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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I had back in 2008 before I started listening to a whole lot of other music, but there's a been a lot of stuff since then and I haven't kept up.
  2. No problem, glad you like it.

  3. sig: v2wl2.png

    y/n? w/e?

  4. すけっちP ft. 【初音ミク】 ~ Heart Groove (8#Prince Remix)
  5. Perhaps not directly, but you were scoffing at the possible loading-time worries that would have come with unlimited embeds. As long as we're all on the same page here. [sentence fragment]
  6. there were gameplay trailers for Duke Nukem Forever back in 98 too
  7. See you're jumping to the other extreme without seeing possible compromises. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have embeds (hell, I'd would love embeds again) but I believe that having a limit would not be an unreasonable counterbalance to keep threads from being unreadable, that's what the per-post limit is about.
  8. yes really don't be so dismissive of someone making a legitimate criticism not everyone has a FiOS line
  9. as a non-producer, I would certainly be inclined to click on a soundcloud embed
  10. and now for a brief interlude (this is for Monmusu fans): so. much. ownage.
  11. (I'm just going to be posting vocaloid stuff for a while)
  12. finally a 3DS game I actually really want
  13. I do believe that you're on to something.
  14. My preferences lean in that direction as well. Livetune's stuff is just so catchy, though; I've found myself humming Yellow for days at a time.
  15. featuring the best damned MMD video I've ever seen
  16. This legendary series by the Coles is finally up for sale again for the reasonable price of $9.99 for all five games. I cannot overstate how ecstatic I am for this to happen. Having started as a computer gamer, this series is for me as Super Mario Brothers was to many of you. For any of you that have an interest in retro gaming, I wanted to share this with you as it was one of the greatest gaming joys of my childhood.
  17. yesssssss Tyrian made it edit: and it's the FM version too!
  18. Fate/Zero is actually pretty good
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