staff will fully agree that $20 would more than sufficiently cover multiple copies for future distribution.
  2. here, read Darke's response on the $50 level again
  3. and those two you were involved in, right?
  4. so did I heh (though I already had the game)
  5. sorry bro, but that's not really so much philosophical as much as it is stream of consciousness
  6. for foobar2000, make sure to just grab all of these plugins
  7. why are there no links assume I am an idiot (I am an idiot)
  8. absolutely magical and on that note,
  9. confession: I've enjoyed idolmaster a lot more than k-on for moeblob (I've even been playing the PSP game )
  10. why would it be so much more expensive than a full new game that's what I don't get
  11. all the framerate jumps looked really dumb also
  12. well the game was made for 4:3 so they have to re-render all of the backgrounds to do that so that it doesn't look like complete ass
  13. to be fair, the eidos port was kinda bad anyway (which doesn't mean, of course, that I'm placing much stock in this port either)
  14. if you never run away from battles, there will never be any time you need to grind for anything
  15. I think my reading comprehension skills are deteriorating.
  16. lol fishy to whom are you even responding
  17. BT's Superfabulous will always and forever remind me of sitting in my college dorm, studying for chemistry.
  18. it's the part that wasn't hidden by spoiler tags, yes
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