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Everything posted by Bummer

  1. Pretty much. Our favorite remix reflects our personality, so if we would be a remix, our favorite would be the one.
  2. less unmod more sidebar.
  4. SPECIAL RYU COLLECTION FINALLY BEING RELEASED Don't be so shy, this is open for everybody. C:
  5. UnMod was a fun place as long as you knew what you would expect. Some new persons didn't find what they was loking for, while others were scared or even forced away due to their know-it-all attidtude or small experience with the Internet in general. But come on, compared to how many who left, there was more who stayed. I've seen plenty of new faces taking their place in UnMod, and I've only been here a relatively short time. Ok.
  6. All this negative comments lately has made me tired of this place.
  7. Heh, I thought that i recognized this thread. But seriously, even I'm tired of this debate now. What is done is done,l and no apology or action can change that fact. Even if pretzel would bring back our unmod out of a magical cloud of codes and numbers, it wouldn't be the same since the issues still would be left standing. We have learned to live without unmod, or we have found a suitable replacement for it. Either way, just talking about this is bringing back bad memories, so personally I think it's just better to begin anew instead of repetating the same stuff over and over again rinse and repeat. We're basically just trying to joke around, post fun remarks and make random stuff, a postcount of whore proportions just happens to be a side effect when I'm trying to follow multiple threads at the same time.
  8. I have not yet met someone who hasn't. I had two backgrounds I stock, so I whipped up a third one so that I could present it here.
  9. THREE NEW SIGGIES AHOY! She wants all her badges into one single badge, where they all circulate in a neverending loop. I don't what the site's called though.
  10. This thread makes me think of FFX-2 and fish.
  11. 2006 was a great year. Not only has many remixes and all the different projects made my time sitting in front of the computer less dull, but I've also grown more attached to the community as a whole. This is a great site for everyone who wants to combine their love to music and videogames, and a large thanks to all the staff and contributors who has made this possible. Oh, and sorry about your private life, pretzel.
  12. What the crap is this? The early games were there for the challenge, and they still are. Sure, starting out in the middle of nowhere with the only option to go left can be a quick summarize of the first Super Mario, and flattening moombas and frying flowers to their pixelated doom can be rather easy. The challenge is however is to keep it that way during the whole gameplay, and that is a very hard to do, at least for me. Scratch that talk about being not challenging, I like telling that fat plumber what to do in order for him to get his princess and earn some coins along the way. And FF1 is one of the most disturbing games in the world, but we love it because of that. The challenge, to be able to beat oldschool games and feel the nice feeling of nostalgia is what makes these games fun, not because of the plot or the character development. However, if the games of today is bad or good, now that's an entirely different question.
  13. Has anyone posted this yet?
  14. That didn't happen to me.
  15. Okay, I've checked now and apparently I have 1031. I thought I had more.
  16. I'm Doing It As Fast As I Can
  17. Much appreaciated.
  18. Three more backgrounds.
  19. What are the different ranks whenever you have a certain amount of posts? I've gone through most of them myself, but I would like to see the whole list.
  20. Somewhere over a thousand, maybe more.
  21. Not exactly a game, but when I sometimes makes a mistake when I'm drawing or writing, I'm trying to press Ctrl + Z.
  22. Giving this a nudge from page 3. Also, SCD? Can you post a pic of a player you want in it? It would be alot easier if we didn't have to choose for you.
  23. I saw the trailer some time ago. It's a cool concept.
  24. Okay boss.
  25. FOUR NEW! Large, yes, but since I made these to primarily become backgrounds for other sigs, then they can decide the size on their own instead.
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