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Everything posted by Robotaki

  1. Hey guys, just wondering if a Maple Story remix is legit. It is a MMORPG so I dunno if that infringes on any of the posting guidelines for OCR. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. =P I could turn it into a Request pretty easily.
  2. ah, didn't specify. from either really, anything that sounds good and works. =)
  3. worked for me, lol. =p anyway, I like the harmonies used, but I'm not at all familiar with the sample source (8-bit instrumental mayhaps?) so am I just hearing samples or original stuff? Whether or not it is or not it's real funky and great stuff <3 it. The drum loop is kickass, you gotta tell me where you sampled it from plz. Something weird's going on with the stereo separation you've got right now. I dunno if it's just my headphones acting up but I'm hearing the lower frequencies (especially the kick on the drum) panned to the right. It's a little imbalanced. You also need to fill up the midground with some cool riffs and stuff. neato
  4. yeah beginning was a highlight for me also. was this heavily influenced by the Brink of Time album? the instruments are very similar to some of those used in that jazz/funky/spacey album. at least it seemed so to me. cool stuff, and best of luck!
  5. just a question, is the site still intact? there isn't a URL in the first post so I hope everything's alright >.<
  6. Ontario, Toronto...nothing happens here.
  7. lol this theme rocks in Sonic 3D Blast. reverb, as mentioned earlier, would help fill in the soundscape. the transition with the piano was awesome, just as it was in the original. good use of the key change! I've wanted to take a shot at this theme myself for sometime but it's been a little hard for me. you've done a really good job so far!
  8. Wow amazing work on the guitar. I'm very impressed. I would have to side with Dhsu on the way that the harmonies were a little simple. I would have liked to hear a drastic key change midway throughout the piece. The viola playing at the end was slightly tentative for me, may have to do something with the phrasing. These are really nitpick and subjective things though. Great work!
  9. Really great stuff. I'm sorry I can't say more rigt now becaues I don't quite have the time. But the most blaring thing for me is a NEED FOR A PHAT BASS! When I think Hybrid, I think orchestral build-up (which you have, nice work!) to glitchy transition, introduction of a really crunchy bass, then the incorporation of both orchestra and bass. Just my two cents. Nice shizzz!!
  10. Hey guys I was just wondering, is a remix of a fre MMORPG allowed? I'm really keen on starting a remix on the Tree Dungeon piece in this game. Thanks a bunch, and sorry if this has already been asked.
  11. I am sorry to hear that Reuben had to leave all of us so soon. For the few discussions I had with him, he was always helpful and encouraging, and I am sure the same applies to everyone in this community. I, along with everyone, will miss you. My condolences...
  12. the piece is nice and all but damn, wth, it could have gone without stealing from the original tune. I'm pretty curious to see how this situation unfolds. schadenfreude to the max, hehe.
  13. holy crap it's usa, haha. where'd ya go? =P
  14. LOL, wow I'm totally confused now =/ Keep us updated on what's up, lol. Anyways, somethings up with my comp/link, cuz I can't dl it >.< I really want to listen so I'll see what's up!
  15. Thanks for the advice guys. Really helpful. So what I've got so far: 1. Drum variation 2. Change that flute sample (or just take it out) 3. 2:20 - I'll put some of the chirps on beat, since all of them are generally offbeat as of right now. 4. The 2:33 changeup section - I'm thinking maybe I can have drums filtered with the lowend cutoff so that the momentum isn't totally destroyed, but there's some room without the drums constantly jarring your heads. Sound alright? Thanks a bunch again!
  16. Really really clean sounding stuff. I wish the congas or bongos at the beginning could have had a presence in the middle somewhere, but that's just cuz I love the sound of them =P Amazing work on the guitar, and very intricate timings. Good contrast with the section at 2:13. Gives our ears some good rest for the climax. It's too bad this couldn't get on to the project, but I'm kind of glad that you diverged and subbed it on your own. Hopefully this'll raise a bit of attention towards Seiken Densetsu 3 *hint* *hint* Anyways, two thumbs up!
  17. haha, love your ice cream analogy. anyway, yeah you've got to fix the EQing on this. at least on my speakers, it sounds a lot of the middle frequencies are just cut out. it's especially apparent on the piano soundfont you got there. the beginning too, did scare be quite a lot. it is kinda fitting for post-halloween I guess =P if you're going for an epic tone, you've got to have more contrasts in harmonies, rhythms (add some percussion), dynamics....well I guess you could contrasts in general. With these sorts of contrasts, you'll surprise your listeners in a good way. This being said, for your 'first' this is amazing. don't get discouraged at all and definitely don't give up! Cheers!
  18. I agree with Taucer's comment towards the sliced vocals. I thought they introduced a whole new sort of ambience and surrealism to the piece. Just for me, I did find the almost entirely new section at 2:28 slightly jarring relative to the beginning. Very intricate drum working, and I'm very impressed with this. Effective use of panning as well. I would have really liked to hear a distinct, but reasonably ambient (reverberated) piano playing chords as opposed to arpeggios as well at some point. This, however, is just an opinion. It's nice and refreshing to hear something new posted to the site! Good work!
  19. Wow this thread hasn't gotten killed yet...lol might as well jump on the opportunity. So, I put this aside for quite a long time because I tried to lower decay times on reverb, but it ended up making the whole orchestration a little cold. It wasn't broad enough for my ears. Is there a way I can maintain the expansiveness of the orchestration but lower the muddiness? Maybe selective reverb adjustment for specific instruments?
  20. hey thanks a lot for the comments so far guys! just an update on how it's going....I'm having a bit of trouble trying to create variation in terms of harmonies with this piece right now. you guys have any ideas? I don't want to keep repeating the same I-III-IV progression over and over again. it'll get real bland. >.<
  21. damn man, that's a crazy idea. some really spacey, out of this world, old-record sounding organ playing at 2:35. you knwo what, that idea's just crazy enough to work, I love it! thanks a bunch! I can see how if I make some room for the organ at that section, it'd give enough contrast to keep the listener's attention. do you think drum variation throughout the piece would also help with this? Let's see, what else, ah Prometheus, flute...yeahhhh, I dun think that was a good idea at all. I want to put in another instrument or synth there, but I'm not too sure what'd go well. I'll experiment with other stuff. Thanks for pointing that out though =) Rozovian, I'll fix up the chord screw up at 0:58. I don't know what happened but I'll go look at all the patterns playing at that moment. probz just a little mishap. Sweet stuff so far guys, and thanks a lot. Lots of things I wouldn't have picked out or come up with without your help!
  22. haha oh crap, this is EXACTLY, and I'm telling you, the EXACT same direction I was going for in my WIP for this source tune. really great original. I think you already realize that there needs to be a bit more variation, and maybe interpretation. Other than that, it's a very good start, and I don't find anything particularly jarring with the EQing. I put out a thank you for giving me the energy to start on my own remix. thnx bud!
  23. Do you have a sample for us?
  24. oh snap!!!! I'm curious myself actually. what now brown cow? =P
  25. Hey again guys! Soo, I've tried to tackle an under-remixed tune from Chrono Trigger: Manoria Cathedral. To be honest, this meant to be an attempt at an Earthbound - Skyrunner ReMix...I'm still keeping it as an idea, because there are a few chords that could fit in perfectly. ANYWAYS, Right now, the melody isn't too prevalent throughout the piece because I'm finding a suitable instrument for it to be played on. Hopefully you guys are alright with the few liberties I took with the melody in terms of rhythm. It was necessary since I switched time signatures from the original. Hope you guys enjoy it, and feel free to comment and critique! *Oh yeah, I'm nooo good with titles. See if anything pops in your heads! ORIGINAL: LINKAGE: Old Version: Chrono Trigger - Manoria Cathedral ReMix Old NEW VERSION: Chrono Trigger - Manoria Cathedral ReMix NEW CHANGES TO BE MADE: 1. drum variation. 2. melodic variation. 3. EQing. CHANGES MADE SO FAR: 1. new harmonic section (3:12 onwards). 2. changed drum samples. 3. worked on production a bit.
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