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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I'm fairly certain that an autistic monkey would lay down a better beat than I.
  2. if it wasn't, that map wouldn't work
  3. this is where I live, accurate to within a couple blocks (dead serious)
  4. I was trying to think of a way to be tactful about the cover art, but decided to just praise the music instead. so, good job, this is pretty sweet!
  5. http://www.thedigitalist.co.uk/blog/2011/12/23/cronic-fissure-the-best-of-2011/ it's in Part 1 and starts at 22:50
  6. http://min.us/mH8Lw4jWY This is a short clip from the Chronic Fissure - Best of 2011 set, but no tracklist (that I could find) was released for this part of the set and I really want to know what song this is.
  7. I can't even hear them but maybe twice? I mean, I hear a kick, but that's about it
  8. Windows systems have a remote desktop application I've never figured out how to work it myself, but it's an idea
  9. I was fairly sure that we were saying that any kind of ending at all would be better than that... thing. Hell, I would take an utter tragedy over it (which is, in fact, completely what I was expecting).
  10. After Story made me cry like a fucking baby
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