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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. the damned soundtrack is just as good, if not better than FFVII's there's no shortage of classic tracks that could lend themselves well to arrangement
  2. Traffic Department 2192? (Technically an Epic Megagames game; same era though) Bio Menace?
  3. I already have Recette and Chantelise, but I'll gladly grab Fortune Summoners
  4. Yeah pretty much, unfortunately. What if they got Bruce Willis for Shepard though?
  5. I am seriously in love with this remix. I enjoyed the original a lot, but this one is just plain fun.
  6. ehhh the rest of the album isn't quite so awesome I guess I'll go look up some other Dixie Flatline stuff though
  7. Dixie Flatline vs. Supercell ft. 初音ミク - World is Mine ooh I hadn't found this one before make sure to watch the higher bitrate
  8. One of my greatest regrets in life is not finding a full copy of Cosmo; sure, I could pirate it by now, but it's not the same. I actually went as Cosmo for halloween once, complete with suction cup hands.
  9. Duke Nukems 1 and 2 were, nay, are better games but this is offtopic and I shall cease right now
  10. Duke Nukem Forever is not worth the damned hard drive space it takes up buy any of the Duke Nukem games besides that pile of shit
  11. for vbul, you need the url tag: Madorake - Happy Hamster Butts[/url ]
  12. ahaha Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you guys didn't think it through at all; just that a single aspect slipped by you. I know how hard it is to get every single detail right on something the first time despite one's best efforts. I readily believe that quite a lot of thought was put into this, and I think it shows in the amount of support that it has received.
  13. wait before you go, Foxx, lemme see if I got this right basically what happened was that staff were so focused on setting up different rewards for the various contribution levels that they totally failed to consider (or, considering what zircon said, dismissed entirely) that THE selling point of all of the rewards would a copy of the physical CD itself and thus set its price level above what you would consider sane
  14. I want to know if the first half of the song was made with the original version and the last half with Append probably not but, y'know, just curious
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