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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. p sure the acronym was 100% intentional but then again I don't IRC, so what do I know
  2. that's because there's an actual game there
  3. ghost trick ghost trick ghost trick ghost trick ghost trick
  4. A video game music study and you don't even include the Rhythm game genre? what is this?
  5. well that didn't last long :oops:

  6. I feel like I could support that style in good conscience
  7. nope, every bit as choppy as full resolution Also, what I mean by choppy is that every five seconds or so, the video stops for about a second while the audio sort of keeps going, so by the first time you see Anderson in the intro, the video is behind the sound by a good ten seconds. (and that's besides just making it plain unplayable) I've updated my CCC to 12.2 (I have a single HD4870) and rechecked the integrity of the installation but nothing's different. edit: hard reboot fixed it
  8. bah never mind I have no idea how to direct the client to a given .jar
  9. do you mean like "Enter 1 for MinecraftWithMods.jar, Enter 2 for MinecraftWithoutMods.jar" or something if so then something like this maybe? @ECHO OFF :BEGIN CLS CHOICE /N /C:12 /M "Press 1 for Vanilla Minecraft. Press 2 for mods."%1 IF ERRORLEVEL ==2 GOTO TWO IF ERRORLEVEL ==1 GOTO ONE GOTO END :TWO ECHO Loading Minecraft with mods... %APPDATA%\.MINECRAFT\BIN\MINECRAFTWITHMODS.JAR GOTO END :ONE ECHO Loading Minecraft without mods... %APPDATA%\.MINECRAFT\BIN\MINECRAFT.JAR :END
  10. good fuck, I got the game today and it is running choppy as shit on my computer I have a few things left to try before I am met with frustration, but I wanted to see if anyone else encountered this
  11. In other words, you might want to check your pluralization, Kain.
  12. that's the dumbest idea I want five
  13. this is a poisonous sentiment
  14. there are three outcomes: lose all of the crew except Chakwas, lose half of the crew including Yeoman Chambers, save all of the crew
  15. On my very first run, I let my entire crew die (minus Doc Chakwas obv) to do the loyalty missions because I jumped on the Reaper IFF mission (and didn't look up what would happen), but still wanted to do the loyalty missions.
  16. forgive me for failing to see how crouching and gunning would assist a no-kill, no-alert run
  17. is there actually anything new in Snake Eater cos I mean I played the original and Subsistence close to 15 times
  18. I did a vanguard on insanity and had no one die on the suicide mission. ya'll babies
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