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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. So I might have asked this question WAY back(I don't remember >.>, but I was wondering if any of you fine gents(and ladies) might know of a way to fix scratches on the DS. Note that I don't have any on the screen(I should by a screen protector just in case anyway), but on the actual system itself. If I didn't have the Lite and it weren't so glossy it might not be so bad, but my system isn't purdy now!!! :'( I was thinking that I could probably just use some kind of surface cleaning deal akin to my CD doctor I used to have, but is there anything else that might work?
  2. I cannot stress this fact enough. I fucking love you.
  3. Agreed with Injin. Seriously, everything post Char's Counterattack in the UC century was garbage of the purest form. I tried watching some of Victory Gundam awhile ago, blech. ZZ Gundam? more like Zzz Gundam. F91? That MIGHT have had potential as a series like it was originally intended to be, but no, they condensed it into crap. I'm not saying SEED was the best shit ever, although I did enjoy the hell out of it, and Destiny pissed me off with all that going back to Kira as the main protagonist bull(and yet was still my favorite one somehow...), but Gundam 00 is BOSS. Of this there can be no question. The only thing I can honestly think of that is wrong with it was also wrong with Gundam Wing. Too much room for yaoi. To its credit, Gundam 00 has managed to turn my head and keep my interest held for every single episode. To a degree, SEED had that same ability, although to a lesser extent. The only time a Gundam series has been able to do that was for 08th MS Team, which I still love the hell out of.
  4. Whee! So I got my PSP Daxter pack last night along with Crisis Core. Man, the PSP is NICE. I mean seriously, it's just so cool looking and has a pretty sleek interface. Not to mention all this functionality. WMA player, decent web browsing, hopefully support for Divx coming up alongside videos. I'm happy with this baby. I have the 3.80 version of the firmware right now, so I guess I'll just wait to see what the homebrew crew can come up with. Also, Crisis Core is pretty damned sweet if anyone is interested. I've only been an hour into it, but so far, impression = really good.
  5. Because as another poster pointed out, they keep making the same games. Yeah, I guess because they can't get enough of the next slightly improved iteration of Ocarina of Time, Mario Kart, or Mario 64. "Hey guys! Motion sensing! That's the new big thing!" Great. It's turned out to be gimmicky at best. Yeah, their games might be solid(and I'm guilty of being a Mario Kart fan), and you're right, good games are still good games, but they haven't done much to bring anything totally fresh to the table other than continuously drag(and maim) their game series along. It certainly doesn't help that when cross-platform releases are made, the Wii as of now keeps getting the shaft. To be totally honest, while I DO like my 360, right now I'm just not seeing the plethora of third party stuff that I saw during the PS2 generation. You can keep saying it doesn't make a big deal, but look at it this way. 3rd party developers equals more games, which also equals more good games. It also leads consumers to believe that the system has more support and therefore is a worthwhile buy. There's only one first party compared to dozens upon dozens of third parties. Right now I'm pissed off at Nintendo because I'm a fan of Nintendo. I know what they've done before and it really pisses me off that the best they can do to "step up their game" is what they've done with the Wii and somewhat the DS. This whole Rock Band debacle is only another nail in the proverbial coffin.
  6. That's the whole point. There is virtually no decent third party support for the system. Period. Sure they might all be great games, but they're all first party. Not to mention that the focus as of late has been(and god I hate the fact that I'm saying this) pretty damned kiddy. Nintendo has turned itself into an elite club ala Apple. Now there's a company I know isn't getting a single dime from my pocket. Of course I do agree with the sentiment that Rock Band is the kind of game that you really do enjoy it more when playing it in the same room with friends. Playing it by yourself online with other people is well... Like playing it with yourself. It IS ass that there's no DLC for it whatsoever on the Wii version, but blame that on Nintendo's failure that is their Nintendo Network.
  7. You want that achievement too, huh?
  8. These two posts win at this thread and sum up my feelings on the console as well. Terribly played Nintendo and EA. Terribly played.
  9. Yeah I think I'll just take 5 on trying to hack it. I'll just wait 'til something comes along.
  10. So Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword tomorrow. Who's excited?
  11. Finally beat Project Sylpheed. So Gundam SEED of an ending that I pretty much called it all. Really great game though. Honestly I don't wanna put it down even after beating it on hard. For some reason, the way they worked in the achievements to be actual game medals has me addicted to acquire them all. So far I have 16! So glad I spent the money on this game. So very glad.
  12. Are you using a fatty and is it compatible with new games?
  13. Apparently the 3.60 firmware was cracked, and I think that's the latest(well until I'd update to 3.66... which I won't) that the PSP Slims in the store have. I'll have to do more searching around though. And I guess not on Ace Combat, although I liked the idea of being able to fine tune my planes. Ah well. Edit: Right now I can't find any conclusive evidence that it'll be easy to crack the latest firmware, so I'll just buy the system anyway, be patient, and hope that eventually it comes.
  14. So I'm gonna man up and by a PSP either today or tomorrow. Mostly because I want Crisis Core, but the idea of firmware cracking and being able to use emulators for others system greatly appeals to my senses. Right now I'm looking at Crisis Core, Disgaea(never got to play the PS2 version), Ace Combat, Daxter(gonna come with the bundle), Star Ocean 1 and 2(they'd better come stateside), that new Kingdom Hearts game, maybe Tekken, Dissidia, Patapon(it has addicted me), and probably FFT. What are the chances of me being able to crack this bitch? I'm assuming that this set is coming with the latest firmware, so I dunno.
  15. I love it when there's something OTHER than a lame techno or electronica loop in these things. Just one question: Why did it take so long for this to be made?
  16. So I normally don't post in this thread, but holy god has anyone been watching Gundam 00? Like seriously wow. I need to talk about this. Just one more episode 'til October.
  17. Thinking back to it, the sequel might not actually be that bad. And yeah, Palom and Porom were healed by the head mage of Mysidia just in time to send off blessings to Cecil's gang with the rest of those on the planet. Regardless of what you plebians think, FFX-2 was a decent game, and the countless spinoffs for FFVII have done all remarkably well. I think SE can achieve gold if they pursue it. Now they'd better bring FFIV DS over here or I will have to take back that praise.
  18. All I'm saying is that they'd better bring the games over stateside, or there'll be heck to pay. Heck I tell ya!!
  19. They'd damn well better...
  20. Final Fantasy IV DS. Do it. Do it now.
  21. You mean like Airport '79: The Musical?
  22. ...But it is... And so is Pokemon, and Mario Galaxy... And most other games on the latest Nintendo systems are as well, save for a few exceptions. Whether you like it or not doesn't change the fact that there are millions of people who share the exact same ideas who aren't blubbering idiots like you claim.
  23. Going for LCD, preferably something in the 32/37 range. That'll put me in the 720p range, which is fine, since I do have my finances to consider.
  24. ...I've always thought Smash was button mashing after the first one... It sure as hell doesn't feel as refined as a fighter like DOA or Soul Calibur.
  25. So I just saw a few more vids for NG2, and wow, I'm uber excited to play this game. Like seriously. Also, I'm starting to save up money for an HD set(I have about 250 thus far), and I was wondering if anyone knew the differences between brands, and what TVs can do 1080p over component. I'm fine with 720p, but 1080p is definitely the thing right now, and this TV might as well be an investment.
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