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Everything posted by Robotaki
Jesus christ CHz. You infogod. *bows* That's really cool.
Thanks jabond! Yeah I think somebody else did do a remix of this source very recently, and on the WIP boards as well. I don't quite know what happened to the post but it might have gotten pushed. Link in the previous post updated! I thickened up the drums a bit, layered more instruments, changed the synth solo a bit. At the moment, there's a pause that occurs at 1:54 because I don't know what I'm going to bridge the sections with yet. Anyway, enjoy!
Hey everyone! I've just made the move into McGill and the place is absolutely amazing. I really look forward to living here for the next 4 years of my life. On top of it all, I have just settled in with all my music equipment (or lack there of) and cooked up a new tune that was stuck in my head for the longest time during frosh week. It's been a while since I've posted anything also! I'm hoping that I'll still have time to make music during the school year and stay just as active on OCR, but I have yet to see. Anyway, enjoy my take on this nostalgic source! I paid special attention to bringing forward the natural decays of instruments and samples this time around, so it may sound slightly minimalistic. Please feel free to comment and critique as always. p.s. all my old tunes are on another computer back in Toronto but my brother's bringing them down the upcoming weekend so those'll be updated as well LINK: Super Mario 64 - File Select ReMix *fixed
RESPONSE SPOILER: The whole thing involving a slightly nerdy protagonist using alien weaponry to blow up things struck a very "Half-Life" note with me. I also oddly felt some similarity to Ratchet and Clank commercials during those times Wikus was using the alien weapons. i.e. Tesla cannon, a "reverse" Vacuum Gun. Oh, and the title? District 9 ---- City 17. yea. lolz at LuckyXIII's ending spoiler.
Linkin Park vs Yasunori Mitsuda
Robotaki replied to Geoffrey Taucer's topic in Post Your Original Music!
haha that's hilarious, awesome find (you also have the most intense sig on the site) -
Yeah this really sounds like it'll turn into something really unique and fun to listen to Although it might not fit the OCR guidelines as Liontamer has pointed out, just go with what you're doing. I'm sure you know that already ^^ Oh while we're talking about guidelines, is their any policy stating that you can't sample from the original sources in your remix? I've always wondered.
Hey! This time it's Dire Dire Docks from SM64; another overmixed tune but I hope my harmonies can push enough for the interpretive side of things. This sample starts somewhere near the beginning of the track but not at the exact beginning. Samples used are all soundfonts and FL oscillators, one shot wavs, or loops made from previous project. The violin and guitar samples really need to be replaced but they're the best I have at the moment. Would anyone like to contribute a recording of some sort? The weakness of my samples really shows in the beginning section before the breakdown begins. Over it all though, I feel like there's something missing. (a strong sample on the melody?) I can't pinpoint it...listened to it too many times. Production gets muddy at times but I don't think that's it. Dire Dire Docks ReMix - Super Mario 64 EDIT: Oh well, I guess I'll use this thread to thank everyone active in OCR for helping me with music in all regards. Right now I'm in this odd period of reflection passing between high school and university and I realize how important this community has been on me. When my older brother first went, "Hey check this wicked site out, there's a bunch of remakes of ___(list goes on and on)___ 4 years ago, I always wanted to contribute something. Starting from knowing piano and violin, and nothing about electronically produced music, I'm glad to say I've improved and can be an active member here now and plan to be that way for a long long time. Haha, I still remember my very first Secret of Evermore mix of the Boss Theme using solely FL Presets. I was so nervous to post it to these boards at first. Ah, look this thread became a diary. Anyway, take a listen and see what comes up. Hope you enjoy it!
This WIP isn't getting enough love atm. It's one of those "quiet" trance mixes that I really dig. CHICANE, that's what it reminds me of! Keep goin with this man, awesome stuff. (That Sytrus plucking synth is just perfect, how'd you make it? whenever I try to morph my own plucked synths they always have a sort of hiss or sharpness to them) Now let's see, things to add...I'm thinking the only thing that could change is the ending section where the synth string plays alone. I feel like there should be more in the soundscape, something ambient but rhythmic, to maintain the energy of the mix you created in the previous sections. I would add anything from whispy vocals to delayed + filtered hats. Other than that, that's all I have to offer. Great great stuff!
Wow, this is really encouraging stuff to hear, really. Thanks to everyone who's shared their experiences and has been able to sympathize. I feel much less worried about keeping active in personal hobbies and in ones that I expect to discover at university. Just thinking a little bit on it now, moving the 'music station' shouldn't be difficult since it's just a keyboard and mouse haha. Again, big thanks! Oh, and congratulations to the other '09ers out there! (so far known: Vagrance and MattInc) haha, oh boy there's a real story around this one. When I applied for the school which I would spend the next 11 years in, I had to take an entrance examination and do a bunch of interviews. I was applying for their Grade 2 class I believe. But for some odd reason, the admin put me through a Grade 3 process and consequently, I started school in Grade 3. I guess you could consider it unintentionally skipping a year In retrospect, I really wonder if I missed out in a lot skipping that year...guess it'll never be known.
Hey everyone! I've just graduated from high school, Class of '09, and it feels like a big step in my life. I'll be attending McGill University in Montreal, QC, for my undergraduate years under its Biomedical Sciences program. I am posting this thread mainly because I don't quite know what to expect in terms of time management at university. Will I be so overwhelmed with work that I can't enjoy my favorite pastimes like composing music or contributing to OCR? Do some lose interest in music altogether and find other things to do? I know that not having a piano just outside of my bedroom will make a big difference on the things I do for fun. I'm sorry if this seems terribly naive of me, but it's a genuine concern of mine, especially since my courses don't involve many things 'musical'. Any comments or advice is appreciated (Oh, sorry if this is the wrong forum. I rarely post on the Community boards.)
OCR01848 - Neverwinter Nights "Kara-Turian Nights"
Robotaki replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Shaolin Soccer! Haha the beginning of this piece with the bass drum reminded me of it so much harmonically and instrumentally. This is epic! -
Do you have a source for Lurch's theme at all? I'm definitely interested in that idea though. I'd also really REALLY like to put in the boss theme or sewers themes in here somewhere because there's some neat contrasting sections in those tunes. Thanks for the ideas! (Exams almost finished so back to the music computer and away from the binders )
Bionic Commando - Main Theme! (WIP 2)
Robotaki replied to John Revoredo's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
So would you look at this Seems like Revoredo is multigenre talented! This is sweet stuff man. I never doubted that you could lay down the drum work necessary to get a catchy beat going. Gritty and rough (in a good way) sounding! I like. I do agree though, the EQing in the high frequencies is slightly off, but it's already been said so I won't press on. Sweet! btw, Bionic Commando? wiiiinnnnnnn -
Diggin the sound you've made here. Acoustic guitars, latin percussion, and a Gerudo progression never fails to sound nice. But the thing is, that's the main problem right now. While there is some slight interpretation of the melody, I'd really like to hear some harmonic variation, or rather, more variation in general. Little changes or flourishes in the percussion, dynamics, harmony, instrumental tone, would go a long way. Like I said though, this is very pleasing to listen to! p.s. oh just a heads up, you don't need a new thread every time you update your mp3, just bump or edit the past thread with your WIP on it, otherwise Darkesword'll just end up scrapping all of them lol. (or something along those lines)
I'm so happy to hear that a fourth installment is going to be released. I remember playing I and II with my brother until early morning, just trying random things on the same map over and over. (Anyone else throw a servant's unconscious body into a pool of water and then fail the mission several minutes after because he died? haha)
Jeez man you've really improved. I love the environment you've made here. It's really warm sounding, and the chord progression you've chosen is almost hypnotic. Are all these sounds coming from your (semi-)newly acquired GPO library? Hey you know what would KILL in this piece? Some ambient, not necessarily rhythmically structured percussion sounds, heavily reverberated...and some soft glocks! These are really spontaneous ideas but I really like what you have here. Keep going m8!
wip Metroid Prime - Glaciers Never Sleep
Robotaki replied to Robotaki's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Solid pieces of advice meteo, thanks! I'll get on to them right away. oh just to clarify, the glitches you mentioned - you're talking about the chordal glitches introduced at 0:48, and not the percussive ones yeah? With regard to the 'fluidity' of the samples, I've mostly just been using the oscillator in FL studio with a load of FX, cutting off higher frequencies, and altering envelopes. This track is going to be a remix of phendrana drifts - going to be because like you said, there isn't that much recognizable from the source. I've only used that soprano piano motif from the original so far. haha sorry that my EQing is a little off. I'm still getting used to mastering massive walls of sound for ambient tunes Thanks again for the help! Much appreciated. -------------------------------------------------- UPDATE (Link Updated): I didn't want to double post since this is a pretty new post so I'll just do an EDIT on this. I took everything into consideration and changed what I could for the time being. I think most of the problems have been fixed. I really need to get on to studying for my exams but I'll frequently check back here and get a list of things to change. Thanks! -
So I was finishing up that oldie for Manoria Cathedral and had a nice ambient pattern sitting somewhere on Pattern 69 *heh* for a long time. I decided to play with it using very similar samples to the original project file so here's what came up. I also loooove sine waves. It's quite similar in sound, but I think it has a different feel. drums cut in a little suddenly for me, and it's a repetitive on the harmonic side of things right now - any ideas for progressions? surprises? For some reason I really want to put barely audible delayed whispering into this @.@ Anyway thinking out loud now, hopefully you dig! I'll try to include the melody more in future updates LINK: Glaciers Never Sleep (Phendrana Drifts ReMix)
Chrono Trigger - Manoria Cathedral ReMix
Robotaki replied to Robotaki's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
oh geez, major apologies for letting this die. I whole bunch of things happened as of lately: lost soundfonts and samples, switched music computers, other wips which also died on these forums because of my laziness heh, gf problems (gah). I will finish this for sure, and definitely plan to make his my first submission to the site (hopefully first acceptance lol). listening to it after a long long time made it clear to me that a lot of things need to be cut and such. production could use a bit of tweaking. again, sorry. -
Chrono Trigger - Ruins of Dome 16 ReMix
Robotaki replied to Robotaki's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
I am really stuck on this tune. I can't think of any way to work with it than what I've already done at the moment =/ I've tried incorporating Crono's Theme into it but it sounds too forced, especially when the key doesn't really change all that much throughout the piece. I added a very small section at the end but even that I'm not very happy with (the hats layer dropped off for the final patter too by accident -_-"). Pretty crappy way to start the break lol. Considering all I have is a bass line right now, would it be more beneficial to morph this into a remix for another game or just an original altogether? really stuck >< link in first post is updated -
Hey everyone! I just found this freakishly old WIP in the depths of my "New Folder" graveyard of a computer. It was a remix of the Bully Main Theme and various Ratchet and Clank tunes that I remembered off the top of my head. Balancing is lacking a bit in a few sections just from first listen, reverb is a little heavy (an old habit of mine) and the beginning to middle sections drag slightly. I'm not entirely happy with the way things are so I'm thinking of a complete redo with the same ideas but just presented in a different way. march break's plenty of time. However, I am mainly posting here to ask whether arrangement-wise this fits within the interpretive-conservative range OCR demands. I tried to capture the Bully 'fantasy pranciness' and the Ratchet and Clank 'take myself too seriously but it's cool-ness' so see how things went. I would REALLY like to include a part where you can completely hear the Bully melody at some point. Oh, just in advance, working on this may be a little delayed because my soundfonts folder has mysteriously deleted itself so all the instruments used in this piece are missing. (Explaining why the recent Fester's Quest ReMix is completely electronic) It shouldn't be too much of a pain to retrieve but it's still...well, a pain. All my carefully collected soundfonts T.T Anyway, cheers and hope you enjoy this oldie LINK: Bully + Ratchet and Clank ReMix SOURCE (Bully):
OCR01806 - Donkey Kong Country "Permutation"
Robotaki replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
ditto Yeah, to say the least this is really unique. Truly amazing, high quality stuff, and a pleasure to listen to! I'm not a big fan of vocals all the time because they often conflict with the soundscape, but this is a huge exception. This song reeks sophistication seriously! Great stuff both of you! -
I love this game, as frustrating as it was and is. Maybe the frustration has ingrained this melody into my mind but I can't seem to forget it. Not much interpretation yet, and only a short segment. I mainly aimed for an energetic, gritty, phat sound. This is pretty much the first time I've worked with 'rough' sounds so my production may be a little off. There's a lot going on. Anyway, comments always welcomed. Hope you enjoy it! p.s. skrypnyk requested moar cowbell so it's there at the end SOURCE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjfthOrSais LINK: Fester's Quest - Overworld ReMix
Chrono Trigger - Ruins of Dome 16 ReMix
Robotaki replied to Robotaki's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Thanks for all the input! I'll definitely try the stuff you've mentioned and see how it turns out. Putting the main theme into this sounds like a good idea because the Dome 16 source isn't particularly memorable relative to the other huuuuge tunes. And sorry for the slowness. Apps and everything Thanks again! -
I second this suggestion. I bought this game this Christmas after hearing that it has become a cult classic and it's fun as hell. It only cost $18 at Best Buy completely new. Everything about it is ridiculous, but for a game that doesn't take itself seriously at all, that's exactly what you want.