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Everything posted by Robotaki

  1. Your percussion samples are insanely clean. Library? gimme gimme. Sweet work so far. Like the Easter sorta feel, specailly with the vocals. Nice and epic.
  2. Yep, avaris has become quite good on terms on production on FL. Real helper right there. Haha, man when I opened up the link, this wasn't what I expected to come from you! O.O Cool shit! *listening* Crud where'd you find that marimba instrument dude. I luv the woodiness on it. Hope it's a soundfont, cuz I'm seriously needing something like that. KK, sickass song. That processed lead you got there could have maybe a little more crunch to it, but really, nice job. Great to cya around again!
  3. Ah yeah, about that. Somebody on the project's already taken Decision Bell so I figured it'd be alright with Usa if I put my version of it. I think Tenku has it =P And about that collab man, omgg sryyy. I haven't generated a list of tracks that I think are good simple choices that can be expanded on a lot yet. Do you have any possible choices? I was sorta thinking that track from Dark Cloud 2 when you travel to Jurak's place and stuff. I kinda dig the melody on that one. But anyway, again, sry for not replying in the longest time. >.< Forgive? To the rest, thanks a lot for the comments. Still trying things in terms of arrangement for the next sections, but things'll be a little slow from here on in since it's hell week at my school. Jeesuuusss!!! *Legion Kreinak* - Reverb is "a type of digital signal processing that produces a continuous wash of echoing sound, simulating an acoustic space such as a concert hall. Reverberation contains the some frequency components as the sound being processed, but no discrete echoes." Woohoo, google definitions! ^-^
  4. I love the powerglove...it's so bad...oh yeah and I love this so far! Percussion samples are nice and clean. sweet.
  5. Sorry it took so long to reply. I went out on a trip with my folks for the break. I'll get to fixing the reverb asap. I usually try and use reverb to kinda "cover" the sound of the crappy, no-$ spent sorta sounds I got to work with so they sound half-decent. But sure, I'll turn a few knobs here and there. Thanks for the comments so far guys!
  6. The thing that strikes the me the most so far is the fact that all the sound is centralized right in the middle. Some crazy panning would do this mix a wonder. You've got some ideas that you can definitely work with here so keep working with each other. I'm sure the final product will be something desirable. GW!
  7. Alrighty, hi again guys! Here's a little thing I've been trying to work on. It's just an beginning, and there are a few balance issues I still need to tweak. But, overall idea? Okay? Bad? Tell me if I should change any samples, suggest instruments (especially ones playing the main melody), etc. As of right now isn't much since it's just the main theme of the piece, but I'm going to add more original parts later. Comments are always welcome as usual! =P LINK: Seiken Densetsu 3 - Decision Bell ReMix CHANGES MADE: 1. The cymbal was toned down. 2. Percussion volume turned down slightly. 3. Stereo separated some instruments a little further. 4. Brought out higher frequencies. (A little EQing basically.) CHANGES IN PROGRESS: 1. Reverb is getting toned down. 2. Rawrrr, NO TITLE!!! I'm uncreative...*meep*
  8. Sry I correct what I said earlier, you CAN edit the samples in soundfonts. You just need the right software. =P (As always)
  9. lmfao, awesome. Beat is a little loud, but I like the stuff packed into this. You gotta love the "pick up ring" sound used at 1:41. Classic!
  10. This part of any package of some sort?
  11. reminds me of Crystal Method, specially with the interjecting pads. Really cool shit man.
  12. You could always use a piano soundfont if you want, although you'll have less freedom to alter the sound since all you can do is apply FX. Still, there are qutie a few decent ones out there.
  13. Really delicate work. Imma likey. The part that stood out for me was at around 1:41 with the ostinato in the vocals. The harmonies there are especially pleasing for my ears. Great work!!
  14. After you've made two patterns, in the Playlist, you can line up the blocks VERTICALLY from different patterns so during playback, it'll play those patterns at the same time.
  15. that's really good to hear ^-^ keep going.
  16. beside the play, stop, and record buttons at the top near the middle, directly to the left is the option to change pattern-song modes. I think they're labelled "PAT" and "SONG."
  17. yeah I'd agree with that. simple, but can be layered on to really well. and it's funk, come on =P you gotta love it. (btw, love that sig Vagrance, sickass.)
  18. lmao, and that's the softest way to put it.
  19. So is this first dibs or auction type selling? I also live in Canada so will shipping be an extra cost?
  20. Jeez, what did you use to get THESE samples. They got some damn high quality. Very cinematic.
  21. Hey Patrick! Cool stuff you got here. Everything sounds really cool. I'm really sick right now (no kidding) but the only thing that stands out is in the Wario piece you got, a few of the high notes stick out and are sharp sounding. But besides that, neat! Jeez I'm nauseoue, lmfao. Sorry I couldn't write more. I'll come back when I'm in better health. =P
  22. Man, crazy song. Really like the energy you were able to put into it. Real fat bass too, got real good stereo to it. I dunno how you were able to control all the chaos in this song, but it came out damn well. Oh yeah, I wish you could tone down the crackly "old record" sound, man it sounds JUST LIKE AN OLD RECORD. OMG. lmfao, jk, I'm just pullin ur leg Liontamer. =P
  23. Just wondering harmonically how you plan to make this theme your own. I'm trying to think of ways to modulate key and play around with progressions but it's kinda hard with such a distinctive tune. I always wanna do what the melody follows in the original >.<
  24. Fck yeah. Great source tune so you've got a lot to work with here. Like everyone else, waiting tentatively for updates. =P
  25. I already said thsi last time, but sick drum programming. Did you say you used Kontakt for the wav. editing or something? Can't remember. Got a bad memory =/
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