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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Being born into a family of musicians and music lovers. DESTROYED my interest in music before I was even 8. I didn't get back into it until I was around 14 with the guitar, which I'm good at now... I guess. I never took more than a cumulative year of classes, and when I did, I took them with the most elitist of elite classical music snobs at the conservatory that I hated since I was 9(see above). Growing up in a place where people would rather listen to shit like Reggeaton is also a regret.
  2. I like this man.
  3. Higurashi is FAR from kiddy. It's much more akin to something out of a closet lolicon psychopath.
  4. Post from PSP browser +1
  5. Damn, with all the cool stuff coming out for both the DS AND the PSP, handheld gaming is where it's at, gentlemen.
  6. Two words. Gary. Bussey.
  7. Yeah I think I'm going for Wild Arms XF next since I need my strategy RPG fix, but man, gamestop really sucks for PSP stuff. Amazon has most of the stuff I'm looking for. And for cheap, too. I also wanna grab those A/V output cables. Anyone try it yet?
  8. Bah... The one design flaw that ruined the N64 controller. It's not broken though, it just has that "grainy' feel to it.
  9. See I already know you're full of it, 'cause those two movies were very awesome in very bad ways.
  10. Pretty much every game I've mentioned, as well as Daxter and Crisis Core are pretty much winners. You guys remember how crap would get in the N64 analog sticks and they wouldn't be as smooth? It's happenin' to my PSP. Any fixes? I was thinking an air can or something.
  11. When it comes to a game like Zelda though, I often wonder if you can translate it to film without really making it piss poor. I mean, I'm willing to give the BoTD here and say that maybe Hollywood really IS trying, but they don't have enough to work with, or what they have just really doesn't well, work that well. How do you take what is essentially a 25 - 30 hour gameplay experience and condense it to fit an hour and a half? What do you cut? How do you cut it? What about pacing? What action scenes should be put in? How the hell do we make a movie filled with dialogue based on a guy who never talks? Why isn't Malon any cuter!? >.<;;
  12. Ok, I have a few ways to make this the summer blockbuster of 1988. First, Mark Singer as Link, with Gary Bussey playing whoever the hell that guy was. Raul Julia as Gannondorf and a very inebriated Danny DeVito playing Zelda. And second, Danny Elfman does the soundtrack.
  13. QFFE Seriously, I played through Legends(as MM64), and got to play around with Legends 2. Those games were BOSS. They seriously need to get their shit together and keep the legends series going.
  14. That is indeed a pity, as Crisis Core is definitely a game that should not be missed. I'm STILL choked up after that ending(Zack was my favorite FFVII character after all). On that note, I've noticed that there is a sick amount of games I wanna play for this system. MegaMan Powered Up Maverick Hunter X Dracula X Chronicles Disgaea Patapon Wild Arms XF Legend of Heroes III Jeanne d'Arc FFT: The Lion War Lumines II(never got to play the first one. was it any good?) Not to mention the upcoming stuff like Dissidia, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, Star Ocean First Departure and Second Evolution. Hurray PSP.
  15. So I'm trying to put some jpegs on my PSP to use as themes, but it's not reading them on the system, so I read that it accepts jpegs that are DCF2.0/exit 2.21 compliant. What? Edit: Nevermind, just changed the folder name and that did it. That was dumb.
  16. Thinking back, yeah, I can see why you thought it resembles Gundam Wing. Of course I haven't seen Gundam Wing since I saw it on Toonami when it first started airing, so I guess Gundam OO avoided giving me that feeling on the offset. I might get shot on sight for this, but I thought Wing was one of the weaker iterations of Gundam... It might have just been because I was younger(read as stupid) and didn't have the stomach for convoluted politics, or maybe the pacing of it was WAY off, but there was just one point in the series where I clearly remember falling asleep. And they're gonna continue Frontier? I remember downloading the first episode only to see no more releases, so I thought they had given up on it, but I guess not.
  17. Damn Code Geass! :/ Now I have to wait 'til October for more of what was quite possibly the best Gundam series I've ever seen... Also, the final episode for S1 of Code Geass was oddly dyslexic. I honestly have no idea what to expect.
  18. Everyone remember playing Goldeneye with friends and never once bitching about how annoying split-screen was? Now when I play Halo, all my friends are like "Waahh! The screen is too small!"
  19. Yeah, but that's graphics. Graphics aren't the end all be all of next gen. If they were, you wouldn't have bought a Wii.
  20. Which is another reason gaming is being screwed in my view. Systems are too bloated. I mean, maybe I'm missing something, but most of these "next-gen" games could have been made on last generation's hardware. Why did we bother expanding? I'm pretty sure we're pretty damned close to as far as we're gonna get in terms of 3D graphics(visual people check me on that), so why the push? All it's doing is putting more financial pressure on developers that would otherwise make some seriously great games. The PS3 is a disaster in that regard. Way too much power. Do we need it? Metal Gear was doing just fine on the PS2, so was Final Fantasy. Of course, the guys behind games like this are truly trying to make a next-gen experience(we hope), but in my opinion, for everyone else, just stick with something simpler. Example of this: Devil May Cry 4. Was there any reason that this HAD to be on the next gen hardware? Any reason at all? As far as I can tell, it just looks somewhat prettier, but everything they did for it could have been done on an earlier gen system. So why didn't they just do that?
  21. I'm still amazed that Nintendo has so many throngs of hardcore fans lying around. I mean, you'd think that anyone who was alive for the NES to the mid-N64 days would know that Nintendo has taken a serious dive bomb in terms of quality. Which isn't to say that they're making shit games, but they've been making piss poor decision after piss poor decision ever since the 'Cube. This current state of affairs just further proves that fact. Which isn't to say that every console out there is without flaw, but it just seems that Nintendo is this generation's court jester. It makes me cry. At least the DS is holding up though(where the hell is FFIV U.S., damnit!! >.<).
  22. I actually had to look it up... :\
  23. I usually mute the mic if it gets out of hand, but I haven't had to deal with too much of that shit. I usually party up with my friends anyway, so we all have a blast. And as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. 50 bucks a year for a relatively solid online system that only really depends on what kind of connection you have as opposed to a service that will literally leave you crying. But hey, Horses for courses.
  24. I'll say that there really isn't alot of 3rd party support for the 360 right now, and that's kind of pissing me off. It seems like only the big gunners are taking chances with the system, and even then most of the offerings are pretty standard. While there are a bunch of great games out there for it, I doubt we'll see any great "sucker punches" of games like the plethora of 3rd party stuff that came out for the PS2. Now THAT was amazing. Hell, it's STILL amazing.
  25. Until then, people could just buy a 360.
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