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Status Updates posted by Gollgagh

  1. psst what font did you use for the name

  2. psst your sig's a bit too high so I took the liberty of resizing it to the proper size http://i.imgur.com/69wu1.jpg

  3. Schwaltzvald, I want the original pic of that Boss Month sig of yours

    if you would be so kind

  4. sig: v2wl2.png

    y/n? w/e?

  5. So did you ever submit that Parasite Eve mix?

  6. that's well and good, but "bEaThEavEn" isn't a palindromic alternation of capitalization

    bEaTheAvEn would be

  7. the best thing about the argument is that is has absolutely no bearing on what will happen to the game

    we're all in the peanut gallery

  8. the profiles look fine to me

  9. uhhhh okay...?

  10. wait, are you the same bladex that's on DGEmu?

  11. well since you're logged in right now, maybe you'll see this: I'd like to request a shout-out on The Drop as follows "Eat your vegetables and stay in school. And don't do drugs." Also moth penis sigs

  12. well that didn't last long :oops:

  13. what the fuck indeed

  14. who are you even

    if you're wondering what sorts of games I play on PSN, I'd have to disappoint you since I hardly play online these days on account of my personal ps3 dying. and I don't play on the family ps3 ever.

    and if you really just want a list of what games I own, these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head:

    Valkyria Chronicles

    Red Faction: Guerrilla



    Uncharted 2

    Devil May Cry 4

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Ninja Gaiden Σ

    Little Big Planet

    Resistance: FoM

    Resistance 2

    Modern Warfare 2

    Final Fantasy XIII

    3D Dot Game Heroes

    Prince of Persia

  15. why is terra's body moving up and down D:

    fix it

  16. would your last name happen to be glamgee

  17. Yeah since I'm not full-time in college or anything. I will be though this next semester.

    I should be able to get it deferred this coming semester but there was a three month gap between my last deferment period and the fall semester and paying $200 a month for two different loans is kinda tricky for someone that doesn't have a real job.

    (I do get paid for doing myriad tech assisting around church but that's not really a contractual job.)

  18. Yeah sure, I'll start planning one.

  19. yeah, it's totally kickin'

  20. yeah, no prob, I'm glad you like it; don't feel any need to credit me in the sig itself (I honestly think it looks better without it)

  21. you do realize there's a little signature area in your User Control Panel that you can put stuff in (like youtube links), right?


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