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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. Oh wow, this is unexpected and awesome. Very catchy, and the writing is solid. Really feeling how you approached the string writing and combining it with the 4-on-the-floor feel you have going on in the bass. I can see the crits about the mid-range feeling a bit too full, but as Justin pointed out I don't think it's a dealbreaker in the end scheme. Really hearing the Pirates of the Caribbean feel at 2:00, love it! The electronic elements are also a nice touch, and they are melded very well with the orchestra feel. YES
  2. Pretty much in-line with Justin's vote in particular, which mirrors the rest of the group here. There's a lot of subtle variation and arrangement here which is nice to listen to, albeit it is fairly close to the source. Some of the synth choices are a bit flat, and the repetitive parts do bring things down a notch overall. That being said, if this were another source that wasn't so widely arranged there wouldn't be as much talk about it in terms of passing or not in regards to being close melodically. In the end I found the track to be an enjoyable homage to the original that plays out a lot of the great aspects and adds a bit more flavor. That ending, though, is totally rough. Almost tempted to see if he wants to smooth it out a bit? YES (borderline)
  3. I'm a bit on the fence here. The arrangement has some great moments, and I like the variations you provided to the original. On the same note, I feel like there are some sections that feel like they are really lacking, either through arrangement or production. The first weird part is around 0:50, where there is some strange popping noises I'm hearing in the background. They continue for a while, and they almost sound rhythmic, but they sound unintentional and should really be addressed. After that are some sections like 1:43 where the lead synth is very timid compared to the rest of the track. I'd love you to adjust your sounds around a bit to make them stronger. Similarly, the guitar lead after that is really fakey, and could really use an upgrade. The other area I'd like to mention are a lot of the transition sections that feel a bit empty. I think you could pare down some of these areas and shorten the track a little to let the good parts shine through more and have a more direct impact on the listener. I do think it's close, and the arrangement is a pretty fun take on the original that improves a lot of parts. I think it's not quite there yet, and some adjustments in the production area and maybe a bit in the arrangement end will really make this shine. Good luck on the rest of the vote! NO (resubmit, please)
  4. This is all sorts of sweet! The arrangement is definitely solid, and while I agree that the levels are hot, I think it actually adds to the mix in that it's super strong and not afraid to push boundaries. Gives it a little character . That being said, I think there could definitely be some issues if the mix didn't really have clear melodies showing through. Very cool stuff. YES
  5. Shariq needs to point out the source to me, because I'm not really hearing it at all, minus the chorus line that is sparsely heard here and there. The track is super fun, and I would love to have someone prove me wrong here, but I'm going to have to pass for now on source usage. NO (show me the source!) EDIT: Shariq to the rescue! I still am going to hold out that while they are there, and I'm cool passing it, it's wayyyyy close in terms of obscurity of the source. Still an awesome track, regardless. YES (Borderline)
  6. Tales of Phantasia. Played the dejap translation, and probably got to the second or third final dungeon...then just stopped, not sure why. The other would be Xenogears, got almost to the second disk. Just wasn't feeling the game, tbh
  7. Gotta admit, I agree with Larry that there's a lot of crowdedness going on in this. I think you can go through and clean this up a bit to make it easier to hear the parts and your vocals, Mike! Also, thanks for being patient with me on this and getting that bass part in! Edit 6/24: Nice fixes! much more clarity on the vocals, and the rest of the parts as well. Lovin' dat bass >.> YES
  8. Yeah, I paneled this because the source usage felt a little sparse to me. Thanks to Kris for the excellent breakdown, I'm hearing things a lot clearer now. Really fun take on the theme here, loving it! YES
  9. This is super quirky, and it's a ton of fun to listen to. I gotta give it a NO, though, based on Larry's breakdown and the hard work he put into really sussing this out. Really really hope you revisit it that one more time, because it definitely can be frontpage material. RESUBMIT, PLZ (no)
  10. Thu. July 10 - Sun. July 13 Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford, CT http://connecticon.org We're back as Online Media Guests! Come see us at our panels OR at our sweet table in the OMG hall! PANELS: OverClocked ReMix: OCR-cade! Bonus Panel! Fri. July 11, 1:00-2:30 PM Panel Room 7 OC ReMix: Kicking You in the BUTT with VIDEO GAME MUSIC!!! Sat. July 12, 8:30-10:00PM (late night delight!) Panel Room 7 Panelists: djpretzel Arrow DarkeSword DragonAvenger Liontamer East COAST!
  11. Yep, so ASAP please!

  12. I think the arrangement is really solid. There's lots of references to the source material, and it's a pretty unique approach. I felt overall like the track was a bit subdued in the bass aspect, and in fact you might have been able to bring the entire track up a touch to give it a little more power. I think the others have some good crits that you can take into account for future mixes. If the arrangement wasn't as solid as is, I might have been a bit more borderline on the production (regarding the crits mentioned by others), but I think this is pretty solid as-is. YES
  13. Really cool concept, I love the intro, and the percussion effects on the body of the guitar. As this continues on, though, I feel like the constant tempo and background get to be a beat repetitive and it wears itself out. I think working on finessing the backing writing will really help this stay interesting. The whistle in the background is also very mechanical, and overall could come up a touch. Humanizing that will also add more life to the piece. This is pretty close to the original in terms of arrangement from what I can tell, and I think you can work on straying a bit more from the original and adding more of your own flare beyond the style change. Variation is really the key here. It's a good start, and it has a ton of promise om terms of style and approach, but it has a ways to go here. NO (resubmit)
  14. Hello there, My name is Gaute Vist Grong, my remixer name is GVGguy, user ID: 47725. My e-mail is My webpage would be... This one? www.youtube.com/user/gvgkid The arrangement is of the theme song of "Ragna The Bloodedge" from the Blazblue Franchise The arrangement's name is ''The Lone Rebel" It is an arrangement of ''Rebellion". The first game to feature this theme was the first game in the series, "Blazblue:The Calamity Trigger", which was released in Arcades in 2008. The theme itself is composed by Daisuke Ishiwatari. Link to original soundtrack: Own thoughts about the arrangement: I have always been a fan of Daisuke Ishiwatari's work, ever since I discovered Guilty Gear, which I did through it's soundtrack, so that kinda says a bit about my relationship to Arc System Works and it's music, it's Ishiwatari that reeled me in. So I figured I'd pay tribute to one of his main pieces from Blazblue, by making an Acoustic arrangement, while at the same time trying to make it sound more "Wild West-like", thus kinda portraying Ragna the Bloodedge as a lonesome cowboy, travelling the west and causing trouble for bandits, gangs and oppressors in every town he came upon. Hope you like it! Sincerely, Gaute Vist Grong --------------------------------------------------------
  15. Nowwwwww! (6/1 is the original final deadline)

  16. Hi, my name is Bruno Vouillemy and my artist name 'Metalltool' E-mail adress: No existing website (http://www.youtube.com/user/Metalltool) userid: 44823 Game: Megaman 8 System: Sega Saturn/ PS1 Track: Grenade Man Stage Remix name: Flash Bang Misery Original composer: Shusaku Uchiyama 'My' remix: Original version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkn0cffcHJY
  17. Contact Information Jakesnke17 Jacob Diaz http://djjd.bandcamp.com 28914 Submission Information Mega Man X3, Mega Man V, Mega Man II "Crystal Cipher" X3 Zero Theme, Stone Man, and Metal Man This originally came together for the WCRG 2013 Competition, I had the original idea to put together a track that started out with a semi-organic jungle vibe. I really wanted something different, than what was normally done with the Mega Man X3 Zero Theme. So I mashed it together with Stone Man and...that's what happened. Near the end of the week, I asked Ben Briggs and ectogemia for help with the last half of the song, for which they put together two fantastic solos...and made the song amazing. This is the result of our collaboration and I hope you guys enjoy. ----------------------- - Zero - Stone - Metal
  18. Hiya, unfortunately the statue's already been claimed. Sorry!

  19. Hey guys, I was cleaning my house and found a set of codes from PAX East for skins. No idea if they will still work, but whoever wants to try 'em out may get lucky! Arctic Ops Varus - WWU7DY74FQ4MTR Riot Ward Skin - RWJN9AM9J23LLJ Riot Blitzcrank - WWRXY2XVTGLCNK Arcade Hecarim - WWQ4T3KDHWAHHG Claimed! Nextly, for cosplaying we got two Pulsefire Ezreal statues. We don't need two, so if someone's willing to pay shipping for it, I'll mail the extra out to you! It's pretty big, like a foot tall. Here's a random link I found online! https://adeliegamers.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/made-it-home.png First come, first serve on all of these things, good luck!
  20. Loving the upgrades here, you've done a lot of good work with what you had before, and I think this only expands your horizons! I'm going to agree with the others about the kick, and I think they all have some great advice. I also see a little bit of what Larry is going for, though I think he's being a bit too harsh on it overall. There's a ton of interesting aspects of the arrangement and you change the sections around frequently; there's plenty of new things to grab your attention throughout. I can see this going either way, and I think it skims by as-is. If so, definitely take all the feedback to heart for future submissions, otherwise I'll look forward to hearing it again! YES (borderline)
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