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Everything posted by Robotaki

  1. thanks a bunch =p
  2. Hey guys, I'm not really sure where to post this question, but I figured this was the right place to ask. My brother's been dying to know which artist or possibly which album this DnB track was made by. I have the track down below. He'd greatly appreciate it if someone had the slightest idea. I believe the tune's relatively old so it's nothing that recently came out. LINK: DnB Track - ?
  3. EPIC. is there any way that we can record this and put some matches on youtube possibly? I'd really like to have a way to see some of these matches =p
  4. This could almost go for Chrono Trigger Black Omen remix lol. Might have to do something with the chord progressions and stuff. I dig it =p 1:51 a massive highlight for me and I think it was at this section that the "mood" of a wintery scene was the most portrayed. Good work!
  5. Arrangement-wise this is really cool. You've got excellent control of contrasts in terms of dynamics and interpretation of the theme. Although the transition was a little sudden on the first listen through, the section starting at 1:43 was kickass. Nice job!
  6. lol, I found this mix likeable. Yes, it was slightly repetitive, but that delayed, bitcrushed synth used in the soprano is friggin kickass. Love it! Very reminiscent of the old tune...and to be honest, I think the repetitiveness partially has to do with my nostalgia. Maybe I would have liked it if the bass was panned every now and then because it started to eat away at the centre of my head (whatever tha means) after awhile. Creative, new, glad it made it through. =p
  7. Alright thanks for the comments guys. I'll clear it up a bit and see if I can get something before and after this little snippet. =p I kinda wish I had better samples blah. The marcato soundfonts are pretty average so I have to cover them up wih reverb sometimes. Oh yeah, any thoughts towards the "drum" version?
  8. sorry just to point out, I believe the source is from Chrono Cross =p anyways, this is really cool. I can see what Roz is saying about mid-highs. It'd be great to hear a little more in the higher frequencies, just to polish the whole thing up. I'm thinking the drums on the whole need to be a little more prominent in the mix. other than that, really cool arrangement! sick job
  9. The percussion and soundscape you've created is really interesting. I like it a lot because it's complex (especially with your use of delays, panning, and phaser) but deceivingly simple, so it doesn't take away from what melodic material there is. I feel as if after the drums start to pick up at 0:48, there needs to be a little more in the foreground, but I'm sure that'll be filled out with more updates and stuff. In terms of the snare, I'd personally like a more "artificial" one...sorry for a lack of a better word, but for the surreal atmosphere you've created here, I feel as if the real snare shot you have here doesn't fit. That's purely personal though. Really cool ideas, and for an hour's work, excellent stuff!
  10. *blah typo in the thread name, w/ez. sry bout that Yes I know, CT again, but hey I love this game and I gotta pay some sort of tribute to its music, especially the MAIN THEME!!!!. Here's what I think is going to be one of the more climactic or later sections of this piece. It's pretty short as of right now, but I plan to add more to it. If I took too many liberties with the melody (changing it to a pentatonic one and in a 6/8 time signature), then tell me. I know there are a lot of purists out there, and if that's the case try and treat it as a separate piece I guess. There are tons of similarities between this remix and the Decision Bell I had here awhile ago, mainly because I haven't updated any of my samples lol. If the samples are kinda faux, they're all soundfonts (and that's all I got >.<) so I'll try and FX them up or change velocities so they get a little more real. I definitely plan to vary up the rhythmic marcato cellos and strings for a little more momentum...percussion also since it's just a boom cha sorta thing. ANYWAYS Hope you guys like it! I've just recently tried adding some drums in the background so see which version sounds a little better. LINK: Chrono Trigger - Crono's Theme ReMix UPDATE [Oct.21] -> made percussion a little more complex from 0:14-0:18. -> added tom tom, guiros, castanets, tambourine, and wind chimes. -> cleared up some muddiness. -> layered a flute and piano. *It's been a long time, but I decided to get this project up and running again. Added another melodic section to incorporate more of the main theme. I realize now that everything is on the LOUD side so I gotta play with volumes and stuff. Name suggestions?
  11. how the fuck did you do the reverse piano FX and drum processing in this piece? intense dude you gotta tell me, I love this sorta shit to death. excellent production, realy warm sounding. for such a simple harmonic structure, you've really polished things to keep it interesting with simple melodies and effects. definitely reminds me of katamari damacy. I'm wowed man, huge kudos.
  12. yeah I gotta agree variation has been one of my problems, especially harmonically. I've tried to play around with the melody to fit different progressions but it's so rigidly set into my mind (specially after playing the game) that I can't find anything kinda neat with it. What I do find myself doing instead, is playing with FX to try and make something generic as interesting as possible. If I do find a new interpretation of the melody, I plan to crop out the majority of the beginning and fill it in with that instead. (Or if possible, lacing in different themes) For now, this is what I got, hope ya like it. It's edging on being too long so I'm gonna get to the cutting (and equalizing stage) now: Chrono Trigger - Manoria Cathedral ReMix*the link in the first post is updated as well. - I still haven't found an appropriate instrument, or one that has enough quality to be a sort of solo instrument. A large portion of the sounds I'm using right now are based on simple waveforms or soundfonts. - snare sample might be a little loud. I think I went overboard with the volume.
  13. wow, fuck you for your skills. this kicks ASS. the ending section totally reminds me of batman.
  14. lol my thoughts exactly Roz. I am slightly worried that it is too liberal of a take on the theme tho =/
  15. Not much to say other than I had fun making this. Bunch of simple waveforms and some FX presets, woohoo. You might recognize some similarity with the Zelda - Dark World ReMix I had here a couple months ago. This project came before it so yeah. I don't expect much "wow" factor in this but more so just "ah that was fun." I'll fix up the EQing here and there because some frequency levels are a little off. If it needs more variation then do tell. Hope you enjoy it guys! LINK: Kabuki Quentum Fighter - Level 2 ReMix
  16. Hey dudes, still working on this and finally got an ending to it. (The link isn't updated yet unfortunately) I just wanted to ask if it's legit to add in other Chrono Trigger themes as well. I found that it's possible to link both the Schala AND the Time Circuits themes into the piece and I think it sounds half decent. It is, however, only for a few measures and wouldn't be enough to be considered a "remix" of those themes. So, yeah, thoughts?
  17. Wow, I have a lot of respect for you man. I've always wanted to take up jazz piano lessons on top of my classical ones, and this just makes me want to even more. (I'm assuming you take lessons? how many years?) Technique is top notch, and the piece is very creative. I like it, dunno bout anyone else. Get the recording quality up and submit plz! Good work!
  18. lol, lots of these pieces are pro for firsts. here's my little contribution to this thread. the first FL Studio track with lots of presets and some stupid sound clips (some of my dumb friend too)...yeaaa LINK: Use the M*fing Force
  19. I think this technology would allow vandalism go to a completely new stage...e.g. drawing a penis that's the size of 1 fucking nano. I like, hehe
  20. Gotcha, thanks a bunch.
  21. Haha the similarities are remarkable. And yes, I do admit that guys name is pretty friggen sick. XD Towards the etching information in DNA, I really don't think it's such a good idea. Even though I have absolutely no background on this topic, I do know that the genome is a pretty delicate structure and even the slightest mutation can cause the cell to go insane (cancer and whatnot is a big one) Like you said, it's like scratching something into the bark of a tree. It can have some pretty drastic consequences. It's still pretty cool how they can cram so much information into a small space though. Sounds so futuristic! =p
  22. LOL BGC gives that comment to quite a few. anyways, yeah, this is definitely a good starting place. I was midi rippin like hell because the music just wasn't there in my head. one way that I often start up a remix is just to lay down a simple bassline that matches that of the piece you are remixing, then applying a new melody over top. (and the vice-versa works also, original melody -> new bassline, you get a lot of great results this way ^-^)
  23. hmm, I'll upload two versions when it comes time then I'll have one with and one without =p best for comparison. the clicks could be considered a rhythmic element?
  24. man Ravel is my favourite composer, huuge inspiration. I'm dying to learn how to play this =p You did a very good job!! and LOL to the random guy, you don't even know him? haha you were like, "WTF!?!?" while you were playing.
  25. Holy smokes I didn't even know this topic was still alive =O Great surprise though, because there are tons of great comments here. I "believe" I have now taken care of the snare sample, the chordal issues, that little click at the beginning of each sine synth, cleared up some of the EQing, and that horrid oboesque instrument that layers on the melody. I plan to get towards actually adding an ending and doing a LOT of drum variation. Does anyone know a good *cough* (free) drum slicer that has reverse or slow down capabilities? I am, however, having trouble including the three chords that are played at the beginning of the Manora Cathedral piece. They don't seem to fit anywhere other than the beginning unfortunately (well, that's where it is originally lol). I could be missing something really obvious. btw, I just tried fitting a cathedral organ in here, and it sounds pretty ballin. Thanks again to all for the constructive criticism. It's a great help!
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