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Everything posted by CE

  1. Screw Sonic on Brawl. Seriously, it'll give those annoying little sonic fanboys the chance to go "zomg no tailz?" or to buy SSBB in masses and spam the online with their pre-teen anger. Seriously, I think Sonic doesn't fit here and besides, all his latest games have been lackluster... And for those who'll go "But but CE, Snake doesnt fit in either :S:S:S" I'll just say that he does. He does because his sense of humor fits Nintendo perfectly. His games have just the right ammount of wackyness and serious buisness, and he's even more out of place then Sonic, which makes him extra funny. Snake FTW. And Simon Belmont.
  2. I'm pretty sure it's the guy that Ganon is disguised as/possessed in A Link to the Past Interesting...I should probably get to Link to the Past eventually . Agahnim: A mysterious sorcerer who arrived at the Hyrule Kingdom not long before the beginning of the game. Although his motives were at first unclear, he gained favorable reputation with the royal family by ridding them of a number of problems plaguing their kingdom using unknown magic. He later developed an interest in the wise men who sealed away the mythical Golden Land ages ago, and realized that once this land was found, he could have all of its power for himself. He then placed a spell on the knights of the land, putting them under his direct control, and ordered them to find the descendants of these sages of lore, not the least of which was Princess Zelda herself. After murdering her father, King Hyrule, Agahnim was about to send Zelda to the Dark World when Link intervened, and escaped to the other world himself. See the symbol in his chest?...
  3. I'm pretty sure it's the guy that Ganon is disguised as/possessed in A Link to the Past
  4. If it's actually any good, I might import it heh. If you americans don't get it, the chances of us getting it are minimal.
  5. YEAH MAN, THAT'LL ROCK SO HARD! IT'LL BE AWESO-...wait, are we talking about the same thing. Just hurry up and get me the DS Megaman already. Damn slowpokes.
  6. Please add to the first page and update the list. (I use cyan for suggestions...) Uh, update the list with everyone's suggestions? Sure...
  7. One of the Metroid Prime Hunters. Baby Bowser maybe. Eliwood/Ephraim/Eirika Bad guy from Fire Emblem/Sacred Stones/Path of Radiance Tingle (sorry, but the truth is this is very likely) You want me to add that list, or it's updates to the front post arashi?
  8. KOREAN RPG'S ON THE DS! PLAY 100 HOURS AND REACH LEVEL 10!! Well, I'm happy that we'll be getting MMORPGs on the DS, and starting with a famous one like Maple Story might not be bad. But the kawai-ness of it... gah. Anyway, does the PSP have a MMORPG? Because if not, woulden't this be the first one on a handheld console?
  9. Screw the Ice-Climbers, the double character concept wasn't that great to begin with. I'd take Ridley over them anyday of the week.
  10. Uhhhh... So even if I played 8 hours a day... it would take me around 44 days to do it?! Yeah, I'm thinking no. It's just too much time, and I've heard there are more then 1 hour long raid of 40 people. It must be a pain in the ass coming up with enough coordination to carry them out. How about grinding, do you have to do it if you want to play competitivly? The level to 60 really is not that bad. On paper it LOOKS a lot longer than it actually is. Many people on these boards have more than 1 60.. at least a few people have 3+ and I know some people personally with 5 or 6 level 60 characters. Compared to other MMORPGs it's pretty easy to level, plus if you play casually you get rested experience (eg. the time you spent logged off translates to an experience bonus when you log back on). 40 man raids are tough, but you don't have to do them - I think only 1/4 of the WoW population probably does. Your average 40 man raid is between 3 and 5 hours, though I have been on some MONSTER marathon runs like from 2pm Saturday to 1am, but I don't do that anymore. It all depends on how you want to play. WoW is a flexible game. Jesus, it's just that I don't have a lot of time to play it. Even on the summer I won't have much time. I wanted a MMORPG to play casually, which WoW would allow me to do, if it didn't have the monthly fee. I'm basically making the decision between Guild Wars: Factions and WoW, but I think I'll buy Factions. It's full price but it doesn't have a monthly fee and thats a huge plus for me. Besides it incentivates casuality... Sorry guys, but Factions is going to be my MMORPG of choice this summer. I think WoW might be the overall best game, but with what you pay maybe it could be better?...
  11. Uhhhh... So even if I played 8 hours a day... it would take me around 44 days to do it?! Yeah, I'm thinking no. It's just too much time, and I've heard there are more then 1 hour long raid of 40 people. It must be a pain in the ass coming up with enough coordination to carry them out. How about grinding, do you have to do it if you want to play competitivly?
  12. How much time till lvl 60 then?
  13. I'm considering buying WoW, but I have 2 questions: -If you play it on a semi-regular basis, how many hours would it take up in order for you to produce decent results on your character? -How much is it, per month?
  14. Pixievote...ON! Voted. Again. VGDJ is awesome.
  15. You mean the shield right? If so, yeah, the shield is pretty important. The R button also allows you to do dodges. You should try fighting low level CPUs and work your way up to the highest ones, and multiple opponents. I can beat a single level 9 opponent 99% of the time. I get KO'd a few times, yes, but that's mostly because I turn off all the items. I can come out on top when facing three level 7 opponents in melee, but above that is pretty difficult. I just never ever ever block or dodge, and I want to figure it out. Well, since the Wii wil probably feature online play, you should get used to the melee controls a lot. Keep blocking on your mind while playing and use it a lot. You'll soon figure out when to use it and when not to. It'll grow on you, and you'll find yourself blocking at the moments you consider crucial. As for dodging, it's not necessary, but it opens a new set of combos for you. Useful when avoiding a grab. Roll behind your opponent and grab him yourself, slam him into the ground and combo into it. If you keep remembering yourself to use blocking and dodging, you'll find yourself instinctivly using it, as you incorporate it into your gameplay. Add a bit of timed jumps and air dodges and your a master of evasion. Oh, and I really hope they can take wavedashing out of Brawl. It'd ruin the online play... OMG SNAKING!
  16. You mean the shield right? If so, yeah, the shield is pretty important. The R button also allows you to do dodges. You should try fighting low level CPUs and work your way up to the highest ones, and multiple opponents.
  17. For those who still feel like submitting, Masahiro Sakurai will only be accepting submissions until June 9th at 5:00 pm Japan time. Cool. I'd like to have Volgin, simon and megaman in there. Not sure about Kalas... Ike woulden't be bad, but I'd prefer Ephraim. Also: http://www.smashbros.com/en/characters/chara5/index.html Probably a Metal Gear Solid stage. This seems to be Snake's walk, and the tap run would be Snake's regular run.
  18. Hook up with Smoke yo. This may be a n00b question then, but I could play VS anyone in the world using the hotspots scattered around ze country too right? I dont think wireless works in my house, and i need a 35 euro USb thing to use my USB connection x_x so..much..money Yes, on any public hotspot you can use the WiFi connection. The same is also true if you buy the adapter or have a wireless internet router.
  19. Hook up with Smoke yo.
  20. Pity. If you would have waited about two weeks, the DS Lite is coming out June 11th with a brighter screen. Set Metroid Prime Hunters to Stylus mode, and keep your stylus on the screen at all times until you want to jump. Also, I'd highly recommend New Super Mario Bros. Awesome game. Yeah, I was thinking that, but DS lite would be more expensive too right? >_> I kinda live in Europe, so I'm gonna have to wait abit for that new mario, but definatly wanted that. Not sure about Starfox, it shows a timer? I dont like being rushed. How do i set Metroid to stylus mode then? Thanks! Hey, I'm in Europe and I have NSMB. Import rules. Should I wait until Pheonix Wright drops the prices, or will they raise over time?
  21. I feel like an ignorant asking this but... Who?
  22. When they meetup they almost always play Melee. So it's a given I guess. Also, what we really should have is huge Brawl tournaments online. That'd be so awesome, I bet we could get over 100 people in it. Damn meetups never come to Portugal It would be incredible if say, OCR could have its own team and within that team you have different rankings based on skill level. Now another team, say the 4chan team, battled the OCR team, with each skill level batling the corresponding skill level on the other team. That would be gaming nirvanna. BEST MULTIPLAYA EVA! Ahem. As creator of this thread, I'm SSB master rank. Thank you.
  23. Yo avatar peoples two things: -When are these being released? and -Could you make some for the anime section from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? Thanks.
  24. Uhhh, I never knew your old account, but if you were flamed, all the more reasons not to go there.
  25. A bit of advise: stay out of UnMod for a while kay?
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