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Everything posted by Robotaki

  1. Haha, Prometheus, love the idea! Alright after my first listen, sweet start. I can tell the complete arrangement's gonna be awesome. Here are a few things that maybe you could change/add: 1. I secnod the idea of a highly rythmic piccolo. 2. Percussion (tambourine, shakers, etc) with accent on offbeats could maybe increase the movement you're generating so far. I think Sil was stressing this also. You could also do a sort of hemiola with the percussion, 1-2-3-4-5-6, accents on 1,3,5 to keep it interesting. 3. Just for me, I could really REALLY hear a bass drum hit, then a slap stick hit, alternating each bar. Sorry for the hack description, lol I'm rushing a bit here cuz I have to eat dinner. 4. Less sustained marcato strings would help also. It's an excellent start, and I'm sure this thing'll turn out great when you're done. Good work!
  2. really neat blake. can't wait to hear the finished product. only thing that stood out to me was the ?D natural? played (correct me if I'm wrong) at 0:53-0:54. maybe just edit the velocity on it, cuz it cut through the warm scoundscape you had building there. up to you though, if it was your intention to do that =P
  3. damn a side chain on the lower frequencies....interesting. sounds like it'll work, specially for this piece since it puts quite a lot of demands on the lower end. good tips =P
  4. you've got really good contrast between sections already (in rhythms, the tone of the synths, and harmonies) I sincerely hope you can keep these sorts of contrasts consistent throughout the piece because it'll hold our interest. For me, a heavily filtered and processed (FX-ilicious) drum section with a simple melody over top is a must. Awesome stuff zirc.
  5. wow I've been living in a cave. thnx for the update dude lol.
  6. what's all this talk about Reason and FL studio for? the only thing you need is Guitar Hero. everything that it plays sounds nice (hey professional too!) AND I don't even need to do anything!! WOW! but really, reason 4, beta-testers I envy you.
  7. sry guys, just need a bit more towards whether the high end is too sharp for your ears. I'm using speakers right now so quality equalizing can't be done, lol. I'll try to buy my set next weekend =P
  8. haha man I hear yah. grade 11's hard enough...=/ I dun want to even know what's coming next year. Bah, till then, music takes the stress off. Anyways to the tune: The major major thing you need right now is better samples. The drum samples are a dead give away, and the some of the generic synths. Spiffem up a bit! There are catchy moments in this piece, so keep it up dude!
  9. lmfao, yeah......goddammit.
  10. lol, funny stuff. you, nyuk-nyul, are the new god.
  11. yeah no kidding. workload just doubled this week holy smokes. I dunno why all schools, three weeks in, decided to drive us mad at the same time lol
  12. oh noes, the link isn't working for me >_< I wanna listen!
  13. some of us are still here. anyone know the anything on the whereabouts of usa?
  14. Haha, yeah seriously, I'm gonna kill my bro for fitting that thing into there. Problem is I was sorta "egh" on it so partially my fault I didn't stop his "impulsive creative" sorta flow. But yeah, that's on the top of my lsit to change. Ermm, higher frequencies I understand. I pushed up the higher frequencies in the Master FX Channel thinking that it needed a little mroe definition, but I could have gone overboard. I'll see what more people think, and if the general consensus is that it is too edgy then I'll change it. Thanks a bunch guys!
  15. lol, my parents are uncool. damn.
  16. ah I think it's just our forums. their bandwidth is being used by the FFVII project that was just released so they may have had to shut down their forums temporarily. "To make a long story short, the FF7 project sucked up all our bandwidth so this tiny little site will be all we can provide until next month. Sorry for the inconvenience, ThaSauce Staff :("
  17. hey man Halo Snippet: what you've got here's really good for a buildup.just in my head, I can see this as a really dramatic buildup for an energetic electronic mix. some kickass drums and synths would do it for me. but this is just my opinion. nice ambient effects! the bass comes in a little suddenly for me, so mayb a small something to introduce it would make it less surprising. but whatever you have in mind, keep on going! I'll get to res when I can =P
  18. is thasauce down temporarily or is it just me?
  19. yeah. I think avaris was picking at that idea also. =/ I'm gonna just have to find a synth to fit it in. it only starts to appear in the bg near the end. thanks for the comments sabrigami!
  20. ahhhh avaris =P can always expect to get helpful comments from you. I'll try and develop or mold the dark world main theme into the early sections. hopefully that will tie sections together to be a little more coherent. haha don't worry about the beginning, I DEFINITELY plan to take it out. lolz, jokes. thanks a lot! =)
  21. haha most definitely. get this in the WIP forums asap man.
  22. I see jean-claude van dam ready to pounce. =P
  23. Hey guys! Had a bit of computer trouble recently and lost a few files, but luckily not my Decision Bell one (would've cried if I did lmfao) But with all that hell passing over, I've decided to try something new that's not orchestral. Hey, maybe a bit of senseless lo-fi'ish thumping for your head? I'm a total nub at this sorta stuff and I just put what sounds nice, so all comments appreciated. I don't think I intend on submitting this or anything. o.O almost forgot, don't mind the intro...my brother -_-" I'm aware there's a bit of compression issues and stuff, but I'll get to those asap. Thanks everyone! Zelda - Dark World
  24. ooo nice stuff man. sounds like FFXII at some points with the flourishes and whatnot. it mighth ave to do with the major triad whole note harmonies, but w/e it is, sweet stuff. good work so far!
  25. lawl you gotta get me some of them SFX of Kratos' yelling. but anyways, more on topic, KH2 would be neat.
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