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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Is the ability to evaluate the quality of a performance inextricably linked to complete understanding of the language? Unless Japanese acting is truly incomparable to Western acting in every facet, I don't think it's beyond the abilities of a layman to evaluate a person's acting (though I agree if you actually meant something more along the lines of evaluating Japanese writing). I think that a performance is more than just the words that make up the language, that there are subtleties in inflection and speech patterns that can be observed even by someone with an incomplete understanding of a given language. Were this not true then performances utilizing invented languages (such as ICO) would be inevaluable to everyone, and I don't think that anyone genuinely believes that. I think it's possible to have extremely well-acted performances that grip the gut of the audience, even where the language is complete gibberish. I'm no linguist, but I've seen very... stilted performances both in languages that I do and do not understand; by that same token, I've seen powerful performances on both sides of the train-tracks that tugged at my very heart-strings. Read it again; he was saying that scarce anyone here could accurately evaluate the quality of a Japanese dub as good.
  2. Yeah, I can see that being the case. I mean even Roger's car arms itself in a similar fasion.
  3. so are you actually going to link them or just pretend that you did
  4. finally pushed me to grab Big O This is totally Batman with mechas
  5. yeah I'd imagine they aren't even going to have one until then (at which point it'll probably be integrated completely)
  6. I totally made this thread last year
  7. there's the Russian Remix Roulette on the front page that's been here longer than I have
  8. my super biggest worry is that if this results in an "all is forgiven" kind of attitude that EA will be encouraged to try this kind of crap again
  9. If this was planned, I can only feel like I got played like a trumpet.
  10. GitS 2 - Innocence is good, yes.
  11. PC release on the horizon?? I still have the finale to do in Demon's so I'm not quite ready, but this'll be so much easier for me to play.
  12. Incidentally, they are called OCRs (optical character recognition).
  13. The Backloggery is a pretty good place and is what I use it doesn't really have game suggestions though
  14. whoops I'll stick that in there now
  15. read this and tell me again that being any degree of upset is completely unreasonable
  16. Bugizard Rockizard Nidoscythethingizard Aquazard Charizard Electizard Hauntizard Spearizard Umbrazard Charvee Leafizard Fightizard Persiazard Frostizard Dragizard Digizard Koffizard
  17. I'll probably be using my PSP Go until I wear it out (which isn't yet showing any signs of wear and tear, even a full year after I got it)
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