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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys
Transformers: It's your big day, Bumble Bee! Transformers: Electric Rhapsody Transformers: When you wish upon an Autobot
Transformers: The Untold Drama of Soundwave.
Lost Odyssey Soundtrack, anyone?
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Thornquist's topic in General Discussion
"Truth" from Final Fantasy VIII. You can hear it in that piece that plays in the spoiler: ruins of Gohtza /spoiler. -
Grr... Beat me to it.
Agreed. The demo was piss poor in the sense that you really had no idea what the hell was really going on, and that's the problem with complex games like that having demos that throw you into the middle of stuff without really easing you into it first. I mean, imagine if they made a demo for Lost Odyssey. As awesome as a game as it is, I probably would have been turned off by playing a demo that puts me midway through the game. I can understand how a game like Dynasty Warriors or something could have a demo, but not a game like Sylpheed.
Ok so I've been playing more of project Sylpheed. This game is BOSS. Seriously, if only just for the level of control you have over your Delta Saber, which beats the hell of Ace Combat 6(another awesome game). Just keep in mind that your first objective should be to hit the tutorial. It might seem boring at first, but once you see the amount of shit you can actually do, you start loving it. The missions are pretty damned challenging, and there are multiple side objectives that you can accomplish in addition to whatever main objectives that will increase your overall mission score, which in turn is converted into points with which you can research different types of weapons and such for your fighter, and trust me, you want these upgrades. There's just something awesome about having a missile launcher that can fire off somewhere around 20 missiles at a squadron of enemy fighters that are headed right for you. Graphically, it's not anything particularly amazing to write home about, but the game DOES have some pretty visuals and with all the shit going on at once, you really feel like you're in the middle of an awesome battle. I mean you're flying around and between multiple boss looking carriers and other cap. ships, not to mention the sheer amount of enemy fighters. One of the cool things that turn a lot of people off where the streaks of colors that trail after fighters making it look like "confetti". I actually think it's cool, since it reminds me of another favorite game of mine, Homeworld. I believe that I DID notice some slowdown on occasion, but nothing that would impede my game. When it comes to games like this, a good narrative isn't always on the top of my list of priorities, but it just so happens that the story of the game(thus far) has actually helped me to enjoy the game even more. There are some pretty cool cut scenes thrown in that give some decent plot, and overall it's just something great. I got the game for $30 bucks. For that price, it was definitely worth it to me, and they even added 5 or so(I think) levels via Xbox live in the latest update for the game. If you're into flight games and have some extra cash burning in your wallet looking for a new game, grab this one.
Yes, Lost Odyssey is beyond boss, and hopefully I'll be done with it by the end of the day after I get home from work so I can proceed to my next acquisition, Project Sylpheed. Played the first mission and I thought it was faptastic, although I guess I'm too used to the controls for Ace Combat 6. But hey, any game that lets me shoot off an insane amount of missiles ala Macross is a sweet ride to me. It also reminds me of Gundam SEED, which I also loved. But alas, playing games while I'm drowsy around midnight isn't the best time to truly enjoy them, therefore I shall be back with better impressions. Rest assured however, the current verdict is that the game is excellent.
Lost Odyssey Soundtrack, anyone?
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Thornquist's topic in General Discussion
Epsilon Range is pretty cool. I'm a fan of most of the piano pieces and the main theme. I LOVE the main theme. There's one boss battle theme that plays only once(so far) when you fight those magical worms over at the Grand Staff. Yeah that one's pretty tight. -
Tsugunai. What the flying fuck was I thinking? I think i made it past the first hour and got insanely bored with it. Only decent thing about it was Yasunori Mitsuda. Most of my DS games. Seriously, disappointment abounds. Yeah sure they were all cool when I got them, but I haven't so much as even looked at the system in nearly a year. That might change if SE gets some fucking sense and brings FFIV DS stateside!
Lost Odyssey Soundtrack, anyone?
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Thornquist's topic in General Discussion
In my mind there is only one really cringe-worthy piece in the whole soundtrack. I won't spoil it, but those who have gotten that far know exactly what I'm talking about. -
Oh you totally know the game is worth it, and you're just saying no 'cause some dumb feminist bimbo is looking over your shoulder or something. Crap. Now I want Project Sylpheed. Phthisis you're an ass. I hope you know this. >.>; Edit: Now that I think about it, I fucking love space flight games, so it's my patriotic duty to myself that I acquire this game.
1. Played the demo on Xbox Live, thought it was a little fun, but don't know if I'd spend the green for it. 2. Whatever you've read about Lost Odyssey, and I'm sure I read the same thing before as well, was extremely misleading. This game is BOSS. 3. Haven't played it, although my best friend from back home(a huge FPS gamer mind you) said it pretty much sucks balls, so I trust his judgment. 4. This one is an unknown to me. From what I understand, there have been pretty mixed reviews, although most of them border on the negative end. I haven't played the game, but it hasn't really interested me as much. My games list is as follows: Mass Effect Lost Odyssey Gears of War Halo 3 DOA4 DOAX2 Guitar Hero(any of 'em) Rock Band(better than GH apparently) Call of Duty 4 Beautiful Katamari Ace Combat 6 DDRU2 TES IV: Oblivion GoTY Edition Blue Dragon(maybe) The Orange Box Eternal Sonata Devil May Cry 4 Coming Soon: Halo Wars Gears of War 2 Ninja Gaiden 2 Resident Evil 5 Tales of Vesperia Infinite Undiscovery Last Remnant(not sure about this one) Soul Calibur 4 Street Fighter 4 Then there are all the Live Arcade games like Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo, Metal Slug 3, that new Bionic Commando remake, among others. Trust me, there is much to be excited about.
When we said the game was challenging, we meant it. Also: One of us. One of us. The more people who buy this awesome game(and yes Injin, it does have it's traditional points, but the ring system alone makes it that much more awesome), the more games MistWalker will make, so buy the game, damnit! ><; There IS one grating moment in the 3rd disc that makes me cringe not unlike FFX's "Laughing scene"... I'm sure Phthisis knows what I'm talking about... But as usual, Jansen saves the day with his awesomeness. Edit: What's this talk about the 360 going BluRay? I'm hoping it just means a BluRay drive add-on akin to the HD-DVD drive and not what several people on the interwebs are worrying about.
That's actually what I was thinking. Instead of worrying about aesthetics and such, they're putting a focus on just making things much more erratic by adding more enemies on the screen at once and making things go MUCH faster. If I remember correctly(and I've only gotten past the first 5 or so levels, so I could be wrong), the original Ninja Gaiden didn't have nearly as many ninjas fighting you at once like in that GDC video. Of course I could be wrong about that. Anyway I'm definitely grabbing the game anyway if just because I missed the first game and had to stick with borrowing it. Here's to hoping for a playable demo!
Ninja Gaiden II definitely looks cool, although it just seems like more of the same. This isn't necessarily a bad thing and I'm probably gonna pick it up anyway since I'm a Team Ninja fan, but it just seems like they haven't really done anything "next gen" with the game apart from maybe subtle graphical enhancements. All the additional things like new weapons and levels could have been in another Xbox iteration of the series, so why the wait for the Xbox 360? I mean don't get me wrong, the original Ninja Gaiden was beyond boss, but let me offer DOAXBV, DOA4, and DOAX2. SIGNIFICANT gains in terms of graphics and tweaks. I mean even if you were to do a side-by-side comparison of DOA4 and DOAX2, both being on the 360 with a year's(I think) difference in release time and you go to yourself "holy crap! This really does look great." I don't get that same feeling from NG2. But hey, it's another great Ninja Gaiden game, and now the team will probably start(or continue) work on Code Cronus.
So I love the hell out of Lost Odyssey, and I was wondering if Blue Dragon was worth checking out. I played some of the demo and I thought it was somewhat cool. Any opinions? Edit: Although I've been from Tosca all the way to Ghotza and I've only seen about maybe 4 novellas total... I can help but think I'm missing a few. Also I can't believe I haven't seen the Ninja Gaiden 2 video yet. Hopefully now that it's about to be released, Team Ninja is gonna work on DOA: Code Chronus.
IGN Declares Blu-Ray Winner of The Format War
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to Atomicfog's topic in General Discussion
Well the way I've understood it, 720p is great for anything 32' or less, whereas 1080p is best for anything about 37'. Of course, I'm not an authority on this. To quote myself from another thread: Good thing I didn't buy the HD-DVD drive for the 360. -
End of the Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD Format War?
Malaki-LEGEND.sys replied to kamoh's topic in General Discussion
I've just got one thing to say: Good thing I never bought the HD-DVD drive for the 360, and that I'm planning on buying a PS3 one day. -
Yeah so far it's been pretty mellow. Even the novellas that I've read so far haven't been so bad. I'll even dare to say that one was nice and happy. This could all go downhill I'm sure. I've even been surprised by a few of the gameplay mechanics added into the mix as well. I don't wanna mention 'em, but they're cool nonetheless. Hurray for Jansen though!
I'm 10 hours into the game so far... I don't know how much more I can take. :'(
Been out since the 12th. Go purchase now.
So I picked up the game last night and I pretty much agree with Phthisis on all regards. Go pick this game up, guys. I'm only 4 hours into the game and have already had several near tear-inducing moments due to the novellas you're presented with as part of the "Thousand Years of Dreams" aspect of the game, and seriously, Jansen is quite possibly the best thing ever. The graphics? Infuckingcredible, although yes, there are framerate issues as well as a small bit of loading. The presentation and concept of the game from what I've seen so far is stellar. Oh and guess what? It's actually challenging. There's actually a level cap that you can hit in each area, so you can't overpower yourself and just plow through bosses, no, these things require thought and planning. The ring system, skills, and formations are also pretty engaging. The only reason I'm not still playing is 'cause I had to go to work. Meh.
Anyone play Lost Odyssey yet? I need thoughts.
So I got DDR Universe 2 for Christmas. How the hell do I unlock songs? I love the game a bunch, but I can't figure this one out.