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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. :3 4 more sigs, featuring some of the main characters from the anime Honey&Clover.
  2. Don't you need to be 13 to join this site?
  3. 3 more. And does anyone know where Maco is?
  4. Ba-da-pa-da-bump!
  5. Oh wow, to think that I would live to see the day when NoppZ contributed with a new remix. I'm so happy. ;_; I've listen to this remix for some times now, and it has really starten to grow on me. There aren't any sudden changes in this, everything runs smoothly and without friction, plus that a joyful mood has been added to it. The songs being used in this arrangement has completely merged with each other, as djp alreafy been pointing out. I like it how NoppZ altered Zelda's lullaby, I could hardly recognize it at first but shortly afterwards it finally struck me what track it was. Nice work. Could use some more energy to become a party mix, but I'm perfectly fine with how it is now. Soothing, fun to listen to and a suitable choice to begin the day with. It'll cheer you up good.
  6. Demitel in Tales of Phantasia is extremely annoying. If you're not fast enough to run towards him and hit him in the head, he'll summon Lich that pretty much decimates your life points to a very low level, and you'll also be KO´d if Mint isn't fast enough to cure you. But it's overall a fun game.
  7. One of my favorite Wespip creations.
  8. Heh, talk about bad timing for a computer breakdown. I liked it. It took its sweet time in the beginning, being all calm and precautious, and then......FOOM! The dynamic part entered the scene and the battle had finally started for real. The strings made the overall feeling complete, and the drums put some extra power behind the arrangement. My favorite part was when the CT theme kicked though. I can't seem to grow tired of that melody. Yeah, me too. At some places, there were strings that didn't fit in with the rest of the insruments, making it sound messy and, well, muddy. But those are minor details compared with the rest, so the fact that this is a good remix still stands. Nice work, dude.
  9. Indeed. AeroZ has played with the original melody much, adding some new twitches and sudden changes in the rhytm and pace. Fun to listen to, but as CW stated before, if it's a keeper or not is a question I'm divided at. ..... Nah, I'll just take it. Nice stuff, Aero to the Z. Now fetch me one who is too cold for Iceman.
  10. I jumped in my chair when I saw the remixer for this new contribution, house's Seized With Fury is still one of my favorites among the remixes on this site, so I had big hopes for this one. Apparently, I didn't need to worry at all. I find no problems with it. The electric guitar merges well with the other electronic instruments, and the remix has a high pace suitable for a genre like this. I'm not sure if I'm hearing some latino-american music in this, I'm sure getting some interesting vibes from the piano part at 1:15 and the guitar solo in teh other half of the remix. You must have done something wrong though, cause this ain't sounding like a first try at techno. Excellent arrangement house. Out of Three!
  11. The thought of adding an guitars and drums to Via Purifico has never struck my mind, I always felt that the piano in the original song was so beautiful that it didn't need to be changed. Boy, was I wrong. :[ The instruments that has been added to this new creation was fine by me, but I kind of jumped in my chair when pixie's voice entered the stage. I was expecting lyrics, but I never expected that pixie would make an opera piece. Fabulous!
  12. Such beautiful acoustic guitars, I'm in ave. It's so relaxing, I can almost feel all the tensions in my body melt while listening to this. I recognize the themes being used from FF7 and 10, started off with a calm yet sad melody and then gradually changed into a more italian feel. Makes me think of summer, which makes me sad since winter has just begun. ;_; It's wonderful, *sniff*, thanks tekcoh top.
  13. Only in small doses. I had my math test about complex numbers and polynom divisions yesterday. Since I answered every question and didn't have that much doubt about my solutions, I guess I'll get a good grade on it.
  14. Apparently I didn't need to bump this thread. I've made some new ones, directly out of the oven. And the URLs: http://i11.tinypic.com/2jg9w8g.png http://i11.tinypic.com/48f7ew7.png http://i11.tinypic.com/2ztg7qv.png http://i11.tinypic.com/44b2j41.png ....... I think I need to go train some more.
  15. Oh man, this is friggin sweet. Piano, guitar, strings, it's all in there. The feeling changes though the whole arrangement, but overall it's mellow but at the same time energic. This remix envoked the true potentials of Koji's water theme, and made no errors along the way. Excellent job.
  16. Ice Climber? Awesome! It has an abrupt ending though, is it not finished yet?
  17. Been a year now since Neskvartetten last posted a new jazzy arrangement, so seeing their name on the remix column gave me a smile to begin my morning with. The beginning was a little subtle, the drums began to move and the guitarist tried playing some tunes, but it wasn't until 0:44 that I felt that this jazz session had started for real. Then it all flowed naturally. I could easily recognize the Super Mario theme, they played it well but had plenty of their own ideas and variations, I particuliarly liked the guitar (or maybe it was the organ?) that started to play on its own at 1:19. Good stuff. Smooth, groovy, woonderful. Fantastic arrangement and collaboration as well, I like it alot.
  18. Since otherwise they would be pointless. *ba-dum-pum-PISCH*
  19. *sigh* Here I was hoping for a remix of a track from FF1, but alas, it's an another medley. Not necessarily anything wrong with it, but FF1 sure deserve some more attention. Okay, no more negative feelings, I need to start focus here. My interest got piqued when I noticed that Gilgamesh's theme was in this arrangement, which is actually a very good thing since I happen to like that theme but also because FF5 needs some more remixes too. After that came World Revolution, Hunter's Chance, Conde Petie, Gilgamesh again, Fighting, Don't Be Afraid, a small piece of the Battle theme and then ended with the Fanfare after a brief pause. What can I say? Excellent electric guitar, heavy drums along with a furious and chaotic bass, all these ingredients are essential to make a foot-thumping and head-banging creation such as this one. However, my favorite part wasn't the arrangement of Gilgamesh's theme, but instead Conde Petie. The acoustic guitar, that italian instrument what's-its-name and the organ. I loved that part. Created a very calm and french atmosphere, soothened your nerves until the remix picked up the bass again and continued with its rampage. This song needs to grow on you, it seemed very rough when I first gave it a listen but it gradually started to appeal to me and now I simply want it. Kickass remix, and therefore, a kickass remixer. Nice work.
  20. The last battle in Secret of Evermore was harder than I thought, I should stock up some more ingredients next time. But for now, intense training.
  21. I'll have a test about that next week. ;_;
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